Foreign Affairs
FULL COVERAGE: Immigration Issues And The Ahmed Zaoui Case
*****Scoop Video: Ahmed Zaoui & Legal Team Face Media*****

Gordon Campbell: Zaoui - The Final Chapter?
Former Listener journalist Gordon Campbell who has written extensively on the Zaoui case wraps things up for Scoop readers. 'In any other circumstances, the face saving rationale that has been concocted to enable the SIS to rationalise its backdown on the Ahmed Zaoui case would be infuriating, but hey, winners can afford to be generous. However the claim in the NZ Herald that Ahmed Zaoui has provided the CIA with information on his former colleagues is a sign of what lengths the SIS is still prepared to go to in order to besmirch Zaoui's name.' More >>
- Scoop Full Coverage - SIS Backs Down On Ahmed Zaoui Case
- (95bFM Audio): Lawyer: Herald In Fantasyland On Zaoui Info Claim
- (KiwiFM Audio): A Zaoui Case: Wallace & Selwyn Manning Discuss How It Took SIS Five Years To Realise Reality
- (TV3): Campbell Live speaks with Ahmed Zaoui
- (TV3): Zaoui no longer security risk
- (TV3): SIS says Zaoui no longer a risk to NZ
- Kevin List - NZSIS Director On Zaoui + Images
- Russell Brown - Public Address 14/09/07 - Free Man
- Residents Action Movement - RAM doing what SIS refuses to do
- Kiwi Herald - SIS Says Tojo No Longer a Threat
- Press Release on Behalf of Ahmed Zaoui
- NZ Govt - Cunliffe: Ahmed Zaoui statement
- NZCTU - SIS decision great news for Zaoui and his family
- Scoop Newsflash - NEWSFLASH: Zaoui Not A Security Risk⦠Anymore
- NZ Govt - PM on Decision by Director of Security
- Green Party - Zaoui victory welcome, SIS must open to scrutiny
- Amnesty International NZ - Amnesty International welcomes Zaoui decision
- Maori Party Welcomes Decision on Ahmed Zaoui
- National - Better systems needed to avoid repeat of Zaoui case
- NZ First - NZ #1 Soft Touch for Illegal Immigrants
- Auckland University Students Association - Auckland students welcome Zaoui's freedom
- (KiwiFM Audio): Wallace n Manning Summarise Zaoui Case Wallace Chapman talks to Scoop's Selwyn Manning about the past, present and future of what we know as the Ahmed Zaoui case.

- Scoop Full Coverage - The Ahmed Zaoui Case â The Gordon Campbell Series
- (95bFM Audio): Jose & Gordon Campbell on IG's Zaoui Hearings
- (Scoop Doco):Algeria Amnesty & An Intel Turntable
- (KiwiFM Audio): Wallace & Selwyn Manning on IG's Secret Hearings
- (KiwiFM Audio): Wallace & Helen Clark on IG's Zaoui Hearings

- Scoop Full Coverage - FULL COVERAGE: Zaoui Review
- Selwyn Manning - Scoop Auckland - Scoop News: Thomas Yadegary Released From Prison
- Global Peace And Justice Auckland - GPJA: Thomas Yadegary released after 2 yrs 5m
- Greens - Yadegary release a partial victory
- PQs - David Cunliffe Answers Parliamentary Questions on Yadegary Case
- United Future - Copeland: New Zealand human rights failure
- Selwyn Manning - Amnesty Does U-Turn On Yadegary Case
- Scoop - FULL COVERAGE of Immigration Issues in NZ
- Scoop Editorial - Cunliffe Must Explain Why He Abandoned Support For Asylum-Seeker's Plight
- Global Peace And Justice Auckland - 1 November - Labour Government's Day of Shame
- No Right Turn - No Right Turn: Two Years Is Still Too Long
- Opinion - No Right Turn: Zaoui Judgement - It's Enough
- Supreme Court - Full Judgment (pdf)
- Supreme Court - Media Summary of AG v Zaoui Decision
- Govt - Prime Minister Welcomes Supreme Court Judgment
- Greens - Zaoui decision should stop deportation: Locke
- Scoop - State Of It: Supreme Court Zaoui Decision Due
- Guest Opinion - The Winston Peters Show - Jack Yan
- NZ First - NZ First's immigration policy release
- NZ First - Securing Our Borders and Protecting Our Identity
- Scoop Audio Stream - Full Speech (low sound quality)
- Scoop - Images: Peters Launches Immigration Policy
- Scoop - Images: Winston Does Immigration At Orewa
- Green Party - Reject Peters' anti-migrant Gestapo - Greens
- NZ Govt - Peters wants to drag New Zealand backwards
- Ethnic Council - Comments On NZ First Policy
- - Images: AZ Celebrates 100 Days Bail
- Scoop's Ahmed Zaoui feature page.
- Top Corrections Dept Psychologist Says Zaoui Low Risk
- News Backgrounder: Zaoui Seeks His Freedom
- Click here for streaming audio of Scoop's 95bfm commentary with Selwyn Manning and Simon Pound
- Images: Rally Protesting Against Zaoui Detention In Christchurch
- Activist Plan Australian Liberal Website Attack
- Nauru: the Guantanamo Bay of the Pacific
- Images and article from Nauru (Editor's warning images will disturb)
- Nauru Refugee Hunger-Strike: Communication Lost



