For the remainder of 2003 through till Lent 2004 Scoop will be publishing a serialisation of Katya Rivas’s " The Great Crusade of Love ". Readers can sign up to receive the serial by email at: To order a video about Katya's work see…

The Medallion of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization
The Great Crusade of Love
A school for teaching on the relationship of Jesus with Man.
Cochabamba —
Spanish Editions: 1996 and 1998
English 1st
Edition - November 1999
My Cruelest Pains Come to
Me from the Religious and Priestly Souls
Beloved daughter, you all go to confession frequently. When you are confessing, I open My wounds and My blood runs, drop by drop, while the priest gives absolution.
(After having lunch, I dream of Jesus, He was dressed like a beggar, raggedy, and in the dream I ask Him why He was dressed like that. Upon waking up, I kept thinking…)
I went to visit My priests to ask them for souls, but I did not get many. They are more preoccupied about themselves than saving souls. They should work tirelessly saving souls; they should deny themselves, but the majority does not do it although on the Cross I prayed for them: Father, into Your hands I place their souls, so that not one will be lost…
Pray and
sacrifice for them, so that at the last judgment they will
not be with empty hands as I now find them.
There are few
sacerdotal souls that love the Cross. Many do not want to
hear of the suffering and the self-denial. This is because
they do not even ask to feel love for suffering.
They must frequently ask for love of the Cross, for them as well as for the souls under their protection. If they did, they would be given the grace of love of suffering, it would be pleasing to them, and they could do heroic acts and true miracles. I would give them the gift of a meek and humble love. They would receive the mystical grace of being able to find out the secrets of My Heart.
Do you want to sleep while I watch and My enemies surround Me? I am in the garden, kneeling, bathed in blood. Your preoccupation, My daughter, should be to embrace the immense multitude of souls in Purgatory, whose number is larger than the stars in Heaven, and the grains of sand on the beach. Souls that by now should already be in possession of the glory in Heaven and singing the praises of God, but being negligent and careless, allowed their lives to pass in their worldly desires, as if the hour of accountability would never arrive.
Do not be afraid, little one, there are graces for you and for the world. Your thirst for souls would not reach its totality if you did not extend your preoccupation to these souls who wait for liberation. You must remember that the glory of My Father demands it. Do not forget that the cruelest and greatest sorrows come to Me from the religious and priestly souls on earth, as well as those that, because of the many graces of their vocation, should already be in Paradise praising the Triune God. The way of teaching the most essential truths of the faith has changed in the Church!
Little or nothing is now said of Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory; nevertheless, all of these places do not fail to exist. Many consecrated souls die just like they have lived. It is that the religious life is a double-edged weapon. If one lives with earnest desire and love, Heaven opens; otherwise, it is to increase pain and torment. Many of these souls have been in Purgatory for centuries, not years, months, or weeks. Some will remain there until judgment day. How much pain to have to keep them away years and years from My Father’s presence!
In order to speak to you in a language you can understand, I will tell you that I feel shame from the loss of certain souls. I send them to the fires of Purgatory and I tell them: Go now through the world asking for the alms of your salvation from these purifying flames, since My redemption and My Blood have not been enough for you. This is how you are destined to walk wondering, asking generous and compassionate souls for the charity of prayers because for these consecrated souls; Divine Justice is harsher.
If you could only comprehend what is lost upon losing My graces and gifts! These souls hurt Me a lot and I ask Myself, to what good were all My pains and My Passion? I want to throw this terrible admonition to this particular type of souls. All this I have already said to other souls, although with other words. My language is always the same, but it seems as though they do not want, since it bothers them, to listen to Me…
EDITOR’S NOTES: Through the rest of 2003, Scoop will be publishing a series of daily reflections on spiritual matters from Bolivian author Katya Rivas. Rivas, has received an official imprimatur from the Catholic Church for several books she says she was instructed to write by Jesus Christ, Mary and various Angels. Scoop’s extract, above, comes from Rivas’s book “The Great Crusade of Love”. Readers can sign up to recieve daily extracts from Katya Rivas's writings by email at:
In 1999 Katya Rivas was the subject of a top-rating documentary show hosted by Mike Willessee (see Scoop TV review - Jesus Christ Tells FOXNews He Wants To Hug World and Scoop Images ). More recently Rivas says she was instructed by Jesus to have her books translated and published on the internet with the intention of having the books distributed to as wide an audience as possible. Several of the books can now be read online at, and more are coming soon. In August 2002 Rivas visited Wellington New Zealand and met with Scoop Editor Alastair Thompson. See… Scoop Feature: Jesus's Secretary Visits Wellington
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: “Copyright© 2000 by The Great Crusade of Love and Mercy. All rights reserved. This book is published in coordination with The Apostolate of the New Evangelization. Permission is granted to reproduce this book as a whole in its entirety with no changes or additions and as long as the reproduction and distribution is done solely on a non-profit basis. This document is available at no cost online and can be downloaded and printed from the following Web Sites: in English at: and Spanish at: …Please copy and distribute this book”.