TEAC Recommends Political Suicide
Press Release For Immediate Use 7/10/2001
Students have today rejected the Fourth TEAC report as "recommending political suicide", says Auckland University of Technology Student Association President Glen Oliver.
"Recommendations to "redirect money" away from student allowances, to remove the policy of no interest on student loans while studying and to introduce large-scale capping of student numbers are all the hallmarks of a Commission out of touch with reality".
"TEAC chair Russell Marshall talks about encouraging participation by including traditionally disadvantaged groups, yet this report does exactly the opposite. The report has chosen to ignore the evidence that shows that the loans scheme is detrimental to students, equity and society in general."
"The current Government campaigned on reducing the cost of tertiary education. TEAC has subsequently produced a report that recommends they break the basis of these promises. The simple fact is that if these recommendations are implemented, life is going to get a whole lot harder for AUT students", concluded Oliver.
For further information please contact:
Glen Oliver President Auckland Student Movement @AUT (AUT Students Association) Ph (09) 917 9999 ext 8571 Mobile (021) 392 079