Scoops on East Timor and Indonesia
UNSC Debates East Timor Peace Force Extension - Sounding "a warning bell at a critical time," the top United Nations peacekeeping official urged the Security Council today to delay cutbacks in UN military and police forces in Timor-Leste and to enhance support for local authorities in the face of recent civil disturbances and the increase in the number of armed groups in rural areas. See... Call at UNSC for delay in East Timor troop cuts and Threats To Peace In Timor-Leste - UNSG To UNSCEAST TIMOR INDEPENDENCE DAY

NZ Proud Of East Timor Contribution -Prime Minister Helen Clark says New Zealand can be very proud of its contribution towards East Timor�s transition to independence. See... PM proud of NZ�s contribution to East Timor
- NZ Govt - Bicycles for East Timor police
- NZ Govt - NZ gifts education project to East Timor
East Timor Independence Day: Memories Good And Bad - East Timor's Independence must be celebrated. And New Zealand must share in that, but we must also say sorry for past government's policy of silence, a policy nurtured significantly in the 1990s by the then New Zealand Foreign Minister Don McKinnon. See... Say Sorry For Policy Of Silence
Aussie Troops Capture Armed Militiaman - An armed East Timorese militiaman was wounded and captured in a clash with an Australian patrol in East Timor on Monday night. See... Armed Militiaman Captured By Australian Troops in the International wire.

Remembering A Fallen Hero - In Timor
Obituary - Honouring A Friend And Colleague - A997234 Pte Leonard William Manning 15 August 1975 - 24 July 2000 (aged 24 years). Written by his friends in Bravo Company, 2nd 1st Battalion .See... Obituary for Private Leonard Manning in the Headlines wire.

Private Manning is escorted home with a guard of honour...
Death of Private Leonard Manning in East Timor - Prime Minister Helen Clark today extended her sympathy and deepest condolences to the family of Private Leonard Manning, who was killed yesterday in a gun battle with bandits in East Timor. An investigation of the scene is about to get underway. Foreign Affairs Minister Phil Goff will raise the issue of security with Indonesia this afternoon. Meanwhile, National leader Jenny Shipley, United NZ leader Peter Dunne, and NZ First defence spokesman Ron Mark have all offered their condolences.

First Light Strikes Christ In Timor
Kiwi Soldier Dies in Timor - New Zealanders' hearts go out for the brave serviceman who has died on service in East Timor, Prime Minister Jenny Shipley said. See... Tragic Death Of A Brave New Zealander. Defence Minister Max Bradford has also offered his deepest sympathy to the family of the New Zealand Army soldier who died in East Timor. See... East Timor Casualty in the Parliament wire.
Latest From Timor - In amongst the burned out rubble-strewn streets of Dili, a team of local labourers - men and women - slowly, but diligently clear up the mess. A World Vision food for work scheme feeds a family and cleans a city. See... James Addis Reports On Dili, East Timor in the Headlines wire.
The return from West Timor of displaced East Timorese is gathering pace as border crossing points are being opened up and boatloads of refugees begin arriving in Dili. See? Refugees Returning To Dili in the Headlines wire.

ASEAN CULTURAL CELEBRATION - Two children of staff from the Indonesian Embassy in Wellington perform a Pendet dance (welcoming) at the ASEAN Bazaar and Cultural Day at the Chinese Anglican cultural center in Tinakori Road. See... Scoop Images: Welcome To Indonesia and Scoop Images: ASEAN Cultural Day National Costumes in the Headlines wire.
NZ Troops In East Timor Help Pick Up The Pieces - The extent of the savagery in East Timor is now becoming more obvious as INTERFET troops gain a widespread presence throughout the country and more of the militia handiwork comes to light. See... NZ Military Police Investigate East Timor Graves in the Headlines wire. See also.. Scoop Images: NZ Forces In East Timor.
Oppressed In Malaysia - A Victim Speaks Out - Munawar A. Anees was tried for having sexual relations with Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia's former deputy prime minister, a charge Mr. Anees denied as part of a set-up to imprison Mr. Anwar and remove him from political life. He tells his own story... See... Scoop Testimony: Jefferson Vs Mahathir in the Headlines wire.
