Scoop's Election 2002 Coverage

For election 2002 headlines from the political parties see... CAMPAIGN 2002 FEATURE PAGE
Here begineth a new government

FOG Lifts: A Man On Her Left, A Man On Her Right - Prime Minister Helen Clark announced the formation of a minority coalition government between Labour and the Progressive Coalition, with support from United Future on confidence and supply, in the Legislative Council Chamber at Parliament today. See... Scoop Images: We Have A New Government
- Helen Clark - Formation of the Government
- Peter Dunne - First Real MMP Parliament
- Jim Anderton - Labour - Progressive Govt Welcomed
Its Hideous! Peters Recoils From New Govt - The alliance of Labour and United Future is a genetically engineered political wedding of Frankenstein proportions, said New Zealand First Leader, Rt Hon Winston Peters. See... "Bizzare" Political Union Arranged
- Tony Ryall - Dunne Deal - What About Crime?
- Bill English - A do nothing government
- Stephen Franks - What has United Future Abandoned?
- Brian Donnelly - Lesbian Parenting Dunnes First Challenge
- Greens - Greens Retain Independence
- Blue Greens - "Donald Principle"
- ACT - Rocky Road Ahead for Helen Clark
Dunne Deal: Labour Stumbling To The Right - Greens - New Zealand has inadvertently elected a centre-right government, Green Co-leader Rod Donald said this morning, as his party announced that it would not be entering a confidence and supply agreement with Labour. Guy MacGibbon Reports from this morning's press conference. See... We have An Accidental Centre Right Govt - Donald
Keith Rankin: A Libertarian Future For Nats Postulated - Will the National Party wither? Yes, if it doesn't stand for anything. So what could it stand for? See... Keith Rankin: Whither National?
Upton-on-line Surveys The Centre Right Landscape - Upton-on-line reflects on the consequences of the 2002 NZ General Election for the centre-right of politics. See... Upton-on-line: NZ General Election Special Issue
Hard News Is Here: Very MMP - There was an emblem of Labour's case for a return to the Treasury benches in the very fact of the vote on Saturday. Immediately after the 1999 election, Helen Clark promised that the next one would be properly organised and the votes would be through in good time. It was and they were. See... HARD NEWS 02/08/02 - If We Had Any Trains
Keith Rankin: If We Still Had FPP - If last weekend's election had been held under "First-Past-the-Post" (FPP) with 69 electorates Labour+Anderton would have won 62 to 65 of those seats. This is because, when we only had an "electorate vote", we had to use it as a party vote. So it is the party votes in each electorate which tell us, had we not had MMP, which party would have won that electorate. See... Keith Rankin: From Labour "Landslide" to 2008
David Miller: We Have Spoken What Did We Say? - If you were worried about the course of the next parliament during the campaign then you should be most fearful now. See... David Miller: Where to From Here?
Sludge Report: Who's Afraid Of The Scary Spider? - In This Edition: Negotiating With A Spider - Discussions On The Tuffet - Speaking Of Spiders, Of With Her Head. See... Sludge Report #141 Negotiating With A Spider
The End Of An Independent Candidates Lonely Road - The day after the election, I created a bonfire and burned all my election material. See... Reflections of an Independent Candidate
Feedback: Undecideds Favour Minor Parties - You do tend to repeat the fallacy that, before the campaign, Labour polled 56%. She really only polled 56% of about 70%, which means, at the peak of her pre-campaign support, only 39 of 100 persons polled said they would vote Labour. See... Feedback: Sludge on Holland. See also... Sludge Report #140 - Reading The Entrails
Stateside: Dont Cry For Me, Rosalea - I cried when I watched Laila Harre's concession speech, and I'm not entirely sure why. I guess it's because she's one of the people I would have given an all-round Minnie Award to for her integrity, her hard work, her quick grasp of the business of legislating, and her potential, based on what I saw of her in action between 1996-99. See... Stateside: 11 September 1: 27 July Nil
Howards End: Can We Profit From This Result? - Well, the election is over with the media, business and union lobby groups already offering their spin about which minor party might, or should, make it to the Cabinet table in the first Government of the new Millennium. Maree Howard writes. See... Howard's End: The Joy Of Profit
The Helen And Jim Show Rides Again - With the support of the Greens, and a concession from Nationals Bill English, Prime Minister Helen Clark has announced her intention to form a new minority Government with Jim Andertons Progressive Coalition. See... Clark Announces Center-Left Minority Government
- Progress: Center Left Government, Helens Big Call
- Progress: Peter Dunne Appears To Hold The Hot Seat
Election Results HERE Live From 7pm
- Live Election Results: Overall Party Vote Table
- Live Election Results: Electorate Status Page
- Live Election Results: Party Vote Graphic
Trigger Seats Trigger seats are those which party leaders from minor parties are hoping to win. The following are links to the live results pages for each of the five trigger seats.
Wigram Progressive Coalition
Coromandel - Greens
Tauranga NZ First
Ohariu - United Future NZ
Keith Rankin: A Cornucopia Of Coalition Combinations - What are some of the plausible (though not necessarily probable) configurations of parties in the new Parliament and their implications for Government? How safe are the senior politicians of National and Labour? See... Keith Rankin: Permutations and Combinations
Big News: Good Lord Indeed - Peter Dunne must be happy. People are taking notice of him now that he may have power in the formation of the next coalition. United Future has stunned everyone by polling more than 6 percent. See... Big News: Stdunned!
Guest Opinion: Watching Helen Flounder From Afar - Of course there was absolutely no reason for an early election except that Helen was convinced that Labour would win an outright majority in parliament. This just shows that economics is not the only field where she is completely delusional. See... Guest Opinion: Helen Clark Beached
Cross-Party Non-judgemental Dancefloor Support - 'How's the dancing going Nandor? Are dancing Greens the new dancing Cossacks?' 'At least we do dance" he tells me. 'I like loose non-judgemental dance floors' says Labours Tim Barnett. See... Terry York Election 2002: Dancing Into The Future
Keith Rankin: Election Hits Top Of Economic Cycle - The economy doesn't rate as much of an issue this election. OK, there are the usual concerns about health and education spending. But there is no sense of economic crisis, and no great willingness to engage in a philosophical debate about matters of political economy. See... Keith Rankin: Good Timing
Sublime & Ridiculous Solutions To Poverty - Opening the Debate ALCP Leader Michael Appleby said legalising cannabis would help the poor as they would no longer have to pay for their pot. See... Scoop Images: The Worm Takes On Poverty

