$500,000 In Lottery Grants
$500,000 In Lottery Grants Announced For International Year Of Volunteers
Half-a-million-dollars in Lottery grants has gone to community groups around the country in recognition of the United Nations International Year of Volunteers 2001, Lottery Grants Board Chairperson and Internal Affairs Minister Mark Burton announced today.
The grants awarded are in keeping with the United Nations themes for the Year and have a particular emphasis on training and promoting volunteers, Mark Burton said.
“Volunteering spans most sectors and the grants awarded reflect this.”
Mr Burton pointed to the $5000 which went to the Kiwi Conservation Club for a weekend gathering for volunteer leaders from throughout the country.
“KCC leaders come from many backgrounds and most are simply parents with an interest in conservation. The Lottery grant will enable them to get together to exchange ideas and learn new skills and activities for working with the children.”
The cross section of groups funded was further illustrated by the $2000 awarded to Otago Museum for a promotional campaign to raise awareness of volunteering at the museum and the $1000 to Horowhenua Sea and Rescue to train volunteers in search methods and track and clue awareness, Mark Burton said.
The full list of grant recipients is attached.
AFS Intercultural
Programmes Volunteer training for volunteer
trainers $3,500
Age Concern (New Zealand) Factsheet to
promote volunteering $5,000
Allergy Awareness
Association (Inc) Volunteer training
workshops $3,000
Alzheimers Society NZ Attend
international dementia conference $4,000
Birthright (New
Zealand) Inc. Volunteer training seminars(x3) $4,500
- New Zealand Assoc of Citizens Advice Bureau Volunteer
trainer cost/hire of venue/equipment $4,000
Foundation of New Zealand Handbooks $5,000
Environment &
Conservation Organisations of NZ I Volunteer recruitment
workshops $2,500
Epilepsy Association of New Zealand
(National) Volunteer training $5,000
ESOL National
Association of ESOL Home Tutor Sch Training
resource $5,000
IHC New Zealand Inc Display boards
promoting volunteers $3,000
Kiwi Conservation
Club Volunteer leader training $5,000
La Leche League
NZ Volunteers Enrichment Course $4,000
N Z Council of
Victim Support Groups Training manual $5,000
Collective of Independent Women's Refuge Volunteer
pamphlet $5,000
National Council of YMCAs of New Zealand
Inc. Update/print YMCA's volunteer orientation $3,500
Historic Places Trust Volunteer training
hui $5,000
Prisoners Aid & Rehabilitation Society - a
National Promote volunteering seminars $5,000
Forest & Bird Protection Society (National) Volunteer
handbook $3,500
Te Ora Hou (Aotearoa) Inc Volunteer
recruitment brochure/training $1,960
The Spirit of
Adventure Voyagers' Club Volunteer leading hands training
programme $5,000
Toy Library Federation of New
Zealand Volunteer training roadshow $5,000
Service Abroad Volunteer recruitment $2,000
Northland Region
Alzheimers Society Northland Training
seminar $1,000
GG - Girl Guides Northland Volunteer
training $1,000
Hosp - Northland Hospice Society
Inc. Volunteer training $2,400
Kaipara Palliative Care
Society Two-day special training $2,000
Ngati Kahu
Social Services Inc. Promotional pamphlets $1,000
Double Five Whare Roopu Community House Volunteer
training $250
Playcentre Kawakawa - Whakarongorua First
aid course $1,280
Playcentre Kerikeri Volunteer
training $1,000
Playcentre Okaihau First aid
course $1,280
RC Far North Women and Children Fresh
Start Sup Volunteer training $750
RC Whangarei Rape
Crisis Group Volunteer training $500
SCO Scout
Association of NZ - Northland Area Leaders activity/workshop
weekend $2,000
Victim Support Whangarei Volunteer
training $2,000
Auckland Region
Age Concern (North
Shore) Volunteer training $4,000
Alzheimers Foundation
(Auckland) Video for recruiting of
volunteers $3,500
Auckland Conductive Education
Foundation Part of tutor costs $1,500
Auckland Migrant
Centre Incorporated Volunteer training
programme $5,000
Auckland Museum Volunteer
