UQ Wire: 911 Hijackers Who Lived At A US Navy Base
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Come Fly With Me?
A Saudi Flying Instructor Who Died Mysteriously On May 8 Had The Same Name as Two 9/11 Hijackers Who Lived At The Same U.S. Naval Air Base
by Tom Flocco *
AmericanFreePress.net * And Scoop.co.nz
14 August

911 Hijacker - Saeed Alghamdi
Amid reports in the days after the September 11 attacks that two of the hijackers, Saeed Alghamdi and Ahmed Alghamdi received flight training at Florida’s Pensacola Naval Air Station, a new dot has been connected which may shed more light on past revelations that 9/11 terrorists learned to fly at secure United States military bases.
Royal Saudi Air Force Major Ambarak S. Alghamdi had continued to remain in his position as a Pensacola Naval Air Station flight instructor after the 9/11 attacks, notwithstanding his Saudi Government ties - and that most of the terrorists were Saudis.

911 Hijacker - Ahmed Alghamdi
No reports are forthcoming, however, about whether Government investigators or victim family attorneys have yet sought information and biographical reports or files from the State Department or Saudi Arabian government as to whether the Saudi flight instructor was related to three FBI-named United and American Airlines hijackers who had the same Alghamdi surname.
An FBI press release (9-27-2001) listed the third Alghamdi - Hamza - as yet another hijacker who was on the same United Airlines 175 jet as Ahmed Alghamdi, both of whom crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center with doomed Americans.
Strangely, however, Saudi Major Ambarak Alghamdi is now dead - victim of a mysterious, unexplained, and largely uncommented-upon plane crash on May 8 in clear weather. Two other victims of the accident were from the Raytheon Corporation, which now owns technology via its E-Systems division that is capable of, “disrupting or taking down airplanes....with advanced guiding systems,” according to patented technology invented by Texas physicist Bernard J. Eastlund.
The specialized Raytheon technology is so secret, that according to reports, even the House and Senate are not being told how appropriations in the billions are being spent on its so-called ‘black’ projects - primarily developed for its main employer, the CIA.
According to a Pensacola News-Journal report, Florida Senator Bob Graham, Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee investigating the September 11 attacks, was briefed on September 16 regarding the latest intelligence information, but there was no mention of suspected hijackers having been enrolled as pilot trainees in Pensacola, said his spokesman, Paul Anderson. (9-17-2001) Graham has remained silent on the subject.
Graham has already been linked to a controversial
September 11
breakfast meeting with Pakistan’s Inter-Services Security
Agency (ISI) Chief who ordered $100,000 wired from Pakistan
to terrorist leader Mohammed Atta in the days immediately
prior to the attacks
According to Pentagon and local military officials, “[foreign] students are instructed in everything from warfare specialty training to air navigation meteorology and land/water survival," while refusing comment on the media reports of September 16.
Pentagon officials referred calls on the subject to the FBI, which also refused comment, said the News-Journal.
This, at a time when Congress is soon to vote on the fall Appropriations bills which will essentially reward widely acknowledged national security failures at the Department of Defense (DOD), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) with billions of dollars in taxpayer resources -- without one public 9/11 hearing seeking either truth or accountability.

Photo By Kim D. Johnson, AP
911 widow Ellen Mariani, left, and friend four days after her husband's death in the World Trade Center disaster.
Last December, Ellen Mariani, whose
husband Neil died on the same United 175 flight as two
Alghamdi terrorists, brought the first 9/11 lawsuit against
United and two airport security companies: (For more
information see…
“9/11 Judge Orders Consolidation But Ignores DOJ Evidence
The Alghamdi revelations could fuel speculation that Mariani’s attorneys, Mary Schiavo and John Greaves, will seek to subpoena INS records detailing the Alghamdi hijackers’ entrance into the United States, visa status, INS interview reports, and DOD and Naval flight instruction logs, files, and pilot interviews - and possibly Saudi Government records on the terrorists who hijacked two United jets.
Such information would reveal and verify how or whether Saudi flight instructor Ambarak Alghamdi was instrumental in facilitating either the Alghamdi terrorists’ military flight training, or their ability to surreptitiously use the naval air base as a domicile of record in order to move freely throughout the U.S. prior to hijacking United Airlines 175 and 93.
INS and DOD documents of this nature would not seem on the surface to pose national security problems, thus victim family acquisition of the files would likely not be blocked, ultimately, by the courts.

