Growth in Exports Continues
Overseas Merchandise Trade: September 2000
Provisional figures released today by Statistics New Zealand show the value of merchandise exports for September 2000 at $2,460 million. This value is unchanged from the early estimate published on 26 October 2000. The trend in the value of monthly exports has been growing since January 1999 but at a slower rate in the last four months than earlier this year.
The seasonally adjusted value of merchandise exports for the September 2000 quarter was 2.3 per cent higher than in the June 2000 quarter. This follows a 6.7 per cent increase last quarter.
The value of seasonally adjusted exports increased for most commodities in the September 2000 quarter. Fruit and nuts recorded a 44.7 per cent increase in value, milk powder, butter and cheese 12.4 per cent, and meat and edible offal 2.4 per cent.
Imports for September 2000 were valued at $3,050 million resulting in a trade deficit of $590 million. These figures include imports of aircraft and parts valued at $285 million. The imports trend shows a steady rate of growth over the past eight months.