Public Address 15/10/04 - This Is A Good Day
PUBLIC ADDRESS 15/10/04 - This Is a Good Day
A good day | Oct 15, 2004 09:41
Russell Brown's Hard
This is a good day. Why? Because our new feature,
Great New Zealand Argument, launches with what I'm pretty
sure is the first published transcript of David Lange's 1985
Oxford Union debate speech...,
Nuclear Weapons are Morally Indefensible | Oct 14, 2004
DAVID LANGE, Oxford Union debate, 1985
Most New
Zealanders watched David Lange contest and win the 1985
Oxford Union debate, arguing the proposition that "nuclear
weapons are morally indefensible" with a mixture of pride
and astonishment. After decades of knowing our place, and
several years of government by homunculus, suddenly we had a
Prime Minister who...,
Spooks | Oct 14, 2004 18:47
Che Tibby's view from
As I may have gloated a few times already,
Melbourne isn't such a bad place to live. It was a healthy
32 degrees yesterday but chilled after a night-time cool
change to a comfortable 20ish, meaning today I got to stroll
around and enjoy the final demise of winter..,