Human Rights Watch Warns Of Looming Injustice In Algeria - The Algerian government's proposal to a general amnesty for grave human rights abuses threatens the rights of victims to truth and justice and could undermine the authorities' goal of national reconciliation, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch made its comments at a press conference in Algiers to announce the preliminary findings of its 11-day mission to Algeria. See' HRW: Justice at Risk for Algeria's Abuses




Prison Protest to Support Thomas Hossein Yadegary On Saturday
Bill Clinton and Yadegary in centre.

Peace And Rest On Agenda For Zaoui.
Report: Supreme Court Releases Ahmed Zaoui On Bail
Green Party Seeks Inquiry Into Crown Stance On Zaoui Case - The Greens are calling for an inquiry into the Crown Law Office in the wake of its failure to win any of the five legal proceedings against Ahmed Zaoui. See... Inquiry into Crown Law needed over Zaoui debacle
Media Asked To Respect Ahmed Zaoui's Privacy - Media were presented with a tired and emotional man this morning as Algerian MP, lecturer, and refugee Ahmed Zaoui contemplated the reality of being free on bail in New Zealand. See... Peace And Rest On Agenda For Zaoui
- Supreme Court - Zaoui V The AG - Decision
- Kevin List - National & Act Talk Security Concerns
- Russell Brown - Hard News: The Liberal Lollyscramble
- Full Coverage: Ahmed Zaoui Released On Bail
Free At Last: Welcome To New Zealand Mr Zaoui.
Report: Supreme Court Releases Ahmed Zaoui On Bail
NEWSFLASH: 2 Years Of Imprisonment Ends Today For Ahmed Zaoui - The Supreme Court of New Zealand has authorised the bail release of Algerian MP Ahmed Zaoui from prison detention and into the care of the Dominican Friars. See... Supreme Court Rules Zaoui Be Released On Bail
- Scoop Images: A Media Scrum At The Supreme Court
- Supreme Court Decision On Zaoui Bail At 4pm
- Zaoui Transfer To Mangere Centre Not Opposed

Freed Algerian Refugee Ahmed Zaoui's Lawyer Deborah Manning
Smiles All Around At The Supreme Court
Report: Supreme Court Releases Ahmed Zaoui On Bail

Supreme Court Releases Ahmed Zaoui On Bail

Senior counsel Dr Rodney Harrison marks Ahmed Zaoui's 44th birthday.
Crown Not Opposing Zaoui's Transfer To Mangere Centre - The Crown has not opposed the transfer of Ahmed Zaoui from Auckland Central Remand Prison to the Manger Refugee Detention Centre, but has opposed a bail application for Mr Zaoui to be placed in the care of the Dominican Friars in Auckland. See... Zaoui Transfer To Mangere Centre Not Opposed

Zaoui Public Rally: Two Years In Prison
Ahmad Esau reads a message from Ahmed Zaoui.
Hundreds Mark Two Years In Prison For Zaoui - Around 300 people today gathered at a public rally outside the Auckland Central Remand Prison (ACRP) to protest against New Zealand having detained Ahmed Zaoui for two years without charge or trial. See... Hundreds Mark Two Years In Prison For Zaoui

