Biosecurity Package Is One Big Talkfest
28 November 2000
Marian Hobbs' announcement of the Government's biosecurity package seems to be a continuation of Labour Party rhetoric, and does nothing to improve New Zealand's biosecurity, National Biosecurity spokesperson David Carter said today.
David Carter was commenting on the $2.75 million package of biosecurity initiatives announced by the Minister for Biosecurity this afternoon.
The money comes from funds set aside in this years' Budget.
"It is interesting to note that all this package does is implement a further series of investigations and reviews. This Government appears to be addicted to reviews, and has acquired another fix with today's package.
"This package does not achieve any sound policies for tightening New Zealand's biosecurity.
"The host of recent biosecurity breaches would indicate that New Zealand's biosecurity requires urgent attention, not another talkfest
"After 12 months in the job I would have expected Marian Hobbs to have something more concrete," David Carter said.