United States Navy Base - Pensacola, Florida
Domicile Of Two 911 Hijackers & Three Pilots Named Alghamdi
Military records show that hijackers Saeed and Ahmed Alghamdi listed their address on driver licenses and car registrations as 10 Radford Blvd., a base roadway where residences for foreign-military flight trainees are located, according to Newsweek (9-15-2001). Saeed Alghamdi listed the Radford address to register a 1998 Oldsmobile, and then used it again to register a late model Buick. Driver licenses thought to have been issued to [Ahmed Alghamdi] in 1996 and 1998 also list the Radford residence, added Newsweek.
Newsweek then visited the Pensacola base, “where military police confirmed the address housed foreign military flight trainees, but denied access past front barricades. Officials at the base confirmed that the FBI is investigating the three students.”
On September 17, Florida Senator Bill Nelson, “asked the Pentagon to confirm or refute reports that two of the terrorists were listed at a housing facility for foreign military officers at a Pensacola Florida Air Base,” according to the Washington Post (9-22-2001).
The direct links connecting the two hijackers to United Airlines could lead victim family lawyers to seek additional documents and files detailing Pentagon and INS procedures, interviews and reports about the two Alghamdis - one on United 175 and one on United 93 - given that the documents would also not likely present national security violations.
On September 21, the Washington Post added that Senator Nelson, “was informed that the FBI could neither say ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ ” because the bureau was still, “investigating any connection to the military facility,” according to Nelson’s press spokesman, Dan McLaughlin.
However, investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker also called Nelson’s office, adding that the Florida Senator had still not received a reply as of October 30, 2001: “In the wake of those reports we asked about the Pensacola Naval Air Station but we never got a definitive answer from the [Ashcroft] Justice Department,” said a spokesman for Senator Nelson. (Online Journal, 10-30-2001)
Hopsicker, leading the way regarding 9/11-linked reporting from Florida, added that Nelson‘s spokeman said, “So we asked the FBI for an answer ‘if and when’ they could provide us one. Their response to date has been that they are trying to sort through something complicated and difficult.”
A Scoop call yesterday to Senator Nelson’s office seeking an update on the matter revealed that Nelson finally received a DOJ letter from Attorney General John Ashcroft, who asserted that Pensacola Naval Air Station did not train hijackers, according to Nelson’s press spokesperson Gretchen Hitchner.
However, Ashcroft offered no explanation as to how Saudi terrorists could have gained access to and been able to live at the Pensacola, Florida military base as their driver licenses and car registrations indicated, according to news reports - flight training or not.
And Ashcroft’s letter to Nelson never mentioned that the two terrorists had Pensacola Air Station addresses - let alone that a now-mysteriously deceased, Pensacola naval flight instructor from the Royal Saudi Air Force had the same name and also lived and worked at the U.S. naval air base.

The T-39 Sabreliner – Two Mysteriously Crashed In May
A review of at least eight news reports revealed that Major Ambarak S. Alghamdi, 32, from Albaha, Saudi Arabia, died mysteriously on a “routine training mission.” According to the Pensacola News-Journal (5-10-2002), Coast Guard Petty Officer Chad Saylor described the search conditions as, “optimal,” with the air and water temperatures at 80 degrees with 3-foot seas and excellent visibility.
The two planes involved
were T-39 Sabreliners, based out of Pensacola Naval Air
Station (NAS), which suddenly disappeared from radar, 40
miles at sea south of Pensacola Beach.
Moreover, CNN
correspondent Barbara Starr reported that, “the Navy has not
commented on what details the crew of the third plane
[involved in the mission] might have provided.” (5-9-2002)
And there were no public interviews of the crew from the third plane which searched for signs of life immediately after the crash. But a Navy official, “acknowledged the assumption that the downed planes somehow collided,” according to Starr.
Both planes disappeared at the same time and neither sounded a mayday; moreover, there were no reports available regarding radio contacts among the three planes immediately prior to the two planes going down.
Harry White, spokesman for Pensacola NAS, declined to say whether investigators believe they collided. A week later - with more information - White said he still could not confirm whether the planes collided, according to the Associated Press. (5-16-2002)
More curiously, however, Training Squadron 86 - to which the downed planes were assigned - had just celebrated more that 330,000 accident-free flight hours over 25 years, and has previously been awarded several honors for its safety record, according to the Squadron Web site.
Daniel Else, 50, a retired Navy
lieutenant commander who trained in the T-39 Sabreliner in
1975 said that, “normally though, the planes do not come
into close contact;” adding that, “those exercises are
usually conducted at comfortable cruising speeds at an
altitude between 10-15,000 feet, which could explain the
six-mile separation of the debris fields.”

