STORY OF THE WEEK: Week Ending 9th
Presidential Debates One, Two And

William Rivers Pitt – Scary Little Man
William Rivers Pitt: Scary Little Man - George W. Bush, still smarting from his embarrassing performance in the Florida debate, decided on Friday night in St. Louis that volume was a good substitute for strength, that yelling would be mistaken for gravitas. The result was an ugly, disturbing, ... See... William Rivers Pitt: The Scary Little Man

Cheney Emerges From His Bunker To Snarl At John Edwards
Stateside: Veep Vs Would Be Veep - You only had to look at who was moderating last night's vice presidential debates to see how rankism works in the United States. See... Stateside with Rosalea: Veep, Veep
Rivers Pitt: An Avalanche Of Lies - Clearly, Dick
Cheney is no George W. Bush. On Tuesday night in Ohio,
Cheney showed the American people who is really running
things at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He was controlled, calm,
every inch the CEO in charge. See... William Rivers Pitt: Cheney's Avalanche of Lies
- Alan Roland - Growl & Scowl Vs Youth & Truth
- Daniel Patrick
Welch - Phantom of the Opera
- Mary Pitt - Lassie
And The Gator
- Hartmann: Who Was Right About the Global Test?
Satire: The White House Discusses The Debates So Far - PRESIDENT BUSH: Dammit, Turdblossom, I told you these debates were wrong. Why do I have to answer to some liberal homosexual Senator. Why does Dick have to sit with that wimp ambulance chaser. It sends a mixed message. It tells people we have a system whereby God’s leaders are subject to questioning. See... 'Who Would Jesus Debate?' - White House Transcript
For much more see... STORY OF THE WEEK: Presidential Debates