NZ PM Welcomes New Indonesian Cabinet - New Zealand welcomes the positive signs in the Indonesian Government signalled by the new Cabinet announced today, Prime Minister Jenny Shipley said. See? Prime Minister Welcomes New Indonesian Cabinet in the Parliament wire.
East Timor An Important Challenge At A Crucial Time - Kofi Annan - Calling it an important challenge coming at a crucial time for the people of East Timor, Secretary-General Kofi Annan says the United Nations will move quickly to establish the newly-authorized UN Transitional Administration ... See... Secretary-General pledges quick action in the General wire. The Security Council has decided to set up a United Nations authority in East Timor with a broad mandate designed to help the territory's transition to independence. See... UN transitional administration in East Timor and UN Security Council Decision On East Timor both in the General wire.
Keep An Eye On Timor Urges Chomsky - According to recent reports, the UN mission in East Timor has been able to account for just over 150,000 people out of an estimated population of 850,000. It reports that 260,000 ?are now languishing in squalid refugee camps in West Timor under the effective control of the militias after either fleeing or being forcibly removed from their homes," and that another 100,000 have been relocated to other parts of Indonesia. See Noam Chomsky?s latest missive on Timor .. Noam Chomsky: East Timor Is Not Yesterday's Story in the Headlines wire.
World Vision Series

Scoop Media [Auckland] in co-operation with World Vision will be bringing you regular updates from Dili.
World Vision Aid Helps Clean Up Dili: Scoop, In co-operation with World Vision NZ, brings you the latest report from our correspondent in East Timor, James Addis. In amongst the burned out rubble-strewn streets of Dili, a team of local labourers - men and women - slowly, but diligently clear up the mess. See? World Vision Aid Helps Clean Up Dili... in the Auckland wire.
Timor Aid Effort Drives Deeper Into Western Areas: World Vision pushed its aid effort further into East Timor's troubled western regions today delivering the first food relief... See? Timor Aid Effort Drives Deeper Into Western Areas... in the Auckland wire.
>Personal Reflections On East Timor in the Auckland wire. Also See... World Vision New Zealand at the World Vision website.
UN Talking Timor - The Security Council in the UN has dropped a reference to an inquiry into abuses of human rights from its draft resolution to set up a UN administration in East Timor. John Howard reports. See... Diplomatic Manoeuvres Over Timor Draft Resolution in the Headlines wire.
Gus Dur Elected Indonesian President - Megawati Vice President - In a close fought poll neither of the two front-runners, B.J.Habibe and Megawati Sukarnoputri, have been appointed as the first President of the new Indonesian Democratic Republic. Instead, the nearly blind Islamic cleric Abdurrachman Wahid, known also as Gus Dur, has taken the role at the head of the new democratic government in Jakarta. This morning Megawai Sukarnoputri was elected as vice-president after Golkar chairman Akbar Tanjung and armed forces chief General Wiranto both pulled out of the race. Riots sparked yesterday by Megawati's disappointment are beginning to give way to celebrations.
Shipley / Clinton Congratulate New Indonesian President - Prime Minister Jenny Shipley has extended New Zealand?s congratulations to President Wahid on being elected to office as the fourth President of the Republic of Indonesia. See? New Zealand Congratulates New Indonesian President in the Parliament wire. Bill Clinton has done likewise. See? Statement by the Clinton on Election in Indonesia in the General wire.
Wegawati Defeated Due To Poor Tactical Grip - While Asian governments were quick to respond positively to the election of Indonesia's new president, Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati's loss shows she lacked tactical grip. John Howard reports. See? Megawati's loss shows she lacked tactical grip in the Headlines wire.
Timor Aid Effort Drives Deeper Into Western Areas: Scoop, in co-operation with World Vision NZ, brings you the latest report from our correspondent in East Timor, James Addis. World Vision pushed its aid effort further into East Timor's troubled western regions yesterday delivering the first food relief... See? Timor Aid Effort Drives Deeper Into Western Areas... in the Auckland Front Page.
New Zealand Govt Welcomes Indonesian Decision on Timor?s Independence - Foreign Minister Don McKinnon today welcomed the Indonesian Parliament's decision to revoke the decree incorporating East Timor into Indonesia, thereby opening the way for East Timor's transition to independence. See? East Timorese can focus on the future - McKinnon . The Prime Minister is also pleased. See? New Zealand Welcomes Indonesian Decision On Timor. Both in the Parliament wire.
