Supercomputer Weather: Hot, Hot & Hot In Kuwait
It may still technically be the cool season at the top of the Arabian Gulf but once today's rains have passed through the area, the forecast from the NOAA Supercomputer shows it is going to get hot in Kuwait, and that it will stay hot for US forces massing in Kuwait through till at least the end of next week.
The following images show the forecast average afternoon temperatures (over a 12 hour period) for Iraq and its environs from March 16th through to March 24th. The average temperature is considerably below the forecast high temperatures , which are not shown and which are only experienced for a few hours each day.
The forecast below indicates high temperatures from the mid 20s through to the early 30s centigrade throughout the forecast period.
March 16th<

March 17th<

March 18th<

March 19th<

March 20th<

March 21st<

March 22nd<

March 23rd<

March 24th<