Legal loophole on GE feed for pork and chicken
21 December 2000
Legal loophole on GE feed for pork and chicken
Green MP Sue Kedgley responded to the arrest of four Greenpeace activists today saying that she hoped the protest would bring people's attention to the practice of feeding genetically engineered crops to animals.
"There have been no substantial studies done to prove that genetically engineered feed is safe to enter the food chain, and the feed companies are playing Russian roulette with the nation's health.
"It is extraordinary that large numbers of animals in New Zealand are being fed genetically engineered feed and consumers aren't being told about it," said Ms Kedgley.
"Equally extraordinary is my discovery that there is absolutely no legislation or regulations governing the feeding of genetically engineered feed to animals.
"This legal loophole is a major oversight which urgently needs to be closed in order to protect consumers."
Ms Kegley said chicken and pork producers should label their meat as "produced using genetically engineered feed".
"Consumers have the right to know that animals have been fed genetically engineered feed and to make an informed choice about what they're eating.
"At the moment, the only way consumers can be sure that their pork chops or chicken breasts are free of genetically modified feed, is to buy organic."
Sue Kedgley MP: (04) 470 6728 or 025 270 9088 Gina Dempster, press secretary: (04) 470 6723 or 021 1265 289