An Ahmed Zaoui Supporter Pays Her Respects At Auckland Central
Remand Prison This Afternoon - photo essay by Kevin List
Ahmed Zaoui Granted Right To Apply For Bail ' The Supreme Court has decided that the High Court does have an inherent right to grant bail for detained refugee Ahmed Zaoui. A bail hearing has been set down for 9 December in the Supreme Court in Wellington. See... Supreme Court Will Hold Zaoui Bail Hearing Dec 9. See also... Media Release: Ahmed Zaoui V The Attorney-General and the full text of the judgement' ZAOUI V THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL & Ors SC CIV 13/2004
- CTU - Zaoui decision protects our rights
- GPJA - Public Rally in Support of Zaoui to Proceed! Dec 4
- NZ First - Labour Dithering Will Set Zaoui Free
- National - Time for Inspector-General to rule
- Amnesty International NZ - Amnesty Welcomes Supreme Court Zaoui Decision
- Greens - A great day for justice
- Progressive Party - Zaoui decision a victory for procedural fairness

Auckland Concert: Top Musicians Call For Justice For Zaoui.
Large images of Nesian Mystik, Dave Dobbyn, Don McGlashan.
PM Confronted On Face To Face Over Zaoui - Kim Hill: It is a very, very odd thing for a Labour Prime Minister, a Labour party veteran like yourself to say that as long as people are fat and healthy then to hell with the guy rotting in jail! See... Kim Hill Debates Zaoui With PM - Transcript and Prime Minister Bamboozles Kim Hill On Zaoui

Ahmed Zaoui's Lawyer Deborah Manning At The Supreme Court
BREAKING NEWS: SIS Asked To Produce Evidence - The Director of Security and Intelligence, Richard Woods may be asked to re-focus his evidence for the purpose of a bail hearing for detained refugee Ahmed Zaoui. See... Zaoui Supreme Court Detention Hearing Newsflash
Scoop Is In The Supreme Court For The Zaoui Bail Hearing - Even though a recent Court of Appeal decision regarding detained Algerian refugee, Ahmed Zaoui, allowed the New Zealand government to alter immigration regulations and move Mr Zaoui from his nearly two years of penal detention, there has been no sign whatsoever this is going to happen. See... Supreme Court To Decide If Zaoui Rots In Jail
Seminar On Zaoui And Classified Information- On November 8 the Institute of Policy Studies at Victoria University will hold a working seminar on "Classified information" & Ahmed Zaoui - the policy and legal issues. See... Victoria To Hold Seminar On Classified Information
Scoop Report: National Party Leader Says Zaoui's Ongoing Detention Unsatisfactory - National Parlty Leader Don Brash this morning told 95bFM listeners that the length of time Ahmed Zaoui has spent detained in prison is 'unsatisfactory'. See... Brash: Length Of Zaoui's Detention Unsatisfactory

Ahmed Zaoui Writes On The Clash Of Civilisations
Labour MPs/Staff Absent From Zaoui Book Launch -

This is good news for Mr Zaoui's family as any extra profits from the book go to assist them while the breadwinner is locked in Auckland Central Remand Prison. See,,, Images: Civil Society Welcomes Zaoui Book In Beehive & Chief Govt. Whip Pettis Refutes Book Launch Ban
- Speech - Robson at book launch on Zaoui
- Zaoui Book Event To Be Held In Beehive Foyer
- Opinion - Human Rights Litmus Test Of Govt's Moral Substance
- Ahmed Zaoui: Clash Of Civilisations

MPs To Host Zaoui Book Event In Beehive
5:45pm Wednesday Oct 20.
5:45pm Wednesday: MPs To Host Zaoui Book Wellington Event In Beehive - An event to promote the book on the Ahmed Zaoui case 'I Almost Forgot About The Moon ' The Disinformation Campaign Against Ahmed Zaoui' will be held in Wellington in the Beehive foyer, Parliament Buildings, on Wednesday October 20 at 5:45pm. See... Zaoui Book Event To Be Held In Beehive Foyer
ALSO: Opinion - Human Rights Litmus Test Of Govt's Moral Substance
Ahmed Zaoui's Lecture On Islam's Relationship With The West - The end of the cold war and the events of September 11th have engendered an intense and ever-increasing focus from academics and observers about the heterogenic and conflictual relations between the West and Islam. See... Ahmed Zaoui: Clash Of Civilisations

