It's about whanau, it's about whakapapa
5 August 2001 Media Statement
It's about whanau, it's about whakapapa
Prime Minister Helen Clark and Associate Maori Affairs and Health Minister Tariana Turia are delighted with the first ever nationwide Maori quit smoking campaign 'It's about whanau'.
"One of the greatest gifts we can give to children is a smokefree environment", Helen Clark and Tariana Turia said.
The campaign launched today in Auckland by Helen Clark has been developed by the Quit Group. It profiles twelve Maori ex-smokers who are featured in television ads, 3 of which start tomorrow.
"It is fantastic to see positive Maori images being used to encourage Maori to quit smoking. It is also exciting and refreshing to see the positive whanau focus of this campaign", Helen Clark and Tariana Turia said.
"The campaign acknowledges the significance of the whanau and the importance Maori place on the maintenance of their whakapapa (geneology) through a healthly smokefree lifestyle, making it a very powerful Maori campaign.
"As a Labour Alliance government we are committed to reducing the Maori smoking rates and improving Maori health status and life expectancy.
"Smoking stifles potential and impacts not only on those smoking, but also on whanau and friends around them through second hand smoke.
"We believe this campaign which focuses on the wellbeing of the whanau by supporting whanau members who smoke to quit, and stay quit, will have a positive impact.
"We congratulate all those involved with the 'It's about whanau' campaign, especially the whanau featured in the television ads, who, by sharing their quit stories will help others to quit," Helen Clark and Tariana Turia said.
"One of the most powerful messages within a hapu is when they can say they support their whanau and their whakapapa to be auahi kore (smokefree)", Tariana Turia said.