In This Edition.... Fed. Governor Ben Bernanke: Is He Barking? - Discussions Re: The Morality Of Money - Eco-Economy: A World Addicted To Genocide – Correspondence With Dr Don Brash
NOTE: Authors of this report will be anonymous and wide ranging, and occasionally finely balanced. Indeed you are invited to contribute: The format is as a reporters notebook. It will be published as and when material is available. C.D. Sludge can be contacted at The Sludge Report is available as a free email service..Click HERE - to subscribe...

Fed. Governor Ben Bernanke – Is He Barking?
Sludge Report #144
Discussions Re: The Morality Of Money
C.D. Sludge has in recent days found himself in correspondence with no less than the grey-eminence himself of NZ monetary policy, National Party Finance spokesman and former Reserve Bank of New Zealand Governor Dr Don Brash.
And the subject of said correspondence hasn’t been the size of his car, the colour of the sky or the cut of his recent jib in the house.
No, Sludge and Dr Don have been discussing some of the finer points of of Monetary Policy – specifically whether some recent unusual statements by Governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve have any implications for New Zealand.
The short version of what follows is that Dr Don apparently thinks not… (as can be seen from the correspondence which is included in full further below).
However C.D. Sludge is not, as readers will know by now, inclined to be so easily dismissed off the trail of a hot Scoop.
Moreover, while Dr Don may ultimately be a little dismissive, it is more than worth noting that Dr Don’s decision to engage in this debate at all has been really rather brave.
His fellow Parliamentary pundits on such matters, Peter Dunne, Rod Donald, Michael Cullen, and the boffins he has left behind at Treasury and The Reserve Bank appear – so far at least - to be loathe to take on such weighty matters. (Winston Peters press officer advised at the time of going to press that he would consider the questions here discussed.)
The genesis of this debate is a speech by U.S. Federal Reserve Board Gov. Ben Bernanke (pictured above) delivered on November 21st.
Entitled: ‘ Deflation: Making Sure "It" Doesn't Happen Here’ Bernanke’s speech has attracted attention particularly because of the following quote.
“But the U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or, today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost. “
(For the full speech see:
or… read a commentary on the speech see…
- Marshall Auerback’s
Eco-Economy: Helicopter Money
- NY Post’s -
Using Play Dough Would Be Wrong)
Now to some readers, including apparently Dr Don, this statement will come as no surprise.
To others who have always thought that money is something “real” that is “earned”, which they keep safe in the “bank” and occasionally use to pay “tax” or purchase stuff, the idea that the Government could simply print buckets of it if they wanted to may seem a little novel.
Students of international relations meanwhile might note that the Russian economy through the 1990s - and more recently the Argentinean economy, not to mention those of numerous other nations, Turkey, Indonesia etc. - have essentially suffered very painful economic meltdowns due to a shortage of “money”.
In particular these economies’ problems were created by a shortage of so-called “hard” currency, or U.S. Dollars, a variety of money which is needed to pay debts to U.S. bankers. This sort of money in particular ought, one might think, not simply be printed willy-nilly when central bankers see fit.
I.E. if printing money is really a “valid” option to keep consumers spending money, then when an economy is heading off the rails like Russia, Argentina and Turkey, how come this isn’t part of the IMF prescription to solve their difficulties?
Eco-Economy: A World Addicted To Genocide
The more acute Scoop reader will have noticed a resurgence on Scoop of late of material raising issues which leads to questions about monetary policy.
These items are published under the moniker “Eco-Economy” and like the Sludge Report are available as free news-by-email services (note: This posting has been sent to subscribers of both lists.)
[Readers inclined to read no further at this point – having more than once encountered the phrase “monetary policy” - are EMPHATICALLY ENCOURAGED not to give up as the machinations of money may well be far more important than you think them to be.]
To wit, Scoop’s newest economic sage and Columnist Tomás Smith(who is on the verge of publishing a new book touching on issues related to the morality of our economic system) states the central question thus:
1. Does a system that systematically destroys what is produced and what has been produced in the past have a future?2. Does a system that cannot embrace the breakthroughs and developments in science and technology to the benefit of humanity have a future?
3. Does a system that embraces death and destruction, not life and creation, have a future?
You, dear reader, I am sure would agree that such as system oughtn’t to stand a snowball’s chance in hell.
And yet strangely just such a system not only functions, but reigns supreme, almost unchallenged, and governs seemingly every aspect of human endeavour.
Which begs the question how? Is it rigged?
Fortunately Scoop also has at least part of the answer to this apparently imponderable question, an answer for which is found obliquely in Governor Bernanke’s aforementioned speech about how to print money for the public good.
Tomas Smith’s... "Arresting The U.S. Economy’s Suicidal Trajectory" talks about the historical context of how inflationary and “bubble creating” monetary policies have led to war. (See…
Meanwhile Hans Schicht’s... "The Long Bond Mystery" discusses empirical evidence that points to how those same “unconventional” monetary policies that Ben Bernanke describes speculatively in his speech may have already been in operation for at least six years. (See…
All of which may explain in part explain the reluctance of Peter Dunne, Michael Cullen et. al. to comment on this subject. It's all just a bit hard, not to mention deep.