Writ Day - Dame Silvia Signs

Clarks Big Call - Images
"It is clear to me that that time wasting by the Opposition will continue to obstruct the passage of important legislation until an election is called. Little would be achieved by having Parliament sit for another two months."
Text Of PM's July 27 Election Statement
Keith Rankin: Hager Throws Election Way Off Course - I find it deeply frustrating that this election campaign is being dominated by the mainstream media relentlessly pushing two non-issues: cover-ups relating to inappropriately autographed artwork and the limited release of genetically modified organisms. See... Keith Rankin: The Campaign We Didn't Need
Three Years Enough To Forget Everything About MMP - The latest research by the Electoral Commission shows that the publics knowledge of some aspects of how the voting system works is lower than immediately before the last general election. See... Knowledge Of MMP Falls
- Rod Donald - Voters Left In The Dark
David Miller: Education A Real Election Issue - I first applied for my student loan back in the old days. The reason I say old days is because thats what they where. You simply filled in all the forms on the day of enrolment, received your password and the free phone number and away you went. See... David Miller: The Election and Education
Party Leaders Forum On National Radio - Radio New Zealand is to broadcast three Leaders Forum programmes on National Radio in the period leading to the general election on Saturday 27th July. See... Party Leaders Centre Stage on National Radio
- Allocation Of Election Broadcasting Funds
- Poll Watch: Herald-Digipoll Labour Drops Under 40%
- Poll Watch: TV1 And TV3 Final Election 2002 Polls
- Poll Watch: National Ahead In Coromandel
- Poll Watch: Waitakere Leaning Towards Labour
- Poll Watch: Herald DigiPoll Has Surprises Galore
- Poll Watch: Marae Digipoll - Maori Seats Labour's
- Poll Watch: Press Poll - Anderton Safe In Wigram
- Poll Watch: TV3/NFO Poll Labour Loses Majority
- Poll Watch: Herald DigiPoll - Dunne In Hot Seat
- Poll Watch: ONE News Labour Slips To 46%
- Poll Watch: TV3/NFO Poll NZ First Hits 8%
- Poll Watch: Herald DigiPoll, Minor Parties Advance
- Poll Watch: Dominion Post/BRC Wellington Central
- Poll Watch: TV3/NFO Poll Labour Slipping
- Poll Watch: Herald DigiPoll Greens Closing On 10%
- Poll Watch: National Plunges In Herald Poll
- Poll Watch: ONE News Colmar Brunton Poll
- Poll Watch: Starting Order - UMR May Demographics
- Poll Watch: TV3/NFO Poll Greens On 9%
- Poll Watch: Greens Rising Rapidly In NBR/NZ Herald
Campaign Broadcasting Funding Who Gets What - The Electoral Commission today announced its allocations of election broadcasting time and funds to political parties for next months general election. See... Allocation Of Election Broadcasting Funds

