Scholarships for Maori and Pacific ECE teachers
26 September 2000
Media Statement
Scholarships for Maori and Pacific ECE teachers
The Government is to offer scholarships to encourage an increase in the number of Maori and Pacific teachers into early childhood education.
Education Minister Trevor Mallard said today that 65 Maori and 40 Pacific scholarships each year to support students to undertake study to become registered early childhood teachers.
"This is the first time that the Government has offered teaching scholarships for the early childhood sector and it recognises the importance we place on high quality early childhood education," Trevor Mallard said.
"In particular, we are anxious to increase the number of Maori and Pacific children participating in early childhood education which is worryingly low. For example, in 1999, 20% of Pacific 4-year-olds, and 32% of Maori 4-year-olds were not participating in early childhood education, compared to just 2% of Pakeha 4-year-olds.
"Trained and qualified Maori and Pacific early childhood teachers will be needed to complement other initiatives to address this.
"ECE services need teachers
who have appropriate language and cultural understanding as
well as appropriate teaching qualifications so that they can
recognise and respond to the needs of Maori and Pacific
The scholarships are like those offered by
TeachNZ in the compulsory sector. That is $10,000 paid out
in three instalments - on confirmation of enrolment; on
successful completion of second year of study; and on full
teacher registration (typically 2 years after completion of
"Recipients of the scholarships will be able to undertake study at targeted teacher training providers who are approved by the Teacher Registration Board to deliver an early childhood teacher qualification that is recognised for the purposes of teacher registration," Trevor Mallard said.
Application forms for scholarships can be
obtained by calling
0800 TEACHNZ (0800 832