Meanwhile for those of you who remain skeptical about those questions about the fundamental immorality of money raised herein, we do at least have the wisdom of Dr Don. against which to ponder aspects of the Auerback and Smith theses’s veracity.
The correspondence is included below in full for those who care to read it. For those seeking a short version, Dr Don Brash’s response was, “I can certainly see nothing objectionable in principle to the idea of using Bernanke's ‘unconventional’ techniques.”
He goes on to say.
“Would using such techniques be "hypocritical"? I don't see that either. The US is clearly not committed to maintaining any particular exchange rate peg, and is, and should be, free to operate monetary policy in order to keep the purchasing power of the US dollar broadly stable. Far from being undesirable, I see that as being highly desirable, both for the US and for the rest of the world!”
Needless to say, C.D. Sludge remains thus far unconvinced that this is all there is to this debate. And if you eventually reach the end of this posting, you will learn why.
Watch this space.
Don, Request for comment. I have requested Government,
Treasury and Reserve Bank comment on the following. (
Links to - Helicopter Money, Or The Road To Weimar? & The
Long Bond Mystery) They are related, and basically allege
that monetary policy is being used in novel ways in the
United States to effectively nationalise large chunks of
the debt and asset markets by flooding the market with
"printed" money (hence the Keynsian helicopter
reference). I raise this again in relation to an earlier
question from a reader (angry of Kelburn) which I sent to
Paul Jackman at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand after the
Monetary Policy Statement.. I would be
interested to know from you both officially and
unofficially. I.E. I would like your first impressions too
if you are willing - plus an official National Party
response to this analysis. Specifically. 1. Is there is
anything in the "angry of Kelburn" analysis that is
wrong? 2. What is the Government, Treasury & Reserve
Bank's official views on the questions for NZ Government
and economic policy raised firstly: - by the speeches of
the Federal Reserve Governors, - and secondly by the
allegation that "unusual" or "unconventional" methods of
propping up the US economy may already by
underway? Another way of framing this second question is
to express views on the desirability, impact and moral
clarity of the suggestions made in Alan Greenspan and
Federal Reserve governor, Ben S. Bernanke's public
statements. Yours faithfully C.D. Sludge From: "Don Brash" I am not
quite sure why you sent this to me (and others). Nor can I
quite see what all the fuss was about, re Bernanke's speech.
He was simply saying, I think, that the Fed has the power to
stimulate spending even when the scope to reduce interest
rates is gone, and therefore nobody should fear a
deflationary spiral. That seems to me to be a statement
of the obvious, and I am glad that Bernanke, as a Fed Board
Governor, understands that. The German hyper-inflation
of the post-World-War-I period was a result of the German
central bank of that time creating vastly more money than
was consistent with price stability, and bears no
relationship at all to what Bernanke was talking about.
Best wishes. Don Brash Thankyou Don, I will have a brief shot at
replying to your questions. As I understand it the problem
is that by printing money and purchasing debt the
Treasury/Fed Reserve is effectively socialising both
national and private wealth (though since the Fed Reserve is
a private bank perhaps socialising is not the right
expression). Secondly there appears to be an implicit
admission here that supplying liquidity (by printing money)
to the US market is an acceptable way to avoid/prevent a
U.S. recession. This seems to run directly contrary to IMF
and World Bank marketed "Austerity" policies. So there
could be something a bit hypocritical here. Moreover...
there is in the other link in my original email to "The
Long Bong Mystery". This piece makes a suggestion, on the
basis of empirical observation and speculation, that some
of these "unusual" or "unconventional" methods of monetary
policy may have been being utilised for some time
already. All of these matters would I think have
significant policy implications for New Zealand. And a
question. Are you saying below that creative ways of
creating liquidity using "unconventional" type techniques as
described by Bernanke is ok in the right circumstances? If
so what would they look like in New Zealand?
Regards Dear Don, Do you have
any response to these questions? Marshall Auerback has sent
me some more material in response to your skepticism of the
potential importance of this... (His note is attached
below...) kind regards C.D. Sludge ------- Forwarded
message follows ------- From: Marshall
Auerback I think you pose all of the right questions,
especially in regard to the hypocrisy of these austerity
regimes imposed on the emerging world by the IMF/World
Bank/US Treasury nexus. As Joseph Stiglitz noted, these are
the sorts of policies that the US would never dare enforce
upon itself at a time of economic difficulty and this has
now been in effect confirmed by both Bernanke and Greenspan.