programme $4,000
Auckland Volunteer Centre
Trust Regional conference $3,000
(Auckland) Volunteer training $1,000
CAB - Mangere
Citizens Advice Bureau Promote volunteer
awareness $1,000
CAB - Mt Roskill Citizens Advice
Bureau Poster print/lamination $200
CAB - Ponsonby
Citizens Advice Bureau Inc Training volunteers on
internet $1,000
Care Waitakere Trust Volunteer computer
courses training $1,300
Central Auckland Chinese
Association Volunteer
training $3,000
Communicare Seminar $1,500
North Shore Council of Community & Social S Volunteer
training $1,900
Devonport Historical & Museum Society
Inc Volunteer training oral history &
computers $3,000
Diabetes Auckland Inc. Promotional
brochure/seminar $1,500
Friendship House Trust Volunteer
training $2,500
Harbour Campus Life One-day project hui
& weekly project $2,000
Hosp - North Shore Hospice
Trust Training $800
Hosp - West Auckland Hospice
Homecare Promoting volunteers newspaper
feature $3,500
Hosp - Hospices of Auckland Volunteer
training $2,000
Kaipara Youth Centre Volunteer
training $500
New Zealand Trust for Conservation
Volunteers Inc. Brochure promoting
volunteering $1,000
Older Women's Network North Shore
Inc Committee procedures training $600
People's Centre -
Auckland Volunteer recruitment $2,000
Playcentre Assn
North Shore Training workshops for five
associations $2,500
Playcentre Assn North Shore Training
Association treasurers
Playcentre Takanini Volunteer
training $1,500
Playcentres Assn Auckland Pamphlets &
training hui wananga $5,000
Pregnancy Help Inc -
Auckland Volunteer training $1,000
Royal NZ Foundation
for the Blind Auckland Volunteer training
video $2,000
Safer Rodney Community Council Volunteer
training $2,000
Saftinet Volunteer
training $2,500
Te Araroa Trust Inc. Volunteer
recruiting $3,000
Tenants Protection
Association Volunteer training $1,000
The Auckland
District Kidney Society Inc. Advertising $406
Support Hibiscus Coast Volunteer
training $2,000
Waitakere Multicultural Society
Inc Volunteer training $2,000
Youthline Counselling
Service Auckland Inc. Publication promoting
volunteering $2,500
Waikato Region
Age Concern
(Hamilton) Develop/run volunteer training
course $1,000
CAB - Cambridge Citizens Advice
Bureau Volunteer computer training $3,000
CAB - Taupo
Citizens Advice Bureau Volunteer computer
training $1,500
CAB - Thames Citizens Advice Bureau
Inc Advertising for new volunteers $300
CAB - Turangi
Citizens Advice Bureau Inc Volunteer computer
training $1,000
CAPS Hauraki Inc Promote foster care
service & volunteer training $3,000
COSS Taupo Volunteer
newspaper profile $1,000
GG - Guides New Zealand
Tokoroa Volunteer training $600
Hamilton Permaculture
Trust Volunteer workshops $2,000
Kainga Aroha Society
Inc. Volunteer training seminars $1,000
Kapanga Te
Kohanga Reo Volunteer training $1,000
LA - Literacy
Waitomo Volunteer training $1,000
Link House Volunteer
training $2,000
Overdale Community Centre Charitable
Trust Inc. Training $500
Rural Women New Zealand
(Galatea Branch) Volunteer seminar
Te Kopua Marae Monthly weekend volunteer
training $1,500
Thames Coast Community Kindergarten
Incorporat Childcare first aid course for
volunteers $2,400
Victim Support Group South
Waikato Volunteer hui and training day $1,000
Support Hauraki Volunteer training $2,500
Waikato Advertising/media
releases/brochures $2,500
Waihi Community Resource
Centre Training for volunteers management
committee $1,000
Waikato Adult Reading and Learning
Assistance Inc Volunteer training $1,000
Waikato Women's
Health Support Information and E Volunteer training
manuals/pamphlets $700
WEN Community Agency
Incorporated Volunteers' seminar $650
Community Resource Centre First aid course $1,000
(Hamilton) First aid training $1,422
Bay of Plenty Region
Alzheimers Society Tauranga Volunteer
training $1,000
Alzheimers Society Whakatane Volunteer
training/material $2,000
Arthritis Foundation (Bay of
Plenty Division) Volunteer training $500
Bay of Plenty
Development Foundation Brochures/advertising $2,000
Association of NZ Inc (Bay of Plenty) Volunteer
