Government Must Practise What It Preaches
29 July 2001
The call by Energy Minister to cut electricity use should start in his own back yard, National's Commerce spokesperson Tony Ryall said today.
"For the last two nights since Pete Hodgson put out the call, Parliament Buildings have been lit up like a Christmas tree, even though he said the Government would take the lead in urging the state sector to cut power consumption by 15 percent.
"Saving power means everyone has to pitch in; surely this is not another case of the Government saying ' do as I say, not do as I do'?
"For two nights, Parliament Buildings have been lit up with decorative coloured spotlights, with both the forecourt statues and the Parliamentary Library brightly on show.
"The Government should be practising what it preaches. The Energy Minister - who told TV's 'Holmes' Show that even if he could do something, he wouldn't - could try starting in his own workplace," Mr Ryall said.