ARC responds to David Thornton
ARC responds to David Thornton
12 February 2004
In response to an email from David Thornton which he also released to the media, ARC CEO Jo Brosnahan replied with the following.
Dear David
Thank you for your email, sent to me this morning.
With regard to any delays in mail delivery, for which there can be many reasons, we have been advising people who contact us to take seven days from the time they received the letter. We have always been flexible in this respect, as long as people take the time to contact us.
While we cannot take action to recover the debt from the mortgagee until November, we can notify the mortgagee of the debt. A copy of the third reminder letter will be sent to the mortgagee.
The mortgagee is registered against the property and we will be searching the title for this information.
As you are aware, the ARC does not have 100,000 defaulting ratepayers.
Yours sincerely
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