Public Discussion Document on Fuel Quality Release
Monday 6 August 2001 Media Statement
Public Discussion
Document on Fuel Quality Released
Associate Energy Minister Paul Swain is encouraging anyone concerned with the quality and safety of motor vehicle fuel used in New Zealand to read the discussion document he is releasing today.
The document is the result of a major review of the rules governing the quality and safety of petrol and diesel and suggests some significant changes to the standards used in this country.
"There is a need for a major upgrade of New Zealand specifications to ensure our petrol and diesel quality standards are in line with international standards," Paul Swain said.
“International trends are towards specifications that give better vehicle performance and are better for the environment.
"If we do not change our regulations, New Zealanders may not be able to run the more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles being manufactured.
"More importantly we would be setting lower environmental, health and consumer standards.
“Timing issues, industry competitiveness and costs, however, also need to be considered alongside the advantages to be gained from our fuel meeting higher performance, health and environmental standards.
"Some of
the major proposed changes we are suggesting for petrol
- Reducing the maximum benzene levels from 4.2%
to 1% by 2007
- Immediately reducing aromatics levels in
regular grade petrol from 48% to 40%
- Reducing
aromatics levels in premium grade petrol from 48% to 42% by
For diesel, we are proposing to:
- Reduce the
maximum sulphur levels in diesel from 3,000ppm to 50ppm by
- And to specify maximum levels of PAHS (aromatics
containing multiple benzene rings).
"We're also proposing a new filterability test for diesel to help avoid the filter clogging problems experienced by diesel users earlier this year.
"The proposed implementation dates for these changes are to be made in two stages to take into account the schedules being used by other countries, such as Australia, and the availability of new vehicle technology and estimated times for refinery upgrading.
"Stage one of the changes are proposed to happen by 2003/2004 and stage two by 2006/2007.
Paul Swain said the review, which started late last year, has proven to be very timely given the recent concerns about 'dirty diesel' and sulphur content in diesel.
“These issues have made everyone more aware of the quality of fuel they use, and I would encourage those who have an interest in this subject to take the time to make a submission," Paul Swain said.
Submissions close on 15 October 2001. The government intends to change the regulations based on feedback in early 2002.
Copies of the
public discussion document can be obtained from the Ministry
of Economic Development by visiting,
emailing, faxing 04 4990969 or
telephoning 04 4720030.
Submissions close on 15 October
Attached questions answers:
1. What do the regulations cover?
The Petroleum
Products Specifications Regulations specify a number of
properties and limits for both premium grade and regular
grade petrol and for diesel. They include, for example,
minimum requirements for octane number and maximum limits
for such components as sulphur and benzene.
2. What is
the purpose of the review?
The Petroleum Products
Specifications Regulations were first issued in 1988 and
have changed very little since then (aside from the
elimination of lead and controls on aromatics levels in
petrol in 1996). However, during that period, there have
been developments in engine technologies, innovations in
refining petrol and diesel, and changes in international
petroleum standards. We also now know more about the
environmental and health effects of petrol and diesel.
After 12 years, the review is a good way to check if the
regulations are the best possible for New Zealand’s
situation, or if they need to be changed in some way to
incorporate technological advances and to address health and
environmental issues.
3. Will the review lead to
increased costs for consumers?
Not necessarily. If the
petrol and diesel specifications are changed, fuel prices
may also change. However, any potential increase in the
cost of fuel as a result of the review would need to be
balanced by increased benefits to consumers in the form of
enhanced fuel performance or increased health and
environmental protection.
4. How do the proposed changes
to our fuel compare with Australian, European and other
international fuel standards?
The current European
specifications were adopted in January 2000 and are commonly
known as Euro 3. A tighter Euro 4 standard will be required
from 2005.
Australia, a significant source of New Zealand’s imported fuels and blendstocks, is working towards specifications matching the Euro 3 and eventually the Euro 4 standards. Australia has recently finalised its national environmental standards for petrol and diesel quality. Operability and performance standards are currently under development.
The changes proposed for New Zealand are broadly in line with the Australian specifications and the Euro 4 proposals.