Two of the seven dead Pensacola crew members were
civilian instructors who were former Vietnam-era military
pilots working for Raytheon Aerospace Corporation, but
employed as contractors for Pensacola Naval Air Station,
according to the News-Journal. The two deceased former
military pilots employed by Raytheon were Marshall “Fritz”
Herr and Homer “Gray” Hutchinson III.
According to its web-site, Raytheon supplies Air Traffic Control systems to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) but also to foreign governments, and is active in the fields of global positioning systems, infrared/electro-optics, and Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits.
It is also a provider of tactical communications and military radios, specialized aircraft modification services, and airborne countermeasures systems - also to a wide variety of customers worldwide. Moreover, Raytheon provides special mission aircraft, target drones, and aircraft training systems to the military services, among multiple other military products far too numerous to mention.
However, its most controversial
product is the High-frequency Active Auroral Research
Program (HAARP). The technology, a key component of
Raytheon’s E-Systems division,
is described in its
original patent (number 4,686,605) originally owned by ARCO
Power Technologies but sold to E-Systems - now owned by
Briefly, HAARP - and its related but far more
refined technology applications - use powerful microwave
pulses that, according to the patent, can disrupt or take
down airplanes and missiles with advanced guiding systems,
according to a lengthy article entitled “The End of
Freedom”, by Dennis Rodie, originally published in
Belgium by the periodical, Kleintje Muurkrant, in December,
(http://dennisrodie.5u.com/page10.html )
Rodie says the Defense Department is using HAARP technology to perform atmospheric measurements and to replace submarine communication systems; however, he adds that HAARP can also cause interference with or total disruption of communications over a large portion of the earth with electromagnetic beams of different frequencies, according to the patent. Moreover, it can be used for alteration of weather, causing drought and floods.
Rodie also describes the work of Dr. R.O. Becker, twice nominated for the Nobel Prize for bio-electromagnetism. In his book, The Body Electric, Becker details the experiments of Dr. Alan Frey who was able to use microwaves to slow down, speed up or even stop the heartbeat, while also creating leaks in the blood brain barrier - research financed by the United States Navy. But Rodie then reveals that the technology makes it technically possible to cause a heart attack by using a beam which can penetrate the human sternum.
Given the fact that terrorists can gain entry to secure military installations, a Saudi Air Force instructor with the same name as three FBI-identified hijackers can unexplainably turn up dead during a routine training mission in perfect weather, and secret CIA-financed Raytheon technology has the capability of taking down airplanes, the question is begged as to who is left to seek truth and real accountability.
The reporting of Dan Hopsicker (Madcowprod.com, 12-26-2001), delves deeply into what a Tampa Tribune headline called, “The Phantom Flight from Florida,” wherein a Saudi prince - the son of the nation’s defense minister - as well as the son of a Saudi army commander took off in a twin-engine Lear jet just two days after the September 11 attacks, when every other plane in the United States was grounded. Moreover, Hopsicker made a special point that the Federal Government said the flight never happened despite the Tribune’s glaring headline. Meanwhile no one has even asked why the princes were in Tampa on 9/11!
The two Saudi princes flew to Lexington, Kentucky where other Saudi princes were purchasing racehorses; and from there, they flew a private 747 jet out of the country. But two armed bodyguards hired by the Saudis to get the princes out of Florida told Hopsicker that the Saudi plane took off from a private hanger at Raytheon Airport Services in Tampa.
Hopsicker’s report ultimately traced the ownership of the Lear Jet to Wally Hilliard, who is a partner of Rudi Dekkers, owner of the Venice, Florida flight school where most of the Saudi terrorists developed their airplane hijacking skills. Hopsicker added that the local police had collected all the files detailing Dekkers’ relationships and business with the hijackers - including the Alghamdi terrorists.
But according to one local law enforcement official, “The FBI took all our files, everything.” Then he added that, “they loaded two Ryder trucks right outside that (police station) window, then drove them right onto a C130 military cargo plane at Sarasota airport which flew out with [Governor] Jeb Bush aboard.” Is Hopsicker striking a presidential nerve?
All Americans - but more specifically the September 11 victim families - may well come to agree with a young mother named Kristen Breitweiser, who sat with her three year-old daughter and their dog, watching Ellen Mariani’s husband Neil’s hijacked United 175 jet crash into the South Tower of the World Trade Center - effectively destroying her future family life with her husband Ronald, while he sat at his desk.
Breitweiser entranced MSNBC’s Phil Donohue last night, remarking that Congress is so conflicted that it cannot possibly investigate itself - even as she asked why, “President Bush just sat there for 25 minutes while the country was under attack,” adding that it was “disgusting.” Mrs. Breitweiser stared at the camera, quietly speaking in a composed and serene rage.
The November election could well reveal whether or not Americans share Kristen’s quiet rage that congressional national security oversight is disgusting enough to make wholesale changes.
Supplementary research was contributed by Michael Thomas.
Copyright (c) 2002 by Thomas Flocco. Used with permission.
* -
Tom Flocco is an independent American
journalist who has written for
Scoop.co.nz, AmericanFreePress.net. WorldNetDaily.com,
FromTheWilderness.com, NewsMax.com, NarcoNews.com, and
JudicialWatch.org. Contact:
* - http://www.americanfreepress.net The Uncensored National Weekly Newspaper Published On Capitol Hill. 1433 Pennsylvania Avenue SE. Washington D.C.20003. Order Line: 1-888-699-6397 for print subscriptions and more investigative stories.