Rescued: Pfc. Jessica D. Lynch, 19, of Palestine, West Virginia, USA.
Another day another inexplicable event on the world wide weirdness. This time we have the odd case of the prescient registration of an Internet Domain Name.
The image below is the full WHOIS registry record for the JessicaLynch.org website. So far the address is not actually resolving (i.e. has no website connected with it) but here's the rub. If you look closely you will see that the registration date is March 17, St Patricks Day, i.e. the day before the war started!

At that time Private Jessica Lynch whose heroic rescue has become such a cause celebre was presumably still safely ensconced somewhere in Kuwait. And it wasn't till March 23, six days later, that she was captured.
The registrant of the domain is listed simply as "A.G." and the listed phone no. is being answered by a fax. Delving a bit deeper the email address comes from a domain space registered to an " Alexander N. Golimbu" who is presumably "A. G." on the JessicaLynch.org WHOIS registration page.
Mr Golimbu is now one of the founding partners of Morpheus Media - http://Www.morpheusmedia.com an Advertising Agency in Manhattan.
Scoop has now sent a polite email to Mr Golimbu who is it seems presently in the process of building his website requesting an explanation for his amazing coincidence / remarkable feat in psychic foresight.
And then as this item was published the explanation arrived by email…
Subject: Re: Hi, regarding Jessica Lynch.orgPlease refer to http://www.missnycity.org. I am the Executive Director of the Miss New York City Scholarship Organization an official preliminary competition to Miss America.
On February 15th a young woman by the name of Jessica Lynch won the title of Miss New York City 2003. As part of my contract with the Miss America organization it is suggested that we buy the domain names of our contestants as to keep anyone from misusing them.
As stated above my registering of these sites has nothing to do with Jessica Lynch the POW.
Shenan Reed Golimbu
And so there you have it. Mystery seemingly solved. And another day on the world wide weirdness draws to a close.