Who gets what - click through for more
A Challenge To Maori Voters - Calling all respective Hapu (Sub-Tribes) and Whanau (Families) of the eight canoes of Aotearoa to join for the first time ever under Kotahitanga to intelligently negotiate, elect and appoint our rightful, legal and lawful authorative representatives to the legislative council (Upper house) of Aotearoa. See... Aotearoa Tangata Whenua Maori Elections
Hard News Is Here - GOOD DAY MEDIAPHILES, July 27 for the general election. It's either an outrage, a blessed relief or of no particular account. Opposition parties, letters columns and talkback radio have been foaming, but vox pops seemed to indicate that the general public aren't all that fussed about it being ten weeks earlier than it might have been. See... HARD NEWS 14/06/02 - Blessed Relief
Keith Rankin: Levels Of Left-ness - In the past I have argued that tactical voting was the norm under the former FPP voting system, and is the exception under the present MMP system. See... Keith Rankin: Labour, But Not Too Much Labour
Howard's End: White Collar Crime, Campaign Finance - With the election date announced the political parties will likely be holding out their begging bowls to corporate New Zealand to help fund their election campaigns. But global business has recently been told to either clean up their act or everybody is in serious trouble. See Howards End: Cleaning Up The Suites
Press Conference: Clark Digs At Greens, Endorses Anderton - Cabinet will have a place for the deputy prime minister and erstwhile Alliance leader Jim Anderton should Labour form the next government, but there will be no coalition with the Greens, if Prime Minister Helen Clark has her way. See... Anderton's Welcome Back, Greens Off The Guest List
- No Date, No Snap Election & No Schnapps
- July 27 Election Tipped By Helpful House Officials
- PM Stirs Early Election Speculation
Pointless Points Of Order A Ridiculous Ruse - Helen Clark's excuse for calling a snap election because of endless points of order during question time is totally ridiculous, says Shadow Leader of the House Gerry Brownlee. See... PM trying to pull a fast one on voters
- Bill English - No excuse for snap election
- Jim Anderton - Coalition Seeks New Mandate - Speech
- Laila Harré - Alliance Ready For Election
- Greens - Snap Election Not Justified
- Richard Prebble - Personal and Economic Security
- Winston Peters - Towel Thrown In - Short-Changed
- GE Free NZ - Govt Putting Business Before Bio-Ethics
- NZUSA - July 27 D-Day For Allowances
- Peter Dunne - Families Missing From Election Equation
Feedback: When Labour Was In The Greens Shoes - Labour was in pretty much the same situation the Greens are in today back in the 1930s! They were the third party - and the two main parties were very similar (I.e. Labour were the only real alternative!). See... Labour Vs Greens An Historical Perspective
If Youre Not Enrolled, Get To It - Time is running out for electors to enrol or update their details on the electoral rolls for this year's general election, with the rolls closing for printing on Writ Day, Tuesday 25 June. See... Electoral Rolls Close In Two Weeks Swot Up Before You Vote - A unique resource for journalists, writers, and readers who need to find accurate references and comparatives for over 150 specific policy issues on offer to voters for this July's General Election. See... A Unique Resource To Make Sense Of Party Policy
Election Announcement Day Q&A - Final Questions Of The Day - Yesterdays questions concerned: Election Date Boatpeople PPTA Settlement Failure Economic Development Early Election (Constitutionally Speaking) Boatpeople PPTA Tertiary Commission Appointments PM on PPTA Premature Businesses Refugee Detention State Ward Truancy. See... SCP HOUSE: Questions Of The Day 11 June
To sign up to receive the answers in your inbox as they are posted, for free, CLICK HERE

