New Secondary Teachers' Union to be Launched
Concerned Teachers
PO Box 5035, Papanui
Sunday, 10 September 2000
Media Release
Attention: Industrial/Education Reporters
New Secondary Teachers' Union to be Launched
"Concerned Teachers has decided to register a Union under the Employment Relations Act to progress its campaign to negotiate a Collective Employment Contract for markers with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)," said Concerned Teachers spokesperson Peter Calvert. "Our aim is to have the new Union registered by 2 October, 2000 when the new Act comes into force."
Mr Calvert said that Concerned Teachers had made the decision in the light of public attacks on it by PPTA Executive members over the last week. Another factor was the agreement of PPTA representatives on the Secondary Forum (NCEA) to double the marking load of teachers by voting to accept "resits".
"Our organisation's preference was to cooperate with PPTA. On August 8, we wrote to PPTA offering to jointly negotiate a contract for work including all current marking for school awards plus any work generated by the introduction of the National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA). The claim was initially lodged with NZQA on 7 March this year."
"PPTA has not responded to our approach and then last week we were publicly accused of being 'hell bent on destroying the PPTA' by a senior Executive member of PPTA," said Mr Calvert. "PPTA's refusal to work with Concerned Teachers has forced our Management Committee to decide to form our own Union."
"Our aim is to form a Boutique Union which will be attempting to negotiate increases on current contractor rates for School Cert and Bursary markers; allowance for all secondary teachers in schools participating in Achievement Standards (NCEA); and a new rate for teachers marking internally assessed work at school," said Mr Calvert.
For more information: Peter Calvert (021) 2111 825