Last Night's Zaoui Concert - Photo Essay
Zaoui Question Highlights Govt. Human Rights Hypocrisy - Yesterday whilst in the House during oral questions, Scoop was able to observe the reactions of MP's to the vexed question of detained refugee Ahmed Zaoui and one Minister's reaction in particular brings into question the Government's stated commitment to global human rights leadership. See... Cabinet Minister Tells Zaoui To 'Get On The Plane'.
Zoaui Gagging Appeal Refused By Supreme Court - Green MP Keith Locke has welcomed the latest decision against the Government's attempts to gag Ahmed Zaoui. See... Wilson in Wonderland with Zaoui comments and full text of Supreme Court decision... AG Vs TVNZ (Zaoui Interview) - SC CIV 14/04
For much more see... FULL COVERAGE: Spotlight On Zaoui
Scoop Report: NZ First Shows Entrenched Position In Zaoui Case - As well as receiving support from New Zealand First regarding the Seabed and Foreshore legislation it would seem Helen Clark's Government also has an ally in New Zealand First when it comes to the Government's handling of detained refugee, Ahmed Zaoui. See... NZ First 100% Behind Govt Regarding Zaoui
Scoop Report: Govt Moves To Ban HumanRights From Security Review The New Zealand Government announced today that The Crown will seek to overthrow a Court of Appeal decision that insisted Ahmed Zaoui's human rights must be taken into account when reviewing a security risk certificate issued against him by the SIS. See... Govt Moves To Ban Human Rights From Security Review
- NZ First - Zaoui Expenses Exceed $1.2 million ' NZ First
- Progessives - Matt Robson Writes To Dail Jones On Zaoui
- AUS - Time to give Zaoui his freedom
- CTU - Judge Zaoui Under Court of Appeal Rules
- Govt - Crown to appeal Zaoui case
- Progressives' Matt Robson - Apply human rights to Zaoui not a legal manoeuvre
- Greens' Keith Locke - Don't Appeal, Release Zaoui Now
- Auckland Lecture - Zaoui Lecture To Be Delivered At Auckland University
No Right Turn: Ahmed Zaoui Wins Again - Ahmed Zaoui has won another battle in the Court of Appeal , making it two-and-a-half out of three. But reading the full judgement , this may very well be the most important one of all. See... The Most Important Victory Yet For Ahmed Zaoui
Court Of Appeal Rules In Favour Of Zaoui's Human Rights - The Court of Appeal has ruled against the Crown yet again in the latest appeal case related to the controversial Algerian Member of Parliament and refugee Ahmed Zaoui. See... NEWSFLASH: Zaoui Wins Again In The Court Of Appeal & Full Text Court Of Appeal Zaoui Judgment - CA20/04
- Amnesty - Amnesty International Welcomes Zaoui Decision
- Greens - Zaoui 2' - Crown '
- Matt Robson - robson-on-politics goes awol first week of October
- National - Zaoui should let Inspector-General decide now
' Meanwhile On The Other Side Of The World - The United Kingdom government has released an Algerian who had been imprisoned on the basis of a security certificate issued against him. The secret information held allegedly linked him to an Algerian terrorist organisation. See... UK - Algerian Once Considered A Threat Set Free
Scoop Investigation: NZ Foreign Affairs Invited Europeans To Damn RSAA Report - Foreign Affairs documents obtained by Scoop reveal the New Zealand government initiated a response from France, Belgium and Switzerland inviting those countries to criticise a judicial Refugee Status Appeals Authority report supporting Ahmed Zaoui. Scoop also reveals 'evidence' was planted in France's Operation Chrysanthemum. See... Foreign Affairs Sought Offshore Critique Of RSAA
ALSO: High Court Judgment Means SIS Boss Becomes The Jailer

Scoop Investigation: MFAT Documents Obtained Show NZ Solicited France/Belgium RSAA Criticism
Algeria Urged To Investigate Latest Mass Grave - Following the discovery of another mass grave on Thursday, Amnesty International calls on the Algerian authorities to fully investigate the site and to treat previously unearthed graves similarly. See... Algeria: Mass Graves Must Be Investigated

