TV3 Poll: Labour Extends Their Lead Over National…
3 News TNS Opinion Poll
30th September to 6th October
6pm, 08 October 2004
“TNS is the new name for NFO/CM Research, New Zealand’s leading consultative market research and intelligence company”
Projected number of seats in the House on the basis of the latest poll results
One* |-----| Two*
Labour 61 |-----|
National 45 |-----| 43
NZ First 7 |-----|
Green Party 7 |-----| 7
Progressive - |-----|
ACT - |-----| -
United Future - |-----| 4
seats 120 |-----| 120
One* These figures include only those parties who gain above the 5% threshold on the Party Vote, and do not take into account Electorate Vote support
Two* These figures are based on Progressive and United Future winning one electorate seat as currently
3 News TNS Opinion Poll
Labour Extends Their Lead Over National…
Since July, Labour has increased its lead over National. The gap between the two parties now stands at 12 points. Helen Clark’s position as preferred Prime Minister has strengthened over the last two months. However, preference for Don Brash has decreased by 8 points.
Most people continue to think that Helen Clark is performing well as PM. Perceptions of Don Brash’s performance have weakened amongst New Zealander’s - including National voters.
Fewer people believe that Don Brash would be a capable leader or would be good in a crisis compared to Helen Clark who remains stable on both of these statements.
In general, New Zealander’s confidence remains stable in terms of unemployment and economy levels. But on a positive note, more people think that NZ is becoming a better place to live.
3 News TNS Opinion Poll
Research Methodology
Date poll was conducted
Interviews were
conducted over the period 30 September to 6 October
Sample Size
1000 voter eligible New Zealanders
aged 18+
Sampling Technique
Telephone Interviews.
Random generation of telephone numbers with quota sampling
to ensure representative cross section by age, sex and
Sample Coverage
National including rural,
secondary urban and main urban areas
Maximum of 3.1% expressed at a 95% confidence
Chart 1
MMP Voting: Party
If a general election was held yesterday under MMP, which political party would you have voted for with your Party Vote? That is, for the political party you most want to be represented in parliament.

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Chart 2
MMP Voting :
Electorate Vote
If a general election was held yesterday, using MMP, which party would you have voted for, with your electorate vote? That is, for the MP in your area.

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Chart 3
Prime Minister
If you were able to vote for any politician in New Zealand to be Prime Minister, for whom would you vote?

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Chart 4
How is Helen
Clark Performing?
Thinking now about the Prime Minister. How would you rate the performance of Helen Clark as Prime Minister? Overall, would you say that as Prime Minister she is performing well or poorly? Is that Very … or Fairly …?

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Chart 5
How is Don
Brash Performing?
And now thinking about Don Brash, the leader of the National Party in opposition. How would you rate his performance. Overall would you say he is performing well or poorly? Is that Very … or Fairly …?

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Chart 6
Views About
Helen Clark
I am going to read out some things, both favourable and unfavourable that have been said about various politicians. I would like you to pick out all those statements that you feel fit Helen Clark. Would you say she…

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Chart 7
Views About
Don Brash
I would now like you to tell me which of these statements you feel fit Don Brash. Would you say he…

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Chart 8
Measures Of
NZ Economy improving or deteriorating over next three months / Unemployment over the next three months / Is NZ becoming a better or worse place to live.

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