training $2,000
Disabilities Resource Centre
Trust Volunteer training programme $1,500
Community Trust Inc. Manual
preparation/printing $2,500
Kawerau Maori Women's
Welfare League Volunteer
training/recruitment $2,500
Merivale Community
Inc. Volunteer training $1,000
Schizophrenia Fellowship
Rotorua Volunteer training - care of family
member $1,000
Stroke Foundation (Western Bay of
Plenty) Advertising/training resources $1,000
Budget Advisory Service (Inc) Training targetted at
non-operational budget $500
Tauranga Museum Volunteer
training $2,082
Tauranga Ongoing Pain Support
(Inc) Booklet $500
Te Hunga Manaaki O Te Puke Volunteer
training $2,500
The Elms Foundation Volunteer
training $1,000
Toughlove Coastal Bay of Plenty
Inc. Training materials $1,000
Victim Support
Tauranga Volunteer training at four-day
retreat $1,000
Waipuna Hospice Inc Conference to promote
volunteering $5,000
Youth for Christ
(Tauranga) Volunteer training $1,000
YWCA (Rotorua)
Inc Three-day training hui $3,800
Zipper Cardia Support
Club (NZ) Inc Volunteer training $1,500
Gisborne Region
Arohaina Resource Centre for the Over 60's One-day
training workshop for volunteers $1,291
CAB - Gisborne
Citizens Advice Bureau Volunteer
training $1,400
Multiple Sclerosis Gisborne East Coast
Society Inc Volunteer training $1,000
Society (Gisborne) Volunteer training $560
Support Group Inc Gisborne Manuals $1,000
Tokomaru Bay
Community Group Charitable Trust Brochures $1,000
for Christ (Gisborne) Inc. Volunteer
training $3,800
Hawkes Bay Region
Age Concern
(Hastings) Volunteer training $1,000
Alzheimers Society
Napier Inc Volunteer training $1,230
Cook Islands
Community Centre Society Inc Volunteer
programme $3,500
Heretaunga Caring Kiwi Trust Training
workshops $2,000
LA - Dannevirke Adult Reading and
Learning Assist Advertising for volunteers $350
(Hawkes Bay) Inc Volunteer training $400
Support (East Coast) Volunteer training $1,000
for the Disabled Assn Inc Hawkes Bay Group Level one
training for new volunteers $500
Riding for the Disabled
Napier Group Information leaflet to recruit
volunteers $500
St James Anglican Care for the
Elderly Recruit/train new volunteers $2,000
Taranaki Region
Arthritis Foundation (Taranaki Division) Tutor
costs $500
CAB - Taumarunui Citizens Advice
Bureau Volunteer computer training $350
GG - Girl Guides
Taranaki - Waiwakaiho District Volunteer
training $500
RC New Plymouth Rape Crisis and Sexual
Abuse Cen Weekend training programme for
volunteers $1,000
Rural Women New Zealand Central Region
(4) Volunteer training $2,200
Victim Support New
Plymouth Volunteer workshops(x2) $2,000
Youth For Christ
(Taranaki) Volunteer recruitment
brochure $2,000
Manawatu-Wanganui Region
Society Manawatu First aid courses $1,100
(Palmerston North) Inc Volunteer information
packs $2,000
CAB - Otaki Citizens Advice Bureau Computer
training $1,000
Cancer Society of NZ Manawatu
Centre Volunteer training $2,500
GG - Horowhenua Guides
New Zealand Conference attendance(10
leaders) $1,000
Horowhenua Search and Rescue Volunteer
training $4,000
Horowhenua Unemployed Beneficiaries
Community Publications $300
King Country Search and
Rescue Volunteer first aid training $900
Manawatu Access
Radio Trust Volunteer training $1,200
Manawatu Lesbian
and Gay Rights Association (Inc) Telephone counselling
training $500
Manchester House Social Services Society
Inc Newspaper advertising for volunteers $900
NZ Red
Cross Society - East West Region Volunteer recruitment
brochure $1,200
Palmerston North Street Van
Inc Volunteer training $1,620
Parentline Manawatu
Inc Volunteer education programme $2,000
(Wanganui) Promotional publications/training
manuals $1,500
Social Issues Network Council of Social
Services Social services expo for social
service $1,000
Stroke Foundation (Palmerston
North) Volunteer training in first aid $500
Christian Foodbank Trust Volunteer
promotion/recruitment $450
Te Marie Community Trust
Inc Advertising $1,000
Victim Support
Taumarunui Volunteer recruitment leaflet
campaign $1,000
