Diebold Lies Boldly
Sludge Lifts The Lid On The Insecurity Of The US Voting System - In This Edition: Bigger Than Watergate! - How To Rig An Election In The United States - Fantasy vs Reality - How We Discovered The Backdoor - Evidence Of Motive - Evidence Of Opportunity - Evidence Of Method - Evidence Of Prior Conduct - Consistent Unexplained Circumstantial Evidence. See... Sludge Report #154 – Bigger Than Watergate! and its companion article Inside A U.S. Election Vote Counting Program
Diebold Election Systems: When In Doubt Lie Boldly - A
followup story on the Voting machine Scoop broke yesterday.
It shows that Diebold is in the habit of lying about its
systems to election supervisors. Quoting people working on
the Georgia election system rollout it shows that the FTP
site discussed in yesterday's scoop was being used
extensively in the run-up to the 2002 mid-term election.
Finally it illustrates that "quality control" and "testing"
are dirty words at Diebold Elections Systems. See…
Bald-Faced Lies About Black Box Voting Machines .
- Plastic: How George W. Bush Won The 2004
- Slashdot.org's Thread On Yesterday's
- The Inquirer: US election fraud scandal
- Hard News 10/07/03 - Scoop's Scoop
WhatReallyHappened.com Digs In Its Heels
- Flash Based Voting Game
Hard News On Scoop's Scoop - If you had trouble reaching Scoop.co.nz yesterday, it because Scoop got Slashdotted. The Wellington site's big story - bigger than Watergate, it was claimed - made the forums of the ultimate geek site, and people came to look ... See... Hard News 10/07/03 - Scoop's Scoop
Voting Story
Rising Fast In The Blogoshere - While mainstream news
outlets have been slow so far to pick up Scoop's US Election
Security story, the blogosphere is lapping up the reports.
So far the Bev Harris's expose has been read over 40,000

Popdex Blog Citations:
- Sludge #154
- Inside A U.S. Election Vote Counting Program
Day Pop

Popdex Blog Citations:
- Sludge Report #154 – Bigger Than Watergate!
- Inside A U.S. Election Vote Counting Program

Popdex Blog Citations:
- Sludge Report #154 – Bigger Than Watergate!
- Inside A U.S. Election Vote Counting Program
- Technorati – 116 Links To Inside A Voting
- Technorati – 82 Links To Sludge