HARD NEWS 24/04/03 - Four Million and Four Hundred
HARD NEWS 24/04/03 - Four Million and Four Hundred
Cool! Public Address's 400th post on the same day as the four millionth New Zealander ...
Let Freedom Ring
|Apr 24, 2003 12:42
Russell Brown's Hard News
Information Clearing House is the latest dissenting
website to cop hack attacks from some self-styled friends of
freedom, American-style. I can see why some people would
consider the Clearing House a threat: it's very good at what
it does...
Welcome to NZ, Population 4,000,000 |Apr 24, 2003 11:01
Damian Christie - Cracker With Attitude
At 5.30pm
today, as far as best guesstimates will allow, New Zealand's
population hits four million . OK sure, it's just a
statistical thing, but it marks a suitable time for
reflection. It's like taking stock of your life when you
turn 30, or pulling over and having a ...
Mork Calling Orkland (a guest column by Richard) |Apr
23, 2003 16:28
Jolisa Gracewood in NYC
Busytot's Dad
here. Many, many years ago I must have watched an episode
of Mork and Mindy which, thanks to some quirk of memory, has
permanently lodged itself in my head. So far as I can
remember, the show always ended with Mork calling home to
Ork with his latest ...