Scoop's Budget 2004 Coverage
Budget 2004- Full Coverage

Finance Minister Michael Cullen Addresses The Media - Images
Budget 2004: The Budget Speech - Dr Michael Cullen
RELATED LINKS:For the full text (when released) of the budget see...
For previous budgets see...
BUDGET 2003 - BUDGET 2002 - BUDGET 2001 & BUDGET 2000
Budget 2004: No Right Turn Asks What's Next? - One of the hallmarks of the Labour government is that they have been mean - or as they like to say, ''prudent'' - with government spending. See... No Right Turn: Budget 2004 - What's Next?
Budget 2004: Agenda IVs Maharey & Key - Q: The Working for Families package has been the budget's headline act, why then with money in the pot must families wait a year or more for the benefits? See... Agenda Interviews: Steve Maharey And John Key
Budget 2004: An Eco-Economy Perspective - This report is based on the Fiscal Strategy Report and the Executive summary of the 2004 Budget documents. The budget proves the Labour government is a right wing government whose spending is almost static in real terms. See... Eco-Economy: The Budget Hoax 2004
Budget 2004: The Feedback Continues . - This week the Column looks at the negative effect that Labour's welfare Budget will have on working families. See... The Column: Labours Back To The Future Budget
Budget 2004: Newman Says State Houses Not The Answer - ACT New Zealand Housing Spokesman Dr Muriel Newman today demanded to know whether Housing Minister Steve Maharey intended to simply build State houses for every single person who applied for Housing New Zealand assistance, after media reports revealed that HNZC is to add 2,406 new State houses to its Auckland housing stock. See... More State Houses Not The Answer, Minister
- Govt. - State housing boost for Auckland announced
- Govt. - Maharey Speech: Housing Aucklanders in need
Budget 2004: Judith Tizard Talks Up Budget In The Big Smoke - Auckland Central MP Judith Tizard is urging people to check what they will get from the budget's moves to give big increases in support to working families. See... Auckland families should check what they get
- Michael Cullen - Cullen Speech to Tauranga Business Network Group
Budget 2004: ACT Leader Unsurprised At Absence Of Budget Poll Bounce - ACT Leader Richard Prebble said he was not surprised that the budget had failed to lift Labour's poll rating, and in fact, "I predicted it". See... Poll Shows Voters Not Fooled
- Don Brash - The Brash Report - No. 31, 2 June 2004
- Jim Anderton - Anderton's Enews Covering 16 to 31 May 2004
- Winston Peters -Working For The Real Economy
- Rodney Hide - Budget Turns $20 Hard Labour Into 16 Cents
- Michael Cullen - Michael Cullen Speech to CEO Club Function
Budget 2004: Steve Maharey Talks Families & Budgets - Both financial and practical support for families to bring up their children was provided in last Thursdays Budget, Social Development and Employment Minister Steve Maharey said today. See... Budget delivers for families and Why families are better off with a Labour-led Govt
Budget 2004: Extra Money For Treaty Negotiations - A further $1.2 million a year will be put into Treaty settlement negotiations. See... Increased funding for Treaty negotiations
Budget 2004: Money For Farm-Park Conversions - A $79m package to fund the evolution of a new network of conservation parks and reserves from Crown pastoral leases in the South Island High Country has been announced by Conservation Minister Chris Carter. See... Capacity package for High Country tenure review
- Govt - Strategic purchase for conservation park
- DOC - Public access benefits for the high country
- Forest & Bird - Farmers commended for Clent Hills protection
Budget 2004: Government Passes Its Working For Familes Package - The Working for Families package takes aim at child poverty and will reduce it dramatically, says Social Development and Employment Minister Steve Maharey. See... Poverty dramatically reduced
- National - Urgency: desperate Government fakes it