Indonesia's Parliament Ratifies Independence Referendum - The last remaining hurdle for Independence for East Timor has been cleared yesterday with the ratification by the new Indonesian Parliament of the results of the August 30 independence referendum in East Timor. In the referendum the people of East Timor voted 80% to 20% against Indonesia's offer of limited autonomy and in favour of Independence.
NZ To Send Eight Police Officers To Timor - New Zealand is to contribute eight police personnel to the United Nations Mission in East Timor (UNAMET), Prime Minister Jenny Shipley said today. See? NZ Commits Police To East Timor in the Parliament wire.
130 More Troops To Timor - One hundred and thirty Kiwi troops left New Zealand for East Timor this morning. Seventy four left Ohakea to acclimatise and train in Darwin before heading to Dili and the rest, members of the battalion's reconnaissance team, left at 10am on a Hercules. The Governor General fareweled the troops.
SCOOP NEWS ANALYSIS British Oil, Timor And Australia - British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook's, arrival in New Zealand prior to September's APEC forum caused Thailand Foreign Ministry official, Kobsak Chitikul, to ask, "Why is Mr Robin Cook here?" Britain is not a member of APEC. Good question. In this report. John Howard delves into the Timor Gap and comes up with a less charitable answer than Tony Blair would perhaps be comfortable with. See... British Oil The Main Beneficiary Of Timor Crisis in the Headlines wire.
Aussie SAS Involved In Covert Ops Since April? - Australian special forces and navy divers have been carrying out covert operations in East Timor since April in a provocative move that prompted warnings from Jakarta. John Howard reports. See? Aussie Troops In Provocative Covert Moves in the Headlines wire.
East Timor Update From Defence Minister - The New Zealand Victor Company Group of approximately 130 soldiers had moved from the East Timor capital Dili, Defence Minister Max Bradford confirmed today. See... NZ Troops Move Out of Dili in the Parliament wire.
Troop Pay Rises - Operational allowances for Defence Force personnel serving in East Timor are to be increased by just over 100 per cent, Defence Minister Max Bradford confirmed today. See... Increase In East Timor Allowances in the Parliament wire. However New Zealand First Defence spokesperson Ron Mark has welcomed the increase in allowances for soldiers fighting in East Timor, but says the new rates are still not enough. See? New Military Allowances Still Not Enough in the Parliament wire.
Road To East Timor Paved With Good Intentions - Soldiers, rifles at the ready, are walking leafy streets and smiling at ragged children. Aid agencies, under heavily armed guard, are distributing food, tents and medicines. See? The Road to Timor is Paved With Good Intentions in the Headlines wire.
Cabinet Meets: Approves Pay Rise For Kiwi Diggers In Timor - Labour Leader Helen Clark today welcomed the decision to raise the daily allowance payments to New Zealand peace-keepers in East Timor. See... Clark welcomes decision to raise troops' pay in the Parliament wire.
Cabinet Meets: And Gives Even More To Timor - New Zealand will provide a further $1 million in humanitarian relief to East Timor, Prime Minister Jenny Shipley announced today. This sum is in addition to the $250,000 announced on Friday. See... More New Zealand Aid For East Timor and More Humanitarian Assistance For East Timor in the Parliament wire.
Fire Fight Kills Two, Injures Two - The Australian Army is remaining tight-lipped about two soldiers injured in an East Timor militia ambush late yesterday. See... Fire Fight In East Timor - Two Killed Two Injured in the Headlines wire.
Security Rifts A Risk To Indonesian Transition - The ongoing sectarian violence in Indonesia?s Ambon has claimed over 15 lives since Oct. 3. Reports suggest that the latest violence was triggered and sustained by factionalism among security forces, says STRATFOR.COM. See... Security Rifts Threaten Indonesian Stabity in the Headlines wire.
A Puzzling Picture - And Then A Simple Explanation - We received the following image yesterday via e-mail. It appears to show a soldier carrying a Steyr rifle with an Australian imprint the word ?Humps? and various things written in Indonesian on it. See... Scoop Puzzle: Is This An Aussie? What Is He Up To? in the Headlines wire and then Steyr Butt Writings Translated for the explanation.
