Goodie Two Shoes Dunne Should Try Turning Up
Goodie Two Shoes Dunne Should Try Turning Up – Hide
ACT Finance spokesman Rodney Hide today hit back
at United Future Leader Peter Dunne for his failure to front
up to Parliament.
Yesterday, United Future leader, Hon Peter Dunne, released a list that tabulates the number of times MPs have been expelled from the Chamber, or asked to withdraw and apologise for remarks made in debate, since the current Parliament began in December 1999.
“It’s all very well for Mr Dunne to complain about MPs’ behaviour when he himself is seldom there.
“There are 328 party votes reported in Hansard between 27 November 1999 and 7 December 2000. Mr Dunne is remembered being there for only three of them.
“That means that Mr Dunne only bothered turning up to Parliament for less that one vote in a hundred.
“Mr Dunne said that he makes his annual report on MPs’ behaviour for the benefit of their constituents.
“Well, here’s a report for the good voters of Ohariu-Belmont. Their MP is in Parliament for less than one percent of the votes. I suspect that when they voted for him, they thought he would turn up a little bit more than that.
“I challenge Mr Dunne to explain to Ohariu-Belmont voters why he so seldom exercises a vote on their behalf,” said Rodney Hide.