Ahmed Zaoui Book Launched At Parliament
Story Kevin List, Photos Alastair Thompson

A Labour Party free crowd gathers in the Beehive foyer
Conspicuously absent from the launch of 'The Disinformation Campaign Against Ahmed Zaoui' - by Scoop's Co-editor Selwyn Manning, Yasmine and Katie Small - were any Labour Party MP's, ministers or staff. Late in proceedings Deputy Speaker, Ross Robertson made a brief appearance and even purchased a copy of the book. This is good news for Mr Zaoui's family as any extra profits from the book go to assist them while the breadwinner is locked in Auckland Central Remand Prison.

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Hosts for the night, Progressive MP Matt Robson and Green MP Keith Locke
In greater abundance were Green MP's including of course one of the evening's speakers Keith Locke. Whilst Hon Jim Anderton didn't manage to make it a large number of Progressive Party staff turned up to watch Deputy Leader, Matt Robson talk about the ideals of the labour Party (in a historical sense).
National MP, Richard Worth also made a brief appearance however Deputy Leader and good catholic man Gerry Brownlee obviously had more important things on his mind as he scampered past tables heavy with amnesty international badgesand leaflets. Mr Brownlee's lack of enthusiasm for becoming more closely acquainted with the case was in stark contrast to a number of his co-religionists enthusiasm for defending human rights, including Cardinal Tom Williams.
Despite the pitiful presence from the party devoted to making New Zealand a world leader in human rights [Labour] there should at least be two cabinet Ministers with a fuller understanding of the case. With the zeal of an Amway salesman, a bespectacled gent, lurking near the book sales table managed to offload two copies of the Zaoui book onto a couple of Labour Cabinet Ministers that were too slow in scuttling past.
Also more informed about the case will be two of TVNZ's top brass. Chief Executive, Ian Fraser and Board Chairman, Craig Boyce both purchased a copy utilising cold hard cash rather than company credit cards.
Green MP Keith Locke
Amnesty International's Ced
CTU's Ross Wilson
Lawyer Deborah Manning
Progressive MP Matt
& Special Guest For The
Scoop's own Selwyn Manning