Soil & Health Urges Consumers To reduce Egg Buying
The Soil & Health Association of New Zealand (Est. 1941)
Publishers of ORGANIC NZ
Soil and Health Association co-chair Steffan Browning is calling on consumers to reduce their egg buying until eggs are labelled according to production methods.
Of course genuine free range eggs are labelled and should still be bought according to Mr Browning.
Soil and Health want egg producers to allow the public or media, access to inspect their egg production facilities, and to label eggs according to production method, or suffer consumer boycotts.
Hiding their gross cruelty behind barn doors, the cage hen industry is presently dominating the market.
Consumer resistance should convince the profiteering egg barons to adopt the successful and humane management methods of the free range industry, said Mr Browning, adding that a dozen eggs less a week per family would give a very clear message.