The Crown has not opposed the transfer of Ahmed Zaoui from Auckland Central Remand Prison to the Manger Refugee Detention Centre, but has opposed a bail application for Mr Zaoui to be placed in the care of the Dominican Friars in Auckland.

The Supreme Court in Wellington is this morning hearing an application by Mr Zaoui's lawyers Dr Rodney Harrison and Deborah Manning to have the Court approve release on bail and transfer to the care of the Dominican Friars.
The Solicitor General Terrence Arnold told the Supreme Court that Mr Zaoui is considered by the Crown to be a security risk. He said if Mr Zaoui was released to the Dominican Friars it would be difficult to monitor his communications with other individuals and groups.
Mr Arnold said the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service issued a risk certificate against Mr Zaoui as it believed that in time he would repeat activities that caused concern to the Belgium, French and Swiss governments and led to convictions in the former two countries.
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