In This Edition: The Hunt For Flight 77 - A Truly Remarkable French Website - Disinformation Warning! - Not Everyone Is Convinced - Eyewitness Reports Of The Crash….
NOTE: Authors of this report will be anonymous and wide ranging, and occasionally finely balanced. Indeed you are invited to contribute: The format is as a reporters notebook. It will be published as and when material is available. C.D. Sludge can be contacted at The Sludge Report is available as a free email service..Click HERE - to subscribe...
Sludge Report #127
The Hunt For Flight 77

IMAGE: Cutout 757 superimposed onto Pentagon photo
“Can you explain how a Boeing 757-200, weighing nearly 100 tons and travelling at a minimum speed of 250 miles an hour* only damaged the outside of the Pentagon?”
A Truly Remarkable French Website
The hottest topic of discussion on alternative media websites today is the sudden arrival of a left-field story into the crowded “What Really Happened On 911” arena.
A group of photographers in France are challenging the public to look through photos of the Pentagon (of which they have an archive) to find any evidence that Flight 77 really did crash into the building.
They have built a snazzily designed English Language introduction to their remarkable website which can be found at.
“ Hunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions!
As everyone knows, on 11 September, less than an hour after the attack on the World Trade Centre, an airplane collided with the Pentagon. The Associated Press first reported that a booby-trapped truck had caused the explosion. The Pentagon quickly denied this. The official US government version of events still holds. Here's a little game for you: Take a look at these photographs and try to find evidence to corroborate the official version. It's up to you to Hunt the Boeing!”
Central to the crew’s novel new thesis on the events of September 11th is the idea that a 757 crashing at 480 miles per hour should have done lots more damage than it did.
The French Website introduction (translated by Google ) reads:
Thursday February 21, utopian Asylum met large turbulences. To answer the exponential increase in its readers has (more than 15 000 for the only day of Wednesday), the site had to be transferred on a new waiter. At 21 hours, it was again completely accessible.Today, we reconsider the attack against the Pentagon with exhibits: a photographic library of 50 images available into low, average and high definition.
September 11 in the morning, whereas televisions of the whole world diffused images of planes being crushed on the lathes of World Trade Center, an attack took place with the seat of the Defence Department of the United States. According to the official version of the government, a Boeing 757-200 would have been crushed on the Pentagon. The journalists having been held with the variation in order to "not obstruct the helps", the majority of the images comes from military sources.
The consultation of these photographs, available on waiters Internet of the army of the United States, however results in expressing serious doubts on the official version. It seems indeed completely impossible that such a plane could cause damage also little.
We let to you judge on part. Here, gathered on the same site, the photographs of the attack against the Pentagon. You can consult them in several formats and download them in high definition. The initial legend, the name of the photographer and his service and the Web page where the image was published are systematically indicated.
The diversion of a plane makes it possible to justify the thesis of the external enemy. But if the cause of the explosion is not a plane fallen from the sky, there probably existed of internal complicities. The enemy of the American democracy could be interior well. “
- Raphaël Meyssan
French reading readers….
Disinformation Warning! - Not Everyone Is Convinced
Image of Wreckage on Pentagon Lawn – Albeit Not Particularly Convincing…
There is considerable skepticism about this report, not the least in light of the fact that it has emerged at the exactly the same time that Le Monde has published an expose into Israeli Intelligence (See… Links And Transcripts: Israeli Spyring Shocker)and its far-fetchedness might therefore be an attempt to pre-emptively undermine the growing case that 911 requires further investigation, through misdirection down a blind alley., which specialises in alternative news concerning 911, is presently carrying the following comment on the new website.
“# 03/04/02 Hunt the Boeing Back by popular demand!I originally took down this link because I have a logic problem with the basic premise of this page; that the damage to the Pentagon was from a truck bomb rather than a passenger jet. If the plane did not crash into the Pentagon, where is it? But a lot of people emailed me asking me to put the link back up, so I put the link back in.
CNN MAP OF FLIGHT PATHS… up your own mind.
UPDATE: This story appears to be deliberate disinformation planted to embarrass and discredit critics of the official story of 9-11 and is likely being promoted by informants and other government propagandists. “
For his part C.D. Sludge can seem to recall seeing TV footage of debris from an aircraft being craned onto a truck. Though the memory can lie.
Further evidence that most probably puts this report in the “weird, wacky and wrong” conspiracy theory file are the passenger lists and biographies which appear all over the web.
The following is just one of many websites on this.
Notably this includes a story on Barbara Olson, 45, a prominent lawyer and frequent political pundit on CNN and other TV channels who called her husband twice as the plane was being hijacked and described some details, including that the attackers were using knife-like instruments.
Eyewitness Reports Of The Crash….
Also from
Link To Real Audio Of Eye Witnesses
Steve Patterson, 43, said he was watching television reports of the World Trade Center being hit when he saw a silver commuter jet fly past the window of his 14th-floor apartment in Pentagon City. The plane was about 150 yards away, approaching from the west about 20 feet off the ground, Patterson said. He said the plane, which sounded like the high-pitched squeal of a fighter jet, flew over Arlington cemetary so low that he thought it was going to land on I-395. He said it was flying so fast that he couldn't read any writing on the side. The plane, which appeared to hold about eight to 12 people, headed straight for the Pentagon but was flying as if coming in for a landing on a nonexistent runway, Patterson said. "At first I thought 'Oh my God, there's a plane truly misrouted from National,'" Patterson said. "Then this thing just became part of the Pentagon .‚.‚. I was watching the World Trade Center go and then this. It was like Oh my God, what's next?" He said the plane, which approached the Pentagon below treetop level, seemed to be flying normally for a plane coming in for a landing other than going very fast for being so low. Then, he said, he saw the Pentagon "envelope" the plane and bright orange flames shoot out the back of the building. "It looked like a normal landing, as if someone knew exactly what they were doing," said Patterson, a graphics artist who works at home. "This looked intentional."
A pilot who saw the impact, Tim Timmerman, said it had been an American Airways 757. "It added power on its way in," he said. "The nose hit, and the wings came forward and it went up in a fireball." Smoke and flames poured out of a large hole punched into the side of the Pentagon. Emergency crews rushed fire engines to the scene and ambulancemen ran towards the flames holding wooden pallets to carry bodies out. A few of the lightly injured, bleeding and covered in dust, were recovering on the lawn outside, some in civilian clothes, some in uniform. A piece of twisted aircraft fuselage lay nearby. No one knew how many people had been killed, but rescue workers were finding it nearly impossible to get to people trapped inside, beaten back by the flames and falling debris.
He said another witness told him a helicopter exploded. AP reporter Dave Winslow also saw the crash. He said, "I saw the tail of a large airliner ... It ploughed right into the Pentagon.
'Black Boxes' Found at Pentagon Crash Site By Rudi Williams American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2001 -- Searchers found the flight data and cockpit voice recorders about 4 a.m. today in the wreckage of the hijacked plane that slammed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, Defense Department officials said. The two "black boxes" will help investigators put together the puzzle of what happened during the doomed flight, said DoD spokesman Army Lt. Col. George H. Rhynedance. "The voice recorder will tell what was going on in the cockpit," he said. The data box, he said, will tell what was happening with the aircraft as it headed toward the Pentagon, such as its rate of turn. Information from the two boxes will help determine what actually happened during the flight, he said. The recorders were turned over the FBI. The recorders are now at the National Transportation Safety Board laboratory in Washington, where technicians are working to recover data on the recorders.
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