Ahmed Zaoui: "I am a human being. I am not an animal; I am a professor."
Celebrate Human Rights: Zaoui Concert 1 Aug 2004
High Court Rules Against Ahmed Zaoui's Bail/Transfer Bid - Justice Paterson: "This Court does not have power to grant bail to Mr Zaoui or vary the terms of his detention. It would not be appropriate on the evidence before the Court to order Mr Zaoui's transfer to the Mangere Centre even if the Court had power..." See... Ahmed Zaoui Bail/Transfer High Court Judgment
Minister / Department Misinforms Nigel Hampton QC Over Zaoui Case - A 8 September 2003 letter written by the Minister of Corrections, Paul Swain, incorrectly informed Nigel Hampton QC of the Howard League, that an internal investigation report concerning allegations of mistreatment of detained refugee, Ahmed Zaoui, had been forwarded to Zaoui's solicitor. Paul Swain Misleads QC Over Zaoui Assault Reports
Second Invesigation Finds Spitting In Zaoui's Food A Joke - In reports released under the Official Information Act Scoop has learned that a second investigation into prison assaults on NZ's most famous refugee Ahmed Zaoui looked only lightly into the numerous complaints against prison officers, concluding among other things that officers spitting into Mr Zaoui's food had done so as a "joke". 2nd Zaoui Assault Investigation, Once Over Lightly - 1st Zaoui Assault Investigation Used Sign Language
Scoop Exclusive: Ahmed Zaoui Affidavits Reveal Serious Prison Abuses - NZ's reputation as a fair and egalitarian society erodes as revelations emerge of ongoing prison abuse of refugee Ahmed Zaoui. Here for the first time Scoop publishes excerpts of Ahmed Zaoui's account of being behind bars... See... Zaoui Case: Seeking Asylum From Inside A Cell
Streaming Audio: See... Zaoui Affidavits Reveal Prison Abuses ' Selwyn Manning & 95bFM's Simon Pound
Scoop Investigation: See... Details Emerge About Zaoui Assault Cover-Up .
Scoop Investigation: Zaoui's Human Rights Abuses Unearthed - Mistreatment by prison gaurds against Algerian asylum seeker Ahmed Zaoui first occurred while he was held at Paremoremo's notorious D-Block. Scoop investigations are unearthing disturbing facts on how prison officers allegedly deprived Zaoui of basic human rights. This week Scoop will provide further insight into this disturbing revelation. See... Zaoui's Prison Mistreatment Began At Paremoremo

Judge Reserves Decision In Zaoui Bail/Transfer Bid
Image courtesy of Amnesty International.
Scoop Investigation:
Scoop Feature: High Court Judge Reserves Decision In Zaoui Bail/Transfer Bid - Justice Paterson has reserved his decision regarding a High Court bid to have Algerian refugee Ahmed Zaoui released on bail or transferred to the Mangere Refugee Detention Centre. See... Judge Reserves Decision In Zaoui Bail/Transfer Bid
Scoop Stories:
Zaoui's Human Rights Abuses Unearthed - Mistreatment by prison gaurds against Algerian asylum seeker Ahmed Zaoui first occurred while he was held at Paremoremo's notorious D-Block. Scoop investigations are unearthing disturbing facts on how prison officers allegedly deprived Zaoui of basic human rights. This week Scoop will provide further insight into this disturbing revelation. See... Zaoui's Prison Mistreatment Began At Paremoremo
ALSO: News Backgrounder: Zaoui Seeks His Freedom
UN Report Criticises NZ For Handling Of Zaoui Case - In a report having clear implications for the Government' handling of the Ahmed Zaoui case, New Zealand has received a mixed report card this week from the UN committee overseeing the country's compliance with the Convention Against Torture. See... UN Committee Warns NZ On Human Rights
- United Nations - Legislation Regarding Zaoui Concerns UN
- Human Rights Foundation - UN Committee Against Torture Report