Fishhook For Beneficiaries Found In Family Bill - Green MP Sue Bradford says a major benefit cut has been hidden inside the Government's Future Directions (Working for Families) Bill. See... Something Rotten In 'Family-Friendly' Bill - Nandor Tanczos - Green delight as What's Up? is saved - Keith Locke - A safer world means more aid, not more spooks
Budget 2004: Post Budget Announcements
- John Tamihere - Budget 2004: delivering for Maori
- Ruth Dyson - Kids Help Foundation Trust
- Trevor Mallard - Govt backs healthy active NZ with extra funding
Budget 2004: Ministers Post Budget Speeches
- Steve Maharey - Working for Families: reducing child poverty
- Hon Michael Cullen - Cullen NZIM Breakfast Briefing
Budget 2004: Counter Reaction - Education Minister Trevor Mallard said he was amazed at National's promise to scrap the free early childhood education announced in the budget, and to get rid of the extra funding that will go to both community-based and privately-run early childhood ... See... English would halt free early childhood education
- Govt. - Rt Hon Helen Clark Budget Speech
- National - Leader of the Opposition Post-Budget speech
- NZ First - Rt Hon Winston Peters - Budget speech
- Greens - The Day After Tomorrow - Rod Donald Speech
- Progressives - Budget 2004 Debate: Speech by Jim Anderton
- ACT - ACT's Richard Prebble - Budget 2004 Speech
Parliamentary Reaction:
- Don Brash - Budget 04: Don Brash labels Budget 'cynical'
- John Key - Disappointing Budget for 4 out of 5 households
- Katherine Rich - Labour makes more kiwi families rely on hand outs
- Katherine Rich - Government gets it wrong - Katherine Rich
- Bill English - Budget: 25,000 young children excluded
- David Carter - Desperate Sutton stoops to lying on biosecurity
NZ First
- Brent Catchpole - Exporters Bear Brunt Of New Tax Initatives
- Winston Peters - Budget Fails NZ's Future
- Rodney Hide - ACT's Hide Says Tax Rate Should be 20c/$1
- Other MPs - ACT Responds To The Budget
- Heather Roy - Budget Shows Minister Has Learned Nothing
- Muriel Newman - Long Wait For Nothing
- Rod Donald - Budget offers help for today, but not for future
- Mike Ward - Imagine how artistic the Budget could be
- Nandor Tanczos - Green delight as What's Up? is saved
- Keith Locke - A safer world means more aid, not more spooks
United Future
- Peter Dunne - United Future: Hard work beats hot air
- Peter Dunne - Dunne & the Budgets family assistance moves
- Marc Alexander - Victims support money must be well-directed
- Bernie Ogilvy - Ogilvy: student debt relief a welcome first step
- Murray Smith - Smith delighted at restorative justice funding
- Judy Turner - Turner welcomes mental health funding
Non Parliamentary Political Reaction:
- Automobile Assoc. - An Opportunity To Address Looming Roading Crisis
- Automobile Assoc. - Roads not even worth a mention in budget spend-up
- Parent's Centre -Budget response: The good, the bad, and the stupid
- Young Labour - Budget Gains for Young People Welcomed
- Forest & Bird - Welcome Budget projects but Vote Conservation cut
- The Alliance - Cullen's Black Budget
- The Alliance - Alliance Response To Budget
- Salvation Army - A Budget that Tackles Poverty
- Grey Power - Grey Power Reacts To Budget
- Caritas - . Budget delivers to children - Caritas Aotearoa
- Maxim - Maxim Institute - real issues - No. 112
- Democrats - Budget not a 21st Century solution
- Children's Commissioner - Commiss. welcomes budget assistance for children
- Christian Heritage - Budget Ignores Mums At Home
Health Sector Reaction:
- Plunket - Plunket Says Family Focus Is A Good Start
- Richmond Fellowship - Youth Services a Priority
- Medical Assoc. - NZMA welcomes funding increases
- Public Health Assoc. - A 1st Step To Eradicate Health Problems Of Poverty
- Health Researchers - Budget Stops Slide Backwards For Health Research
- NZNO - Budget Signals Money For Nurses Pay
- HFANZ - Cash Injections No Panacea for Public Hospitals
- Auckland DHB - Orthopaedic Funding Boost Welcomed
Education Sector Reaction:
- ATSA - Removal of Work History criterion
