Scoop's Election 05: Education Debate
Labour's Student Loan Calculator
National's Student Loan Calculator
Key: Treasury Papers Back Nats on Loan Costings - National Party Finance spokesman John Key says the Treasury costings released on Labour's last-minute student loans promise confirm National's worst fears. Features of the paper
* Annual operating cost rises to $390m by third year, and to $500m after six years, and by 2019 will be $924m. * Impact on gross debt is a rise of $2.4 billion by third year, rising to $5.1 billion after six years, and rising to over $10 billion after only 11 years. * Overall student debt INCREASES under Labour's policy. See
National - Treasury confirms National's fear on loans
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Treasury's Student Loan Policy Calculations (pdf).
Labour - Student loans policy easily affordable
National - Loans deception calculated and deliberate
ACT - Labour finished over loans deceit
Greens - Students aren't like you, Mr Key
NZUSA - Student Debt hits $8 billion
Te Mana Akonga - Maori student debt skyrockets past $1.5 billion
Education Forum - Student loans: the sky's not falling
Labour - The real cost of Nationals borrowing programme
'Plain English Reporting'
National Party Leader Don Brash today announced that National will introduce 'Plain English Reporting' in schools so that parents know how well their children are doing in the classroom and can get help if necessary.
National wants Plain English reporting in schools and
SCOOP AUDIO: Nats Announce Plain English Education Reporting
Labour - National adopts Business Roundtable education plan
NZ Principals' Federation - Plain English reporting will fail our children
Federation Of Ethnic Councils - Federation welcomes clearer reports
Labour - Where will Nats slash education funding?
National - $100 Million Tax Cut for Teachers
PPTA - Bulk funding pledges dont stack up
NZ University Student's Association - Nationwide poll confirms loan interest too high
Labour - Free early childhood education to be extended: Prime Minister Helen Clark and Education Minister Trevor Mallard today announced more help for families and children, with a new policy that will extend 20 hours free early childhood education to all licensed teacher-led services from 2007.
Labour - Early Childhood Policy, Q & A, Factsheet
United Future - Labour adopts UF early childhood ed policy
NZEI Supports More Children's Access To Free ECE
Early Childhood Council - 20 hours free policy praised by former critics
Education Forum - Revised 20 free hours policy better, still flawed
Early Childhood Council - Labour's extension of 20 hours free policy praised
QPEC - Labour Featherbedding Private Education Staggering
Alliance - Labour backs Kentucky Free Childcare
Independent Schools of NZ - Labour linking funding with quality and equity
ACT- ACTs tax cuts better for students
Hide Speech - : Tax Cuts Best for Students Best For Everyone!
NZUSA - ACTs student loan policy a joke
Quality Public Education Coalition Survey Results We have begun to receive responses from political parties to a QPEC questionnaire covering the critical issues for public education in this years election. The party responses we have received so far contain many interesting features.
Politicians Respond to Critical Education Issues
National's schools policy National Party Education spokesman Bill English says National wants a simplified, plain English curriculum for schools.
National launches schools policy
Bill English: Speech to Auckland Primary Principals Association
National - Labour bureaucrats force principals out of jobs
Review of NCEA implimentation Released - The Deputy State Services Commissioner, today released the second part of the independent review by Doug Martin and his Review Team on the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA).
Comment on release of second NZQA review
Govt - Independent report welcomed
NZQA - NZQA commits to culture change
National - Labour has no credibility in education
National - Clark must come clean on Mallards future
NZ First - NCEA Report Predictable
ACT - Tinkering will not fix NCEA mess
PPTA - Its the putting right that counts
Economists getting it wrong on student loans for years A report released today by Treasury forecasting the take-up of student loans following the introduction of the no-interest-while-studying policy shows just how inaccurate forecasting of behaviour can be, Education Minister Trevor Mallard said.
NZUSA: Ill-informed hysteria over student loan borrowing
National: Loans scheme favours the few
Westpac To Mallard: Commentary Independent Of Other Bank Interests - We were disappointed to read Hon Trevor Mallards comments today regarding our Chief Economists analysis of the Labour Partys proposed policy regarding student loans. Westpac Economics provides economic analysis and commentary for a target audience of Westpac customers who are active in the financial markets. Issues that are covered are those that our economists consider are likely to have an economic or financial impact, including proposed fiscal policy. See...
Westpac Responds To Education Minister's Comments
Trevor Mallard - Westpac's dodgy analysis driven by selfishness
Nats - No cash windfall in student loan policy
Govt. - IRD stats underscore value of no interest on loans
Students Uncharacteristically Happy At Election Year Debt Pledge Prime Minister Helen Clark and Education Minister Trevor Mallard today announced the second of Labours key election pledges: no further interest will be charged for those with student loans who reside in New Zealand. Helen Clark said that this was a further important step in Labours policy to make tertiary education more affordable. See...
Loan interest scrapped for students who stay in NZ
Tertiary Sector Reaction:
NZUSA - Labour finally strikes a blow at the student debt
OUSA - Labour's Student Policy Cause for Celebration
AUS - Students will see real gains with Labour policy
MUSA - Labour Student Policy a Small but Significant Step
Political Reaction:
New Zealand Labour Party - Student Support Policy
Progressive Party - Interest waiver great - debt relief next step
Green Party - A Labour-Green Govt key to tackling student debt
National - Labour desperate and irresponsible with loans
ACT - Labour's Tertiary bribe unprecedented foolishness