In a month’s time, the Right Honourable Winston Peters will be celebrating his 80th birthday. Good for him. On the evidence though, his current war on “wokeness” looks like an old man’s cranky complaint that the ancient virtues of grit and know-how are sadly lacking in the youth of today. “Woke” is a political weapon being used by conservatives to rally the nation’s voters against a left wing agenda that seeks to reward and promote Māori, feminists, trans people, and the disabled, at the expense of ordinary decent folk who are – allegedly – none of the above.
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"The EU and the UK have made it clear that trade commitments are predicated on environmental commitments. If Luxon wants to present himself as committed to a rules-based multilateral international system then he needs to also be committed to New Zealand’s international environmental agreements," says Dr Russel Norman, Greenpeace Aotearoa Executive Director..
The Living Wage Movement is once again calling on NZ First to stand by its election promise to protect the Living Wage for government-contracted cleaners, security guards, and caterers. When workers are paid the Living Wage, they’re more engaged, attentive, and they stick around. Their reliance on government subsidies is reduced. That’s value for money.
New Zealanders want high environmental standards to be met. Despite the Government’s efforts to derail good environmental outcomes with the shameful Fast-track Approvals Act, our expectation is that investors should bring progressive thinking to the planning and implementation of new infrastructure projects.
“All we need now is just six Government MPs. If six MPs from National, NZ First or ACT use their conscience, we can pass the law necessary to begin sanctioning Israel for its brutal war crimes against the Palestinian people,” says Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick.
Terrence “Mook” Hohneck, Chair of the Trust and Chair of Hokai Nuku says the investment in safer roading and driving local communities will help to boost productivity in the area.
In response to growing evidence that people seeking Emergency Housing are being denied shelter, Min. Potaka has consistently stood by the Coalition Government's policy, claiming that the policy does not exclude those who need access to Emergency Housing from receiving it.
Privacy Commissioner Michael Webster says, "The law is very clear that when an agency outsources services to a third-party provider, the agency remains responsible for ensuring the data remains secure and used in a way that is compliant with the Privacy Act."
The letter concentrates on the need for editorial independence to continue at NZME and asks James Grenon to make a public commitment to that independence, both now and in the future.
“This regulation has already been removed in urban areas where fibre and other more modern technologies are available – and we now see a case for removing it in more rural areas too,” says Telecommunications Commissioner, Tristan Gilbertson.
We need a well-performing science ministry to reform our research system so it more efficiently delivers the knowledge and innovation that makes us healthier, safer and more productive. The Science System Advisory Group (SSAG) chaired by Sir Peter Gluckman contained a recommended way to better advise the minister during this critical period when we need to complete a system reform.
Total actual filled jobs in the December 2024 quarter were 2.28 million. In the December 2024 quarter (compared with September 2024 quarter), total seasonally adjusted filled jobs were down 0.3 percent (6,248 jobs).
Transpower is seeking views on whether the rules governing how it prepares and publishes information in its system operator role to help the electricity sector manage security of supply risks are fit for purpose.
The Munich narrative is central to the 'Good War' morality trope, through which democracies (especially the United States) justified wars of aggression; what used to be called 'gunboat-diplomacy' in the British days of empire.
The school lunches debacle is a classic example of what happens when social policy projects lose sight of their original objectives. The seeds of the current crisis were sown when the objectives of the original scheme were broadened in 2019 to include all children in qualifying schools. That inevitably meant that it was likely to become financially unsustainable in the longer term.
The coalition government is trying to attract foreign investment to generate economic growth, while cutting back drastically on its own investment in our economy.
The MAGA philosophy has its dangers and problems, but the mental illness of its chief proponent is not one of them. Trump is most certainly a disturbed human being, infantilised, insecure, and prone to hazes of narcissism, but he can hardly be dismissed as a person without certain cerebral functions.
The Russia-Ukraine War is a mucky border conflict between two countries with a long & intertwined shared history, & with more than enough 'stirring of the pot' from outside to convert a regional security dispute into an existential global security threat. It can be settled with a deal that reflects the military situation, rather than by democratically compromised sabre-rattling from Western Europe
The rising cost of going to the doctor means that many of those “Kiwis” cannot afford to get timely care.
“This is a historic moment for the victims and their families who have long suffered under Duterte’s reign of terror,” said ICHRP Chairperson Peter Murphy. “The arc of the moral universe is long, but today, it has bent towards justice. Duterte’s arrest is the beginning of accountability for the mass killings that defined his brutal rule.”
A report by the UN Human Rights Office in 2020 found there were credible allegations of widespread and systematic extrajudicial killings in the context of the campaign against illegal drugs, and that there had been near impunity for such violations.
The Great Save aims to keep sports kit in play for longer - via donations, re-sale, reusing or upcycling – helping to reduce waste, save money, and support those in the community who may otherwise lack access to kit.
Israel's allies have purposefully ignored this grave violation of international humanitarian law and normalised this conduct. MSF also urges Israel’s allies, including the United States, to refrain from normalising such actions and to act decisively to prevent Gaza from plunging further into devastation.
Ron Brierley has been charged with more child sex offences, three years after being released from prison.
LGBT people face criminal penalties in over half of Commonwealth member states
A Kaiapoi college for young parents has seen its roll jump by 17 students over the past year. Kaiwhakahaere (director) Whitney Misiuata said the college gave young parents the chance to gain NCEA qualifications, helping them find work and giving them the option of further education, including university.
Te Manukura | President Ripeka Lessels is calling for schools to be given the option as the union releases a survey of more than 200 principals and area school kaiako about the new lunch programme, which finds almost 80% of respondents were ‘not satisfied’ with the lunches provided by the collective.
Big news for budding business students: Jamie Beaton, the youngest New Zealander to build a billion-dollar company, is returning to where it all started at the country’s top-ranked tertiary institution, the University of Auckland.
NZVA Companion Animal Veterinarians Branch Immediate Past President Natalie Lloyd said it was great to hear vet nurses would once again be able to perform subgingival (below the gum line) procedures on cats and dogs that are under general anaesthesia.
The writer awarded the residency will receive return flights to Sydney, four weeks accommodation and meals at Varuna and the opportunity to appear at the Blue Mountains Writers’ Festival. The residency is from 20 October – 17 November 2025.
Pharmac's decision is a vital step towards ensuring that every person with endometriosis can access desogestrel, regardless of their financial situation. For far too long, access to desogestrel, which is an effective hormonal treatment for endometriosis, has been dictated by cost rather than clinical need.