- ATSA - Student support changes should help students
- OPSA - Small Step in Right Direction
- ITF - Extra funding welcome - 250,000 target needs work
- Early Childhood Council - A Bouquet to Steve Maharey
- Education Forum - Free childcare for some will cost us plenty
- QPEC - Budget 2004 : Disheartening Delay to Modest Help
- Early Childhood Council - The Socialist Road to Free Childcare
- Childcare Association - Budget Delivers Significant Funding Increases
- School Trustees - Little Recognition Of School Boards Needs
- Maori Students - Budget supports Maori tertiary students
- Education Forum - Allowances Expansion A Cost The Country Cant Bear
- AUS - Universities starved in Budget
- Vice-Chancellors - Limited Increase In University Funding
- NZEI - NZEI Applauds Major Education Announcement
- NZUSA - Student campaign wins more allowances
- Kindergartens - Budget 2004: Early Childhood Education Funding
- Student Teachers - Budget gets 40% mark
Union Reaction:
- CTU - Budget Pays Social Cost of Low-Wage 90s Policies
- PSA - Budget positive for working people
- Unite - Hunger Doesn't Wait
- EPMU - Income package is welcome, say workers
Business Sector Reaction:
- Institute of Management - Money To Raise Management Capability Welcomed
- Meat & Wool - Meat & Wool Industry Smiles At Budget
- Fed Farmers - Farmers: Cash Cows For Cullen's Cash Carrots
- ACRI - Science enterprises pleased with Budget
- Auckland Chamber - Is This As Good As It Gets?
- Auckland Chamber - Social Spend-Up Thanks To Business
- Business Roundtable - Government Gives Up On Growth
- EMA (Northern) - A budget of hand outs not hand ups
- Wellington Chamber - See... Budget Addresses New Zealands Present Needs
- Business NZ - 'Spend now pay later' Budget
- Regional TV - Regional television gives budget black mark!
Other Reaction
- Council For International Development - What About The Others?
- NZCSS - Budget Represents A Hand-Up
- Refugee and Migrant Service - Refugee resettlement support strengthened
The Budget Speech - Budget 2004 is the fifth budget I have had the honour of presenting to Parliament for its consideration. This continuity of fiscal management has allowed a consistency of approach which todays budget reinforces. See... Hon Dr Michael Cullen: Budget 2004 Speech
Leaders Statements
- PM Helen Clark - Budget 2004: A responsible budget - PM
- Deputy PM Michael Cullen - Budget 2004: 5th budget best yet - Cullen
- Progressive Leader Jim Anderton - Budget 2004: 5th year of Progressive achievements & $500 million package supports economic growth
Budget 2004: At A Glance
Budget 2004: Overview - Working for families
Budget 2004: Secure and Sustainable NZ - Overview
Budget 2004: Fairness and Opportunity -Overview
Budget 2004: economic growth - Overview
- Michael Cullen - Budget 2004 Strengthens safety net under NZ Super
- Trevor Mallard - BUDGET 2004: Lifting education standards
- Trevor Mallard - BUDGET 2004: Landmark budget for education
- Helen Clark - Budget 2004: Families' package a huge step forward
- Michael Cullen - Budget 2004: Families package good for growth
- Steve Maharey - Budget 2004: A new approach to social assistance
- Steve Maharey - Budget 2004: Supporting families
- Annette King - Budget 2004: Vote Health soon to top $10 billion
- Annette King - Budget 2004: Funding boost for Mental Health
- Ruth Dyson - Budget 2004: Reducing the cost of injuries
- Steve Maharey - Budget 2004: Promoting stable tenancies
Law, Order & Security
- Paul Swain - Budget 2004: Prisons funding and baseline boost
- Phil Goff - Budget 2004: Justice investment exceeds $1 billion
Research, Growth And Innovation Framework
- Paul Swain - Budget 2004: Toward a more productive economy
- Jim Anderton - Budget 2004: Promoting NZ in the world economy
- Pete Hodgson- Budget 2004: Fuelling innovation through research
Art, Culture And Sport
- Steve Maharey - Budget 2004: More radio and television funding
(see also pre budget announcements below)
Trade and Foreign Affairs
- Jim Sutton - Budget 2004: Boost for our biosecurity defences