Vigils Held For Ahmed Zaoui - 500 Days Held In NZ Prisons
Zaoui Case Considered At Court Of Appeal - The Court of Appeal case concerning detained refugee Ahmed Zaoui and who will consider his Human Rights concluded at the Court of Appeal yesterday 12 May 2004. See... Ahmed Zaoui Case ' Court of Appeal 12 May 2004 (2). For a report on Monday's proceedings see... Ahmed Zaoui Case ' Court of Appeal 11 May 2004 (1)
Galesburg On The PM's Presser, Zaoui & The SIS - Extraordinary comments by Helen Clark at today's prime ministerial press conference: she confessed that she hasn't even READ the Refugee Status Appeals Authority decision on Ahmed Zaoui, even though she's been publicly bagging it for weeks. See... Gordon Campbell's Galesburg
- Kevin List - PM's Presser: Zaoui & The SIS (Part 2)
- Govt. - Neazor appointed IG of Intelligence and Security
Candlelight Vigils Mark Ahmed Zaoui's 500th Day in NZ Prisons - An event on Sunday, 18 April, 1:30pm at Vermont St, Ponsonby, Auckland marked 500 days of Ahmed Zaoui's imprisonment in New Zealand. The event was organized by a church and a mosque which face each other on Vermont Street. See... Zaoui Imprisoned: 500 Days Is Far More Than Enough. See also Matt Robson... Need for rule of law highlighted by Zaoui case

French Agents Use NZ Herald To Parade Anti-Zaoui Spin
Editorial: French Agents Use NZ Herald To Parade Anti-Zaoui Spin - The Herald has abandoned acceptable checks and balances, printing a course of sensational unsubstantiated claim by an unknown former agent - of the same organization that bombed the Rainbow Warrior while docked at Auckland City's Marsden Wharf in 1985. See... Herald Stoops To Lowest Ebb With French Spook Spin
- - Belgian and French convictions already noted
- Nats - Zaoui Backers Ignore Evidence

Zaoui Lawyers Seek Stand Down For Inspector General
BREAKING NEWS: Greig Resigns - The PM has announced late this afternoon that she has received a letter of resignation from Inspector General of Intelligence and Security Laurence Greig. See... Inspector-Gen. of Intelligence & Security resigns
SIS Inspector General Greig Off The Zaoui Case - Two High Court Judges have ruled that the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security (SIS) displayed apparent bias against Ahmed Zaoui and is disqualified from reviewing the refugee's case. See... High Court Finds Greig Bias Against Zaoui Case and the full text of the High Court Judgement'High Court Judgment Ahmed Zaoui VS Hon. Greig
- NZ First -- Zaoui Case Scandalous Says Peters
- National - Law must take its course in Zaoui case
- Greens - Court decision means Greig should be 'outski'
- United Future - Dunne: Time to end the Zaoui industry
- Amnesty Intl. - Ahmed Zaoui: Justice Must Be Seen To Be Done
- Progressives - Three Strikes and You're Out - Release Zaoui
- Human Rights Foundation - Call for Zaoui release
- Dr David Small - Considers Inspector-General's Resignation
Special Report: Is The SIS Performing Below Par But Beyond Reach? - In an interview with the Listener , the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security suggested new blood at the top of the SIS would 'put the SIS back on its toes'. Is this a revelation that the SIS indeed is incompetent but currently unable to be tested? Selwyn Manning reports. See... Should Greig Go To Put SIS Back On Its Toes?
Justices Express Concern Over Inspector General's Competency - Two High Court judges today expressed concerns that the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security had agreed to media interviews and had answered questions involving Algerian refugee Ahmed Zaoui. See... Judges Show Concern Over Greig's Competency
Zaoui Lawyers Seek Stand Down For Inspector General
Full Coverage: Ahmed Zaoui Case
Audio: Selwyn Manning/95bFM (Zaoui Case)18-03-04
Zaoui Case: Inspector General Must Answer Apparent Bias Questions - To the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security: When you participated in the Listener interview, had you read the Refugee Status Appeals Authority decision...? This is one of the questions Laurence Greig must answer... See... High Court Ruling Greig Must Answer Bias Questions
SIS Released Ahmed Zaoui's Home Video: It's Now Online - The video Ahmed Zaoui filmed while travelling from Malaysia to Thailand via Laos and Vietnam is now available to online. This is the full 60 minutes of video that the NZ SIS allege "looks suspiciously like a casing video." See' Ahmed Zaoui's Tourist Video Available Online
Orchestrated Litany Of Lies Revisited?
"Lie In Unison" Inquiry Report Released - Ombudsman Mel Smith has presented his report into the infamous "lie in unison" Immigration service memo related to official information concerning Ahmed Zaoui. See... Ombudsman's Report On "Lie in unison" Memo
- Dept. of Labour - Secretary of Labour Accepts & Endorses Report
- Govt. - Ombudsman's report accepted in full
- National - Ombudsman Exposes Shabby Cover-up