I am certain that many of these unconventional policy
measures are already in operation (I have had as much
confirmed to me by former members of the Bank of England and
Banque de France, without them going into too many
specifics). Dear
Don, FYI... Falling Prices Put Fed on Guard
Policymakers Talk About Dangerous Dynamic for Economy
By Steven Pearlstein After half a
century of trying to prevent prices from rising too fast,
economic policymakers have a new concern: Prices aren't
rising fast enough. Government statistics show that
average prices for products have declined in the past year,
including those of cars, clothing, computers, furniture,
gasoline and heating oil. So, too, have the prices for
services such as telephones, hotel rooms and airplane
tickets, even as costs for other services such as health
care, housing, education and cable television continued to
rise. The broadest measure of prices in the economy shows
they rose less than 1 percent during the 12 months that
ended in September, the smallest increase in 50
years. Regards C.D. Sludge From: "Don Brash" I am not
sure that I can add an awful lot. It seems to me that
central banks have a responsibility to protect the value of
the money they issue. Normally, that is taken to mean
preventing inflation in some measure of consumer price
inflation, but at least in inflation targeting countries
such as New Zealand, it also means avoiding deflation (hence
the inflation target has both a floor and a ceiling). If
the central bank can credibly commit to that, then I think
the risk of both inflation and deflation is greatly reduced
(because of the effect of the commitment on
expectations). Do central banks have the power to avoid
deflation in a world with a lot of low-cost capacity (in
China for example)? I certainly believe so. They can
reduce interest rates, obviously, and at least in small open
economies like that of New Zealand that is likely to have
quite a significant effect on the inflation rate, both
through the "normal" channels and through the effect which
the low interest rates can be expected to have on the
exchange rate. (The exchange rate channel does not work
nearly so well in very large economies where trade is much
less important. And I suspect that it does not work at all
well in the case of Japan both because trade is relatively
unimportant in Japan and because the yen exchange rate seems
to be heavily influenced by "geopolitical factors" - in
other words, the markets assume that any substantial
depreciation of the yen, driven by the near-zero interest
rates, would be heavily resisted both by the US and by other
Asian countries.) But what if reducing interest rates does
not work well enough to avoid deflation? I can certainly
see nothing objectionable in principle to the idea of using
Bernanke's "unconventional" techniques, and fail to see the
risk that that might generate some kind of market panic.
The post-World-War-I German experience of hyper-inflation is
clearly not relevant - that was a case where the authorities
ran the printing presses without regard for protecting the
purchasing power of the currency. By assumption, any use of
"unconventional" techniques in the US would be designed
merely to prevent deflation, and would presumably stop well
short of creating hyper-inflation. Would using such
techniques be "hypocritical"? I don't see that either. The
US is clearly not committed to maintaining any particular
exchange rate peg, and is, and should be, free to operate
monetary policy in order to keep the purchasing power of the
US dollar broadly stable. Far from being undesirable, I see
that as being highly desirable, both for the US and for the
rest of the world! Best wishes. Don Thankyou Don.. Some supplementary questions
based on your answer... You say: > I can certainly see
nothing objectionable in principle to the Some people may
consider this odd. You appear to be saying that you find
nothing objectionable in principle with the central bank
printing money and purchasing assets (debt and/or shares,
houses etc..) in order to prevent deflation. Do you find
nothing objectionable in the US Federal Reserve doing this
only, or would you approve of the RBNZ using such techniques
too - if it were faced with deflationary threats? And, if
there is nothing "objectionable in principle" to using such
techniques to stave off deflation, would there be any reason
why such techniques should not be used also to fund public
infrastructure, for care for the elderly and to feed the
hungry (assuming this could be done without fuelling
inflation). You say: > ... I fail to see the risk that
that might generate some kind of market panic. Marshall
Auerback's thesis as I understand it is that by propping
up an economy (or US "spending power" as you term it) the
Federal Reserve prevents necessary structural adjustments
being made, and thereby worsens the eventual
correction. This is the reason he expects it to generate
some form of market panic, as I understand it. Is this not
so? You conclude saying: > Would using such techniques
be "hypocritical"? I don't see that either. Is this the case
even if that purchasing power is financed by a wholly
unstable system of financial flows... namely a huge U.S.
current account deficit and/or "unconventional"
anti-deflationary "printed money" asset
purchases? Also... why is it okay for monetary policy to
be operated in this way to prevent deflation in the United
States, but not in order to stave off hyper-inflation and a
recession in Argentina? What is the difference? >Far from
being undesirable, I see that as being highly desirable,
you mean that the U.S. Economy because of its importance is
a special case. I.E. that it is in all of that nations of
the world's interests for the U.S. Economy to be operated in
a way that is divergent from the norms? Best
Regards C.D.
Sludge Anti©opyright
Sludge 2002
Correspondence With Dr Don "Americans can
borrow at 1.25% Cash and invest at 5.75% at cash in NZ....
no risk just 450 basis points of free money... off the backs
of NZers. Plus if the NZ Dollar goes up - which it will
because this is such a transparent trade - then your
friendly banker makes even more... You could even buy in and
out each MPS if you wanted to and miss out on the dollar
correction that comes when the interest rate is finally
lowered. Money for jam. "
To: "Scoop "
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 29, 2002; Page A01
To: "Scoop "
> idea of using
Bernanke's "unconventional" techniques....
> The US is
clearly not committed to maintaining any particular
> rate peg, and is, and should be, free to
operate monetary policy in
> order to keep the purchasing
power of the US dollar broadly stable.
> both for the US and for the rest of the world!