June Quarter Retail Sales Increase 0.3 Percent
June Quarter Retail Sales Increase 0.3 Percent
Seasonally adjusted total retail sales increased 0.3 percent in the June 2003 quarter, compared with the March 2003 quarter, according to Statistics New Zealand. This was the result of a monthly decrease of 0.2 percent in April, followed by monthly increases of 0.9 percent in May and 0.5 percent in June.
Eleven of the 15 storetypes recorded higher seasonally adjusted sales, compared with the March 2003 quarter. The largest contributors to the increase in seasonally adjusted sales were the motor vehicle retailing (up $53 million) and recreational goods (up $27 million) storetypes.
The motor vehicle services storetype, which fell by $102 million, recorded the largest decrease. The volume of total seasonally adjusted retail sales increased 1.5 percent in the June 2003 quarter, compared with the March 2003 quarter. This follows increases of 0.9 percent in the March 2003 quarter and 1.3 percent in the December 2002 quarter.
All North Island regions recorded higher seasonally adjusted sales in the June 2003 quarter compared with the March 2003 quarter. The largest increase in seasonally adjusted sales occurred in the Remainder of the North Island (which includes all areas outside the Auckland, Waikato and Wellington regions) (up $21 million). Both South Island regions recorded decreases. The largest decrease in seasonally adjusted sales occurred in the Remainder of the South Island, which includes all areas outside the Canterbury region (down $8 million).
Total actual retail sales for the June 2003 quarter were $12,581 million, 4.6 percent higher than in the June 2002 quarter.
Brian Pink Government Statistician END