Peace And Rest On Agenda For Zaoui
Peace And Rest On Agenda For Zaoui
By Selwyn Manning - Scoop Media Co-Editor
Media were presented with a tired and emotional man this morning as Algerian MP, lecturer, and refugee Ahmed Zaoui contemplated the reality of being free on bail in New Zealand.

For a time, a strange quiet befell all media as Mr Zaoui broke down after attempting to express how his journey to discover refuge had impacted on his family. His lawyer Deborah Manning soothed the moment answering for Mr Zaoui. Shortly after, he apologised for being unable to speak and regained composure.
The peace and quiet of the Dominican Friar's crypt was an appropriate contrast to the harsh world of New Zealand politics and the departmentalised institution.
For many media it was their first glimpse of the man that had become a household name after arriving in New Zealand on December 4 2002. On arrival Mr Zaoui sought political asylum but walked into a highly charged political arena fuelled by terror fears and disinformation embedded in official documentation by New Zealand officials and overseas governments asserting their own national interests.
But that reality has passed for now and will eventually be the subject of a review of a security risk certificate issued against Mr Zaoui by the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service.
But today, Mr Zaoui will check in with Auckland Police (a requirement of his bail conditions) and visit a dentist to remedy toothache. Apart from this, he will rest, pray, gather his thoughts together.