English Calls For A Referendum On MMP - National will re-run a referendum on MMP before the next election, National Leader Bill English said today. See... National Will Hold Referendum On MMP
ACT Chasing Party Vote, Not Epsom - ACT New Zealand President Catherine Judd announced today that ACT would be asking voters for party votes only, ending speculation that high-profile MP Rodney Hide would contest the seat of Epsom. See... ACT Campaigns For Party Vote Nationwide
- Rodney Hide - Campaign For Party Vote
- Richard Prebble - Epsom Decision Welcomed
The Jim Anderton Show Hits The Road - Jim Anderton has welcomed an invitation to join the Progressive Coalition and lead it into the 2002 election. See... Progressive Coalition Invitation
Plain English The Business End Of Campaigning - Campaigning is the best part of politics. The public actually get interested in politics for a few, brief glorious weeks, and the politicians are reminded of the awesome power of democracy - thousands of people making up their own mind, instead of the weekly diet of media making it up for them. See... Plain English - Fri, 14 Jun 2002
Name Changers & Drop-outs - The registration of the NZ South Island Party was cancelled at the request of the party while the Aotearoa/New Zealand Party lost its registration because the Commission was satisfied that its number of current financial members had fallen below 500. See... Political Parties Registration Cancelled

Andrew Davies: Let The Preening Begin - The triennial look-at-me season is now upon us. Many promises will be made, some even with good intentions, but very little will be said about the most pressing issue we face. See... Andrew Davies: "Look At Me" Season Has Begun
Muriel Newman Perplexed At Early Election - With Parliament now having closed and the country gearing up for a snap election, most people remain totally confused as to why the election has been forced on us. See... Perplexing Snap Election Chance to Have Your Say
PM Degrading Quality Of Debate On GE - Greenpeace - Political posturing is further degrading the quality of debate on genetic engineering said Greenpeace today. See... GE debate bigger than electioneering
ACTs Viral Email Seeking Overseas Votes - New Zealanders living overseas, who are on the electoral roll, can vote in the election. Just log on to and see details on how to receive voting forms by e-mail. See... URGENT - Please forward to family and friends
Winstons Quick & Dirty Review Of The Term - Parliament rose today, months before it should have, to end a session which has been remarkable both for the spin placed on the work of the Government and the lack of innovative policy-making, New Zealand First Leader Winston Peters said today. See... Too Many MPs Rise Too Soon
ACT Searches For Votes Down The Brain Drain - The ACT Party is to campaign globally. ACT is sending MPs to campaign in Australia, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom, leader Richard Prebble said today. See... ACT To Campaign Overseas
What About The Children? - A new report issued today puts the interests of children in the centre of the governments decision making process for the first time, says Social Services and Employment Minister Steve Maharey. See... Children Put At The Centre Of Government Policy and Maharey Speech
-Greens - Push Labour Further On Children
- Nats - Maharey All Talk On Protecting Children
- ACT - Agenda For Children Is Hypocritical
- Alliance - Commitment To Ending Child Poverty
- Anti DPB - Maharey Makes Meaningless Promise
Alliance Releases Youth Policy - The Alliance believes that the era of seen and not heard has passed. Its beyond time that the energy and vitality of young New Zealanders was given a chance to shine through; that having opinions and beliefs is not punishable for under 25s; and that the vitality of youth is an asset not a liability to New Zealands social and economic framework. See... Alliance Youth Policy: Vital, Vibrant and Alliance Youth Policy: Vital, Vibrant (2)
We Knew That Would Happen Anderton On Funding - Jim Anderton confirmed that he always understood from the Progressive Coalition that the new party would not qualify for broadcasting funding unless it had been registered for three months before the dissolution of parliament. See... No Broadcasting Funding Expected
Left A Bit A Little Bit More - Alliance leader Laila Harré has welcomed the Council of Trade Unions (CTU) announcement that it wants a strong centre-left government returned to power in this years election. See... Harré Welcomes CTU Endorsement
Kevin Campbell Call It Quits - Alliance Leader Laila Harré has announced an alteration to the Alliance List announced on Sunday. See... List altered - Kevin Campbell drops out
English Commits To Air Combat Capability - National is committed to air combat capability, and working with Australia to achieve that for the New Zealand Defence Force, National Leader Bill English said announcing National's Defence Policy today. See... National Committed To Restoring Air Combat Wing
- SOS - Defence Needs Your Party Vote
- Mark Burton - Empty Promises From English
- Richard Prebble - Policy Not Credible Without ANZUS