Victim Support Waimarino Volunteer
training $500
Wanganui-Rangitikei-Waimarino Centre of
the Cance Volunteer training $4,380
Women's Centre (
Wanganui ) Inc. Volunteer training $2,000
Youth One Stop
Shop Volunteer pamphlets $1,200
Wellington Region
Concern (Wellington) Advertising/seminars for
volunteers $2,500
CAB - Aro Valley Citizens Advice
Bureau Inc Volunteer training $700
CAB - Central City
Citizens Advice Bureau Training workshop guest speaker/venue
hire $500
CAB - Eastern Suburbs Citizens Advice Bureau
Inc Newspaper advertising for volunteers $200
CG -
Waikanae Boating Club Promotion of volunteer
recruitment $1,500
Friends Who Care Expand volunteers'
training programme $700
Hearing Association
(Wellington) Volunteer computer training $1,500
Hosp -
Hospice Mary Potter (Wellington) Grief workshops/venue
cost $1,400
Hosp - Te Omanga Hospice Trust Volunteer
workshop $5,000
Island Bay Community Resource
Centre Training $1,000
Kapiti Women's Health
Collective Publicity $480
Marsden Day Care Trust First
aid course $1,000
Miramar Community
Centre Brochures/posters/advertisements $500
Community Services Centre Manuals $1,600
Porirua Living
Without Violence Volunteer
recruitment/training $1,500
Porirua Supergrans
Trust Volunteer training $2,000
Post and Ante-Natal
Distress Support Group Inc Volunteer training
seminar $1,000
Pregnancy Help Inc.
(Wellington) Recruiting volunteers poster
2001 $2,000
Raukawa Marae Information & Support
Service Volunteer training $600
RC Hutt Rape Counselling
Network Inc Volunteer training/brochure $1,000
Wellington Independent Rape Crisis Centre Inc. Volunteer
training $1,000
Riding for the Disabled
(Wairarapa) Library of books/video tapes $500
SCO First
Wainuiomata Parish Scout Group Advertising for volunteer
recruitment $550
Te Watea Society Inc. Community
Services Volunteer training/training workshop $500
Library (Carterton) Volunteer training $3,000
Upper Hutt
Women's Centre Training workshops for
volunteers/members $1,000
Wainuiomata Community Resource
Centre Training workshops $2,500
Wellington People's
Resource Centre Volunteer manual $3,700
Women's Health Collective Volunteer
training $2,500
Wesley Wellington
Mission Brochure/advertising $3,000
Nelson-Marlborough Region
Abel Tasman Educational Trust Volunteer
hui $1,500
ESOL Marlborough Home Tutor Scheme
Inc Volunteers Seminar March 2001 $900
Historical Society Oral history training for
volunteers $500
Lifeline Nelson Inc Advertising -
volunteer recruitment $1,000
Marlborough Community
Workers Forum Administering with excellence
workshop $1,000
Motu Weka Neighbourhood Centre
Incorporated Training volunteers $1,200
Motueka Group,
Riding for the Disabled Assn Inc. First Aid
training $500
Murchison Community Resource Centre
Inc Brochure/training seminars $1,100
Nelson Volunteer
Centre and Citizens Advocacy Tru Training course/awareness
week $1,200
Riding for the Disabled Inc
Marlborough First aid training $500
Riding for the
Disabled Inc Whakatu Group Volunteer packs $220
for the Disabled Kaikoura Volunteer training $220
Women New Zealand Golden Bay Provincial Volunteer
training $1,800
Tasman Bays Community Broadcasting
Society Inc. Radio programmes promoting
volunteering $1,000
Women in Nelson
Incorporated Volunteer training $2,700
Coast Region
CAB - Buller Citizens Advice Bureau Pamphlet
promoting volunteering $774
Reefton Who Cares
Incorporated Volunteer
recruitment/training $2,000
Canterbury Region
Community House Incorporated One-day seminar on cultural
safety for volunteer $200
Age Concern
(Canterbury) Brochures to recruit
volunteers $2,000
Alzheimers Society Canterbury Training
facilitators $940
Cancer Society of NZ - Canterbury-West
Coast Volunteer training $5,000
CCS - Canterbury/West
Coast First aid course/bi-cultural
training $2,000
Christchurch Community Law
Centre Caseworker guides $1,000
Christchurch Group
Riding for the Disabled (Inc) Volunteer recruitment
brochure $800
Crossover Trust Volunteer training
conference $2,000
Family Support Agency
Incorporated Newspaper promotion $1,500