Week of Action To Expose Shallow SIS Allegations
New Immigration Minister Must Take Fresh Look At Zaoui Case - Zaoui lawyers, coalition partner Progressive Party's MP Matt Robson and Green MP Keith Locke are all calling for a fresh look at the country's most contentious refugee case. See... New Minister can right past wrongs
- Zaoui Lawyers Seek 'Objective Review' From PM
- Lawyers Release Allegations Agaist Zaoui - SIS Summary Of Allegations Against Ahmed Zaoui - Robson Inquires In France: 'Ahmed Zaoui Should Be Released' - Amnesty International - Zaoui Info Raises More Questions Than Answers - Keith Locke: Govt. king hit on Zaoui turns out to be damp squib
Action Begins In Christchurch - "The grounds for Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) issuance of a Security Risk Certificate against Mr Zaoui, a summary of which was released to his lawyers, was thoroughly addressed by the Refugee Status Appeals Authority. Thus, the grounds for that Certificate must be re-examined". See... ChCh Midday - Free Ahmed Zaoui: Call to Rally

Zaoui Lawyers Release Summary Of Accusations
PM: Dalziel Resigns From All Portfolios - Prime Minister Helen

ALSO: National: Inquiry still needed despite Dalziel's resignation - NZ First: Dalziel Resignation Inevitable
Brash Targets PM In Wake Of Dalziel's Lies - National Party Leader Don Brash says the public needs answers about the role of the Prime Minister's electorate office in the 'leaks and lies' scandal that's led to the sacking of Immigration Minister Lianne Dalziel. See... Answers needed on mysterious handling of letter
ALSO: National: More questions in Sri Lankan case
Afghani Refugees Hunger-Strike On Nauru

Children from the Tampa, held indefinitely at the Nauru Detention Centre.
Australia's Flotillas Of Hope Set Off For Nauru - Flotillas of Hope today welcomed the granting of refugee status to 77 Afghan asylum seekers currently detained on Nauru. See... Nauru Has Become A Thorn In The Side Of Oz Govt. and Images: Flotilla Of Hope Departs From NewCastle
Update: Hunger-Strikers - Australia Poised To Stack 'Independent' Med Assessments - Reports are emerging that the Australian Government has strong-armed its Nauru counterpart to cancel an independent medical team assessment of the Afghani refugee hunger-strikers detained indefinitely on the tiny Pacific Island. See... Australia Stacks Hunger-Striker Medical Assessment
BREAKTHROUGH: Afghani Refugees Call Of Hunger-Strike on Nauru - Hunger strikers on Nauru have called off their hunger-strike after leaning that their refugee status will be reassessed. See... Refugees Call Off Hunger strike
For more see' - Articles and images below...
Amnesty Int. Says Conditions In Nauru Camps Dire - Conditions in the camps on Nauru are dire. First hand reports have been received by Amnesty International from Nauru detainees that there is fresh water for only two hours a day, limited access to health care, children have been denied access ... See... Amnesty's Position on Nauru as at 6 January 2004
- Serious health concerns about 3 hunger strikers
- National Says It Would Not Help Refugees On Nauru
- Nauru calls for responsibility from Australian Gov
- Nauru Finance Minister Attacks Vanstone over MOU
Nauru Hunger-Strike Update: A message has emerged from inside the Nauru Detention Centre that 6 people have gone off the hunger strike (named inside article) and that others were taking water, with a little milk in it. See... Nauru Update: Six Off Hunger-Strike

Tampa refugees on Hunger-strike in the Nauru Detention Centre.
Mohammed Latif
Amin Jan
Ghulam Hussein
Sayed Naimatullah