Tertiary Education the key to catching the wave
31 July 2001 Media Statement
Tertiary Education the key to catching the Knowledge Wave
Associate Minister of Education (Tertiary Education) Steve Maharey has called for a wide-raising debate on the contribution tertiary education can make to New Zealand’s economic and social development, following the release of the Tertiary Education Advisory Commission’s third report today.
Entitled Shaping the Strategy, the report recommends a set of priorities that would give effect to a national Tertiary Education Strategy, aimed at advancing the country’s strategic goals. The report also sets out a ‘scorecard’ to evaluate the contribution of the tertiary education system, and outlines how the desirability of programmes and initiatives would be assessed.
Mr Maharey said that adopting a strategic approach to tertiary education was vital if New Zealand was going to succeed as a knowledge nation.
“This is one of a whole range of initiatives that Labour and the Alliance are undertaking to get the whole country thinking, talking and acting on our future in a strategic way. This week’s Knowledge Wave conference is set to continue the process, and should deliver some insights into what we need to be asking for from our tertiary education system.
“In order to form an effective tertiary education strategy, we need to get a clear sense of the priorities it must address. We want to hear from all New Zealanders what it is that you need from the tertiary education system.
“We have set up a website for discussion, at:
We also welcome letters, fax and email,” Steve Maharey said.
A draft Tertiary Education Strategy would be drawn up on the basis of this discussion process and released in December 2001. It is intended that the strategy will be finalised by March 2002.