Julie Webb-Pullman: If the Cross Fits, Bear it!!!
If the Cross Fits, Bear it!!!
By Julie Webb-Pullman

The US Interests Section '75' Christmas decoration – Image US Interests Section Havana
Several press agencies have reported in recent days that in retaliation to its provocative neon '75' Christmas decoration (See State Dept. explanation HERE), the US Interests Section in Havana awoke on Friday to the sight of two huge billboards opposite its entrance emblazoned with a swastika, "Fascists" in bold red letters, and some of the infamous photographs of US troops abusing Iraqis at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad. (LINK)

Retaliation ... pictures of prisoners being tortured in Iraq have been put up opposite the entrance to the US mission in Havana. The US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, said the move was unwise.
Photo: AFP
Surprisingly, Colin Powell, and the rest of the US in general, didn't get the relevance of that most emblematic symbol of overt world hegemony, the swastika, being applied to US foreign policy, whether in regard to Cuba or Iraq. Pull your Xmas stocking out from under the carpet, Colin, and reach right in for the goodies - millions more have died since WWII as a result of US foreign policy, including protection of corporate interests at the expense of the starving and the sick in the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, Asia and Afghanistan than ever died under Hitler's policies - ask UNICEF how many children in Iraq, Africa and Latin America haven't had the heart to open their pressies for the last 20 odd years, let alone this year, as direct result of YOUR government's wars, exploitation of their resources, and failure to provide essential medicines.

A wider angle view of the US Interests Christmas display - Image US Interests Section Havana
Those people are no less dead because it didn't happen in a camp in Germany, no less dead because you call it 'democracy' as you annihilate their lives, cultures, histories in pursuit of the American Dream.
And the 75 so-called 'dissidents' represented in neon in your Xmas message - are they Santa's little helpers? Or 75 people who were being paid by your government to destabilize and overthrow the legitimate Cuban Government, thus meeting the United Nations definition of terrorists? Oh, now I get it! That's not Santa up there with the '75' - it's Saddam!!! And they ARE his 75 little helpers - the US Interests Section Xmas decoration is really just a big huge Xmas Terroreee!!!!! I guess the cross you were going to put atop it all was pinched by the Cubans for their billboard..ah well, maybe you'll get another chance next year - I am sure both Fidel and the revolution will still be around!