Kofi Annan Recommends Large UN Presence in Timor - The Secretary General of the UN, Kofi Annan, in an 18 page report, has urged UN member countries to provide security forces, experts and civil servants to help rebuild East Timor. But, it won't be easy. John Howard reports. See? Kofi Annan Recommends Large UN Presence In Timor in the Headlines wire.
Shipley Orders More Troops To Timor - Now Full Battalion - New Zealand has today agreed to increase the size of its peacekeeping force in East Timor from a company group to a battalion group of more than 800 defence personnel, Prime Minister Jenny Shipley announced. See? NZ Commitment To Timor To Become Battalion in the Parliament wire.
Peacekeeping A Costly Business - Defence Minister Max Bradford has said the move to increase New Zealand?s contribution to the UN peacekeeping force in East Timor would cost around $75 million over 18 months. The Prime Minister Jenny Shipley has however said now is not the time to be talking about cost. The 3000 Australian troops in Timor is likely to cost Australia around $1 billion and there is talk of delaying tax cuts or cutting social spending to pay for it.
Kiwi Troops Straight Down To Business - The Kiwi troops who arrived in Dili set up camp and immediately set out patroling the streets of the ransacked city. The commander of the UN operation, Major General Peter Cosgrove, has welcomed the arrival of the troops.
NZ To Take 300 Timorese Refugees - The Prime Minister has confirmed that New Zealand will take 300 East Timorese refugees. The number is expected to be about 300. See... Government Deciding On Timorese in the Parliament wire. Labour Leader Helen Clark has fully backed the government's decision to admit to New Zealand refugees from East Timor. See... Labour welcomes refugee announcement in the Parliament wire.
Anti Independence Coalition Forms In Timor - Scoop's John Howard reports that a 50,000 strong coalition opposed to independence and 'neo-colonialism' has been formed in East Timor. See? Anti Independence Coalition Forms In Timor in the Headlines wire.
Calm In Dili As First Peacekeepers Arrive - CNN's Maria Ressa is reporting from Dili Airport where the situation appears calm as UN peacekeepers arrive. The first to arrive were 12 Australian commandoes aboard a C130 transport. They consulted with Indonesian military commanders about securing the airport. More flights have since arrived. Looting in the capital stopped two days ago according to aid workers though the city remains deserted.
No Surprise At Indonesian Reluctance Over War Crimes Investigation - The news that Indonesia is reluctant to become involved in the UN investigation of atrocities committed in East Timor should come as no surprise. The politicians have become pawns of the military. John Howard reports. See? Indonesian Reluctance Over War Crimes Inquiry in the Headlines wire.
All Eyes On Jakarta - As Kiwi and Aussie diggers hunker down in Dili tonight their future is being decided not at home - where loved ones wait and elected leaders worry - but in Jakarta where the worries of East Timor are increasingly playing second fiddle to a domestic political crisis. Scoop's Alastair Thompson discusses the latest developments in the fast unfolding crisis. See...Scoop Opinion: Fire In The Sky.
UN Military Commander Responds To Nairn Allegations - US Pacific forces commander Admiral Blair candidly discusses the level of assistance the US is providing to the East Timor peacekeeping operation, and the pros and cons of the US military's relationship with the Indonesian military. See... Pacific Commander Talks US Relations With The TNI in the Headlines wire.
Is Australian Rhetoric Giving ASEAN Cold Feet? - The largely Australian International Force for East Timor (INTERFET) has been in East Timor since Sept. 20. The initial composition of the force led to debates between the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) member countries over the long-standing principle of noninterference. While Asian nations originally leaned toward offering troops to express Asian unity and stave off a primarily Western force in East Timor, domestic politics and inter-Asian relations are hindering their deployment. Spurred by Australian Prime Minister John Howard?s redefinition of Australia?s role in Asia, Asian nations are now rethinking their decisions to move into East Timor, see... Asian Contributions to ET Raise Concerns of Unity in the Headlines wire.
And The Future Is... VisionCorp - East Timor independence leaders will meet with officials of the IMF and World Bank in Washington this week, while high-powered critics are calling for both organisations to be cut down to size to break their hold on poor nations. Scoop's West Coast correspondent John Howard has a few ideas of his own... See... Scoop Column: VisionCorp To Replace World Bank in the Headlines wire.