- Rick Barker - Budget 2004: Customs capability enhanced
- Marion Hobbs - Budget 2004: Aid money for education and security
(see also pre budget announcements below)
Other Stuff - Maori, State Sector, Local Govt
- Marian Hobbs & Judith Tizard - Getting Auckland growth on a sustainable track
- Parekura Horomia - Budget 2004: Maori succeeding as Maori in business
- Parekura Horomia - Budget 2004: Whanau development for Maori success
- Trevor Mallard - Budget 2004 invests in a strong public sector
- Trevor Mallard - See... Budget 2004: Funding for online govt services
- Jim Anderton - Initiatives may be threatened by National
- Libertarianz - No Election Bribes, Dr Cullen - Libz
- Michael Cullen - What Business can expect from the Budget
- Nandor Tanczos - A chance for Jim to show he knows What's Up?
- Greens - Greens want Budget bail-out for struggling nurses
- National - Labour's welfare trap is set to become a prison
- CTU - A Budget for the Battlers
- Business NZ - The Budget - what business is looking for
- Sue Bradford - Green Budget for children, students and the needy
- NZNO - Budget Needs to Recognise Caregivers
- EMA - Budget must be judged by action on tax
- Finance Minister - Hon Dr Cullen Speech to Canterbury Manufacturers
- Rodney Hide - What About Some Tax Back, Dr Cullen?
- Muriel Newman - Muriel's Column: Budget Sweetener For Welfare Trap
- Budget 2004 to build connections to the world
- Anderton Speech: Int Connections & NZ Business

Gummer and Ford's winning design for the National War Memorial, Art Gallery and Museum, 1929.
Click for big version
Budget 2004: NationalWar Memorial Getting A Facelift
Budget 2004: Arts, Culture And War Memorials - Prime Minister and Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Helen Clark today announced plans to establish a National Memorial Park to honour those who have served New Zealand in war. See... National Memorial Park to honour war dead See also Budget 2004: Culture and heritage gets new boost For FULL COVERAGE OF BUDGET 2004 PREVIEWS AND PRE ANNOUNCEMENTS CLICK HERE
Budget 2004: Money For Migrants And Refugees - Budget 2004 allocates more than $62 million over the next four years for practical measures to help migrants, refugees and their families make a greater contribution to the economy and society. See....Budget 2004 Support for migrants and business
Budget 2004: Who Are The Real Wreckers - $500 million of new economic growth initiatives may be threatened by National. Would National's future finance spokesperson, John Key, really obliterate the positive work this coalition government has done to promote economic growth? See....Initiatives may be threatened by National
Budget 2004: Hip & Knee Bonanza - The Labour-Progressive government is aiming to double the number of major hip and knee replacement operations being funded by the public health system within the next four years. See....Hip and knee replacement operations set to double
Budget 2004: Family Safety Teams - A pilot scheme aimed at improving responses to family violence is being funded in Budget 2004, Justice Minister Phil Goff, Police Minister George Hawkins and Child, Youth and Family Services Minister Ruth Dyson announced today. See... Budget 2004: Safety Teams address family violence
- United Future - Turner: Family teams sound suspiciously familiar
Budget 2004: A Trio Of Trade & Industry Support Announcements - Initiatives to build skills and assist in the transformation of the textile, clothing, footwear and carpet industry, will receive $2.3 million in Budget 2004, Minister for Economic Development Jim Anderton announced today. See... Budget 2004: Assistance for textiles industry
- Budget 2004: Managing for success
- Budget 2004: Supporting Sectors To Succeed
Budget 2004: Statistics Funding Boosted - A Budget 2004 investment of nearly $70 million over four years will strengthen New Zealand's official statistics and save money through more accurate targeting of government spending, Minister for Statistics John Tamihere says. See... Statistics investment ensures taxpayer money well
