Contrary to Chris Petrousky in New York State, and his/her take on the George W. Bush Priceless piece, I did not find it offensive. It was like a breath of fresh air. I too live in the U.S. and a bit of humor is the only way to get through these next four years for many of us. Not all of us march lockstep to the Republican drum beat. I will not be able to make a trip to see your country, as I am not in that income bracket, and that may be the difference on why between Chris and people like myself.
Grand Junction, MI U.S.A.
Thank you, keep up the good work, and you may enjoy going to the web site:
Scoop Feedback: ‘Priceless’ Picture Found Worthless - As a member of the United States citizenry, and as someone who has had to endure the last 8 years of a dishonest, shady man in the presidency, I find your picture of G. Bush offensive. See... Scoop Feedback: Bush Picture Offends and Scoop Images: Priceless