Australian Brutality - Dili As Seen In Jakarta - following report was carried this morning in the Jakarta English language daily the Jakarta Post. It reports an East Timorese militia commander accusing Australian peace-keepers of torturing eight militiamen in Dili East Timor. See... Australian Troops Accused Of Torturing Militiamen in the Headlines wire.
APEC On Target - Hits Foot - If you lower your sights far enough, you can always hit your target - even if it is your own foot. So it is with the success claimed for the APEC leaders' meeting in Auckland just ended. See... After APEC: Passing the buck in the Headlines wire.
THE LISTENER ON APEC AND EAST TIMOR - ? If Indonesia has treated the outside world with contempt over the last few weeks, it has been encouraged to do so, writes Gordon Campbell of the New Zealand Listener... See... Peace in our time - Gordon Campbell.and ,:?Just in case it hadn't penetrated the dim depths that politicians suspect pass as brains among much of the fourth estate, Jenny Shipley drums it into our thick skulls at the final Apec press conference. ? See... A Tale Of Two Apecs - Mark Revington.
Habibe Up To His Neck In Bank Bali - The Bank Bali scandal is turning into a long-running saga which has almost all the elements of a TV soap opera. John Howard reports. See... The Ongoing Bali Bank Scandal.
The Card-master Talks Law And Order The following article was found on the web by Scoop's West Coast correspondent John Howard - it sheds some light on General Wiranto's views on the need for security and the role of the military in Indonesian society.
See... News Background - General Wiranto On Law And Order.
Deception, Deceit and Betrayal - US Dealings In Indonesia - More revelations today from official declassifed US Commerce Department documents on United States government dealings in Indonesia. John Howard reports, ?Follow the Money?. See? Deceit And Deception - US Dealings in Indonesia in the Headlines wire.
McKinnon Leaves For United Nations General Assembly - Foreign Minister Don McKinnon leaves New Zealand tonight to travel to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, and to the Caribbean. While in New York Mr McKinnon will deliver New Zealand's statement to the General Assembly (Wednesday). See? McKinnon departs for UN General Assembly in the Parliament wire.
Images Of New Zealand Forces In "Operation Stabilise"
- Scoop Images: Seasprite Takes To The Air - Warning (320k)
- Scoop Images: Te Kaha In Darwin
- Scoop Images: Kiwi Gun Ship
- Scoop Images: Loading Hercules At Ohakea
- Scoop Images: Helicopter Overhead all in the Headlineswire.
- Scoop Images: Operation Stabilise - ADF Pics
Australia's New Role In Asia - Post-Timor, Australia will upgrade its defence forces and embrace a new role as the United States' peacekeeping "deputy" in Asia. John Howard reports. See... Australia To Become America's Peacekeeping Deputy in the Headlines wire.
Kiwi Soldiers Need Association To Protect Themselves - New Zealand First has called for a professional association to be set up to defend the rights and conditions of service for New Zealand Defence
personnel. See? Soldiers Need Their Rights Defended in the Parliament wire.
An Evolving Japan Takes On Security Mantle - Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi has said that discussions are underway to modify the laws governing the country's Self Defense Forces in order to allow active participation in the U.N. mission in East Timor. See... East Timor Crisis Accelerates Japan's Evolution in the Headlines wire.
In A Significant Post APEC Development... - The World Bank reversed its opposition to short-term capital controls and announced that Malaysia's experiment with capital controls was, in effect, a success. See... World Bank Reverses Position on Financial Controls in the Headlines wire. Meanwhile US farmers are calling for more tariffs saying they merely help pay for American infrastructure which supports importers while in a related story, Britain has approved an emergency aid package, converted to NZ dollars, of $ 450 million to help farmers. See... US Farmers Call For More Tariffs also in the Headlines wire.
The Nation Writer Freed And Deported - The following is a selection of news items, and internet based media advisories on the status of American Jounalist Allan Nairn who has now been freed by Indonesian authorities and deported to Singapore. See... Journalist Allan Nairn Freed - Now In Singapore in the Headlines wire.
Is East Timor Out Of Control? - In the Headlines wire Scoop's Alastair Thompson surveys the limited sources of information currently available on the situation in East Timor and attempts to reconcile what is clearly a very complicated crisis. See? Scoop News Analysis: East Timor - The End Game. Meanwhile FAIR-L (Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting) has issued a warning to journalists reporting on the crisis. See? Is East Timor Really "Out Of Control"?.