Budget 2004: Hodgson Welcomes Response To Foresty Package - The forest industry's positive response to the package of new forestry sector initiatives announced today is an encouraging start, says the Convenor of the Ministerial Group on Climate Change, Pete Hodgson. See... Positive forest industry response
Budget 2004: Juror's Fees To Be Increased - Jurors' fees are to be increased and they will be able to claim parking and childcare expenses as part of a $9 million package in this year's Budget, Justice Minister Phil Goff announced today. See... Goff announces increase in payments to jurors
Budget 2004: Forest Industry Partnership- The government has agreed to a package of new forestry sector initiatives that recognise forestry's value in addressing climate change. See... Budget 2004: Govt./Forest Industry Partnership
- Farm Forestry Association -Industry Considers Govt Response On Climate Change
- Kyoto Forest Owners - Media Statement - Kyoto Forest Owners Association
Budget 2004: RNZI Gets A New Transmitter - The government is to purchase a new $2.7 million digital transmitter for the highly regarded Radio New Zealand International, which broadcasts on short-wave to listeners across the Pacific. See... New radio transmitter takes NZ to the Pacific and New Zealand's dependable voice in the Pacific
Budget 2004: Money For Youth Offending - The government is to spend $381,000 over the next two years to support the work of Youth Offending Teams (YOTs) in reducing youth crime, Justice Minister Phil Goff announced today. See... Budget 2004 More funding for Youth Offending Teams and speech Never too early, never too late
- ACT - Youth Justice Budget Must Not Be Wasted
Budget 2004: Millions For Meth - The Government has allocated an additional $39 million in this year's Budget to tackle the methamphetamine trade and organised crime over the next four years. See... $39 million in Budget to fight meth, gangs
- National - Government playing 'catch-up' on P
- ACT - 'P' Spend-up: Better Late Than Never
Budget 2004: NZ Beefs Up Terror Capabilities - New Zealand's counter-terrorism capacity will be boosted by the formation of dedicated national security teams, Foreign Minister Phil Goff and Police Minister George Hawkins announced today. See... Budget 2004 Police to form national security teams
Budget 2004: Money For Getting Youth Into Work - A $56.9 million package of new and expanded initiatives in Budget 2004 will cement in the government's commitment to provide all 15 to 19 year olds with a kick start to their working lives. See... Budget 2004: $57 million boost for young people & Budget 2004: $57 million youth employment boost fact sheet
- Progessives - Jobs & training are building blocks for economy
- CTU - Unions Welcome School To Work Funding Boost
- United Future - Adams welcomes Govt support for teenagers
PM Commits $3 million Annually To Pacific Security - The Government will commit ongoing funding of $3 million annually to a special fund for strengthening security in the Pacific, Prime Minister Helen Clark announced last night. See... Ongoing funding for Pacific Security Fund
ALSO: PM Speech: Pacific Roundtable on Counter-Terrorism
Budget 2004: Govt. To Bring Overseas Closer To Home - New Zealand businesses are a long way from their overseas markets, but the Government is to assist them to overcome the tyranny of distance, Trade Negotiations Minister Jim Sutton said today. See... Strengthening our presence in global markets
- Building up our market development capability
- Funding boost for negotiating trade agreements
Budget 2004: Enhanced Investment In New Zealand's Future - Budget 2004 includes a significant financial boost of $26.5 million over the next four years to Investment New Zealand, Industry & Regional Development Minister Jim Anderton said today. See... Budget 2004: Big budget boost for Investment NZ and Budget 2004: Attracting quality investment to NZ
- Media Note - Budget 2004: Enhancing investment promotion
- Media Note - Expanding & Enhancing Strategic Investment Fund