Public Address 01/04/04 - Encounters
PUBLIC ADDRESS 01/04/04 - Encounters
Kick-*ss action chicks in their underwear | Apr 01, 2004
Fiona Rae from the couch
Sometimes I think Alias
only exists to show Jennifer Garner in her underwear. Or a
bikini - did you see that on Tuesday? The panning shots, the
slo-mo. If the acting thing doesn't work out for her,
there's a great career awaiting at Victoria's Secret or
Sports Illustrated...,
Cabs, 1 Night | Mar 31, 2004 09:47
Damian Christie -
Cracker With Attitude
I was having a wine or two at a
friend's the other night and called a cab to get home. A few
minutes later I ambled down the drive and saw the car pull
up outside the wrong house, about fifty metres down the