Pictures From The Massacre - This afternoon Scoop received some alarming pictures by email of the environment New Zealand troops may soon find themselves in. They show what appear to be Indonesian troops gunning down a youth in the street's of East Timor as he runs away. See... Images: Shooting - WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT in the Headlines wire.
Once Upon A Time... - United Party Leader Peter Dunne's speech in the debate on sending peacekeepers to East Timor was in the form of a story about a small island nation... See... Once upon a time there was a small island nation.. in the Headlines wire.
Commentary Of Great Moment - Megawati Sukarnoputri is expected to be the next President of Indonesia. Yesterday she penned the following commentary on the East Timor situation for Newsweek magazine. See... Megawati: "I am saddened, ashamed, concerned" in the Headlines wire.
SCOOP WORLD EXCLUSIVE: CIA on Habibe - Recently declassified documents from the US Commerce Department reveal the Clinton White House intelligence report on Indonesian President, B.J. Habibie. In the CIA's opinion Habibe is "the type of official needed today in developing countries"... See... US Intelligence Say Habibie "Right Type Of Person" in the Headlines wire.
Selwyn Manning Says Goodbye To APEC - The drum of commuter traffic has once again restored Auckland to its gridlocked best. And smiles beam involuntary as the media team clear out of the Aotea Centre for foreign shores. See... Goodbye APEC - Has Been Nice Knowing You in the Headlines wire.
SCOOP WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Operation "Restore Order" - Indonesia has been widely condemned over the past two weeks for its failure to keep order in East Timor. With calm apparently restored inside the Indonesian territory, Scoop's Alastair Thompson brings you the first glimpses of the inside story... Indonesia's Triumph - Operation "Restore Order" in the Headlines wire. See also background info from Scoop's archive on the leak of an Indonesian planning document".
WEDNESDAY 15th: UN Decision Pending - Aussie Casualties Could Follow - Australian Prime Minister John Howard said he expects an announcement from the UN Security Council approving an Australian-led peacekeeping force to East Timor in six to eight hours time - around 6pm NZ time. Howard said the Australian public should be under no illusions that there could be conflict and casualties in the mission and that the mission would be more effective if troops were given the legal backing to defend themselves fully.
WEDNESDAY 15th: Special Parliament On Friday - The New Zealand Parliament will hold a special session from 2pm on Friday to discuss NZ's planned deployment of peacekeepers to East Timor.
WEDNESDAY 15th: Frigate Te Kaha Sees Dili Burn - Joins Military Force - The New Zealand frigate sailed close enough to East Timor on Friday night, on route to Darwin, that staff could see the glow as Dili continued to burn. As Te Kaha sailed through Wetar straight, 40 kms north of Timor, the ship's anti missile gun was loaded and staff were ready for action. Te Kaha's radar monitored the airlift of Timorese refugees to Darwin and monitored six Indonesian warship in the area. The crew have stepped up small arms training and have now joined a large naval presence off Darwin. Kiwi troops are in Australia, with Te Kaha and the tanker Endeavour, as well as a Hercules aircraft.
TUESDAY 14th: Indonesia Give UN Free Run On Peacekeeping Composition - Indonesian Foreign Minister Ali Alatas has told the UN there are no conditions on the composition of a peacekeeping force for East Timor. Previously Indonesia had indicated they wanted no US or Australian troops on their soil.
TUESDAY 14th: Military Build Up In Darwin - The Kiwi frigate Te Kaha has berthed in Darwin beside US military ships and the supply ship Endeavour is on the way as troops go on standby and forces build for a quick deployment to East Timor. Meanwhile commentators are urging the peacekeepers to hurry as atrocities are still being committed and refugees sheltering in the hills are running the risk of starving.
MONDAY 13th: NZ Welcomes Decision - Special Parliament To Be Called - Prime Minister Jenny Shipley said that all New Zealanders who have been appalled by the suffering of the East Timorese people will welcome Indonesia's decision to allow United Nations peacekeeping forces into Timor. See. NZ Welcomes Decision To Admit Peacekeeper in the Parliament wire.
MONDAY - NEWSFLASH: Indonesia Accepts Peacekeepers 1am approximately NZ time (Monday 13th September). CNN is quoting Kofi Annan saying Indonesia has agreed to accept peacekeepers.