Letter to the Editor: Maori TV
The ongoing sorry saga of the $55 million dollar Maori Television Service (and the doomed $4 million dollar Aotearoa TV before it) is yet another example of ideological wishful thinking absent of any wisdom, prudence, or common sense. Of course, to make such a claim is to be labelled by Maori broadcasters such as Willie Jackson & co as a "redneck".
If the definition of a redneck is one who expects a taxpayer funded minority lobby group to be held accountable for their spending decisions, then I say hand me the sunscreen. I find it fiscally insane that broadcast access options being considered for MTS have included $200.00 decoder dishes and / or use of a Sky channel.
A multi-cultural, multi-ethnic community TV channel already exists that would welcome Maori content, receives no government funding whatsoever, and therefore wouldn't cost the NZ taxpayer a cent: Triangle TV. Simply for ether with the appropriate aerial, for less than the cost of a decoder. End this politically correct nonsense now!
Yours faithfully
Steve Taylor - NZ
Letter to the Editor: Seabed Foreshore
I remember hearing the phrase “White man speak with forked tongue” in an old western film.
These days we have a new name for deceit, we call it spin and reliance on spin is what has given the labour government its serpent-like appearance.
The latest lie is that nobody will own the foreshore and seabed under new legislation – In truth effective ownership will be vested in the crown.
Most New Zealanders agree that the crown should hold the foreshore and seabed in trust for Maori and all New Zealanders. But we must not accept labour’s lie about the nature of the new legislation. If we do we will set a precedent that will lead us down the path to tyranny.
Yours faithfully
Michael Williams - NZ