All Fired Up For World Peace
CAPTION: SMOKE ON THE WATER- Fire breathers from the Chilli Club
International break a fire breathing world record in
1995. For more images of Charlie and his burns for peace see...
Scoop Images: "That no fighting shall take place"
In what should be a spectacular newsflash, fire breathers from around the country will gather in Auckland to promote world peace.
Fire breather and event organiser Charles Crawshaw is currently gathering fellow fuel gargling contemporaries from around the country in an attempt to break his own world record for the most fire breathers gathered together to perform a show.
Scheduled to appear on June 7 in Auckland the moment will coincide with the send off of the Olympic torch from the stairs of the Auckland museum.
Mr. Cranshaw hopes to gather over 163 people, the number of breathers in the Chilli Club International, his last world-record performance on the Sydney Harbour Bridge five years ago.
He also plans for the event to fire up the world leaders - into pacifism. Mr. Cranshaw is writing to politicians around the world, including NZ Disarmament Minister Minister Matt Robson, to ask them to cease all hostilities on the date.
Mr. Cranshaw wants to focus public attention on the creation of world peace. He expects the event will gain international news coverage.
Countries currently at war include Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Azerbaijan Bosnia Burma (Myanmar) Burundi Cyprus Diaoyutai Islands East Timor Eritrea-Yemen Georgia Guatemala Haiti Iraq (Iraq-United States) Kashmir Liberia Middle East Chechnya China-Taiwan Cuba-United States Northern Iraq (Kurdistan) Northern Ireland Peru-Ecuador Rwanda Sierra Leone Somalia Spratly Islands Sri Lanka Sudan Tanzania Zaire (Congo)
Attached is Mr Cranshaw’s letter to media editors and one to Mark Burton.
Dear Media Departments
I have attached some documents which I have sent the New Zealand Government and with which I want to share with the New Zealand public and with that matter the world.
Please will you assist me in any way you can. I promise to make myself and some of my young brave team available for the latest news so please do not hesitate to contact myself in the first instance. Charles Crawhsaw Standing to open the Sydney Olympics with 2000 Fire Breathers. Tel 0800 THE NET Email
Current warring countries:
Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Azerbaijan Bosnia Burma (Myanmar) Burundi Cyprus Diaoyutai Islands East Timor Eritrea-Yemen Georgia Guatemala Haiti Iraq (Iraq-United States) Kashmir Liberia Middle East Chechnya China-Taiwan Cuba-United States Northern Iraq (Kurdistan) Northern Ireland Peru-Ecuador Rwanda Sierra Leone Somalia Spratly Islands Sri Lanka Sudan Tanzania Zaire (Congo)
Subject: Olympic Torch leaves
Auckland June 7th, 2000 - The Ceasefire Project has
92 Chilli Club Fire Breathers performing on September 15, 1996 on the Opera House Stairs as a stand for World Peace.
Ceasefire Project
Causing World Peace Day
Friday 15th Sept 2000
The Opening Ceremony
Of the
Sydney Olympics
Hon Matt Robson
MA (Hons), LLB (Hons) Dip. Teaching
Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control
New Zealand Government
Tel: 04 470 6561 Fax: 04 495 8462 Email:
Charles Crawshaw
Senior Graduate of Landmark Education
Founder of the Ceasefire Project
President of Chilli Club International
Tel: 0800 THE NET or 09 624 4418 Email:
Dear Hon Matt Robson Sunday, 23 April 2000
Ever since I set the World Record for the most number of Fire Breathers gathered together to perform a show, I have continued to fulfil on my commitment to cause World Peace for one day. Continually receiving national news coverage, the Chilli Club Fire Breathers currently hold the World Record in Sydney with 163 performers creating an Australian wave of flame across the Sydney Harbour Bridge on October 6th 1997, ( Channel 10 News Australia). Since then, large Fire shows have been generated in Perth, Melbourne, Byron Bay, Brisbane, Darwin and Auckland.
When the World Record was set 5 years ago, it was deliberately performed exactly 5 years before the opening ceremony of the Sydney Olympics. Given Fire Breathing is spectacular and to the fact that we chose the location carefully, we achieved World News on CNN News who cited us as standing for World Peace. This message has grown louder through our performances over the years.
I am here in Auckland purely to regain World News and beat the World Record on the night of Wednesday June 7th, 2000 which significantly sends off the Olympic Torch from the picturesque stairs of the Auckland museum at The Domain.
My invitation is that you attend this farewell and sign the attached document on the night as a declaration that the New Zealand Armed Forces will honour the Chilli Club Fire Breathers stand to have the World stop fighting for one day.
I look forward to your reply,
Charles Crawshaw
To believe what has not occurred in history will not occur at all
Is to argue disbelief in the dignity of man Mahatma Gandhi
On behalf of the
New Zealand Government
and the
New Zealand Armed Forces,
Hon Matt Robson,
Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control
That no fighting shall take place
On the day of
Friday 15th September 2000 -
World Peace Day