GG - Canterbury
North Province Guides N Z Volunteer training $200
GG -
East/West Canterbury Province Girl Guides Weave leadership
training course $1,000
GG - Girl Guides Association of N
Z Waihi District 'Weave 2001', Hamilton
attendance $500
Home and Family Society (Christchurch)
Inc. Volunteer training $3,000
Just Us Youth
Inc Training volunteer leaders $1,000
Kaiapoi District
Senior Citizens & Friends Day Cent Volunteer training
day $500
Linwood Community House Training
courses $1,000
MacKenzie Community Enhancement
Board Community seminar $470
Marralomeda Charitable
Trust Incorporated Recruitment leaflet $400
Nurse Maude
Association Volunteer training Bereavement Support
programme $2,000
NZ Red Cross Society - Canterbury/West
Coast Regi Volunteer training $3,500
Oxford Budget
Boutique Promoting volunteering $500
Oxford Community
Rooms Trust. Volunteer training $500
Oxford Search and
Rescue Group Promotion/training -
volunteers $500
Presbyterian Support - Upper South
Island First Aid/AA driver
training/advertisements $2,000
Presbyterian Support
Services - South Canterbury Volunteer
training $1,000
Rangiora & Districts Early Records
Society 328 Brochure promoting volunteering $500
NZ Air Force Museum Trust Board Volunteer
training $2,000
Social Service Council of the Diocese of
Christchurc Volunteer training $2,000
South Canterbury
Hospice Inc. Volunteer training $2,000
SWAP Solo Women
as Parents Advertising $1,200
Toughlove Upper South
Island Inc. Volunteer training $3,000
Victim Support
Christchurch Volunteer training in cultural
awareness $500
Waimakariri District Community
Development Trus Volunteer
training/recruitment $3,000
Waimakariri District
Council Volunteer recruitment/training $2,500
(Christchurch) First aid/CPR training $2,600
Otago Region
Age Concern (Otago) Volunteer
training $3,000
Alexandra/Clyde & Districts Co-ordinator
of Volunt Volunteer training $860
CAB - Dunedin Citizens
Advice Bureau Volunteer computer training $780
Otago Volunteer recruitment/training $3,500
GG - Girl
Guides Association (Otago Province) Volunteer leader
training $1,000
GG - Girl Guides Burns
District Volunteer leader training at 'Weave
2001' $1,000
Hosp - Hospice Otago Community
Trust Volunteer recruitment/training $2,400
LA - North
Otago Literacy Treaty of Waitangi volunteer
training $1,500
Lakes District Safer
Communities Volunteer training $1,500
NZ Red Cross -
Southern Volunteer recruitment $5,000
Otago & Southland
Division of the Cancer Society of Volunteer training -
Otago $1,500
Otago & Southland Division of the Cancer
Society of Volunteer training - Southland $1,000
Excursion Train Trust Volunteer training $1,000
Museum Promotional campaign $2,000
Positively Clutha
Women Advertising/promotion - workshops $2,000
Aid & Rehabilitation Society - Otago Volunteer
training $1,000
RC Dunedin Rape Crisis Volunteer
training/recruitment $3,000
RC Queenstown Family
Violence and Rape Crisis Soc Rewrite/facilitate volunteer
training programme $1,000
Strive Charitable
Trust Volunteer training $1,500
Te Hou Ora Otepoti
(Dunedin) Inc Advertising/recruitment $1,000
Southland Region
Age Concern (Southland) Venue hire/lunch/speaker
costs o $670
CCS - Southland Volunteer
training $275
Disabilities Resource Centre Southland
Incorporated Volunteer training workshop $3,500
GG -
Girl Guides Assn N Z Rosedale District Weave training
conference $500
GG - Girl Guides Association (Southland
Province) Facilitator fees $1,500
Gore District
Historical Society Volunteer training $2,000
Invercargill Incorporated Volunteer recruitment
advertising $1,500
Multiple Sclerosis Southland Society
Inc Advertising $250
Riding for Disabled Association N Z
Southland Group Brochures/newspaper
advertising $2,000
SCO Southland Area Scout
Association Recruitment campaign/video for
Southland $1,000
Southland Kindergarten
Association Volunteer training in time
management $5,000
Te Oraka - Aparima Runaka
Inc Volunteer training $1,900
The Outreach Committee of
the Invercargill Method Volunteer
training/brochures $2,000