5. What environmental and health considerations did the review take into account?
Primary consideration was given to air quality and its effect on human health. By world standards, New Zealand’s air quality is good. However, in some urban areas, levels of contaminants sometimes reach concentrations that are high enough to cause adverse effects on human health and the environment. Since discharges of contaminants to air from the use of petrol and diesel are some of the greatest contributors to air pollution in New Zealand, particular attention was paid in the review to reducing the impact of petrol and diesel on air quality. The discussion document includes recommendations for changes to the specifications that will reduce emissions of air pollutants directly, as well as changes that will enable advanced emissions control systems in vehicles to operate more effectively.
Water quality impacts were also considered in the review. Runoff from paved roads can contribute to pollution of aquatic environments, and limiting air emissions of pollutants will help to limit the amount of pollutants that gets washed into waterways. The review has also examined parameters with a direct link to water quality issues. MTBE, for example, is a blending component that has tainted groundwater in other countries through leaking petrol storage tanks. The review is recommending a very low allowable limit of MTBE in petrol to prevent its use in New Zealand.
6. What are the major
changes recommended?
- Benzene: Progressively
reduce from about 4.2% to 1% by volume
- Aromatics:
Immediate reduction from 48% to 40% by volume for regular
grade; progressive reduction to 42% for premium grade
Sulphur: Progressively reduce to 50 parts per million
Olefins: Specify and progressively reduce from 25% to 18%
by volume
- Lead: Reduce allowable contamination level
from 13 to 5 milligrams per litre
- MTBE: Immediate
limit of 1% by volume for contamination only
- MMT:
Immediate limit of 0.25 miiligrams per litre of manganese
for contamination only
- Density:
Progressively narrow allowable density range to 845-820
kilograms per cubic meter
- Cetane Number: Progressively
increase from 45 to 51
- Sulphur: Reduce from 3,000
parts per million to interim level of 500; further reduction
to 50 parts per million by 2006-2007
- PAHs: Limit to
11% by mass by 2003-2004
7. Do the recommended changes
advocate lower sulphur levels in fuel for Auckland versus
the rest of the country?
No. For diesel, there are
proposals to change the nationwide maximum limit from 3,000
parts per million (ppm) to 500 in two to three years’ time,
followed by a limit of 50 ppm by 2006-2007. Changes to
sulphur diesel levels in the short term are still under
consideration, pending results from the two industry trials
that are being conducted to study the feasibility of a
national versus a regional grade of lower sulphur
For petrol, the review proposes an immediate reduction of sulphur from 500 ppm to 150 ppm, followed by a further reduction to 50 ppm by 2006-2007.
8. When is the
Government proposing to implement any changes to the fuel
Proposed changes to the regulations are
timed to occur over the next five to six years. Changes
proposed to have immediate effect, generally to regulate for
current good practice, will apply as soon as new regulations
are able to be issued, probably about mid-2002. Other
changes are proposed to coincide with technological advances
in the fuel processing and vehicle manufacturing industries
and are proposed to occur either in Stage 1 (2003-2004) or
Stage 2 (2006-2007). These stages recognise the timetables
for changing specifications elsewhere in the region,
estimated lead times for refinery upgrading, and the
interdependence of many of the specified fuel
9. Who has been consulted as part of the
In order to gain a broad perspective of fuel
quality issues, a wide range of key stakeholders with an
interest in fuel quality and vehicle use have been
contacted. These organisations include consumer groups,
regional councils, government agencies, oil supply
companies, and commercial fuel user groups.
10. How can I
have a say in this process?
We invite comments on the
proposed recommendations. Comments should be forwarded to
the Ministry of Economic Development by 15 October 2001 by
email, fax, post or hand delivery to:
Petrol and Diesel
Quality Review
Ministry of Economic Development
Bowen Street
PO Box 1473
Phone: +64-4-472-0030
11. What is petrol and
how is it made?
Petrol is a blend of different components
found in crude oil, which itself is a mixture of many
different substances. Most of these substances are
hydrocarbons, which are molecules composed of carbon and
hydrogen atoms. Oil companies blend different petrol
components together depending on the octane number, vapour
pressure, and other properties required for a particular
petrol product.
12. What does the octane number
Octane number measures whether a petrol is likely
to cause knock in an engine. Knocking or pinking is caused
by self-ignition in the engine’s cylinders, which happens
when the petrol/air vapour mixture in the cylinder ignites
before the spark is passed by the spark plug. This
premature ignition pushes against the crankshaft instead of
with it, producing a knocking or pinging sound. Knocking
causes the engine to overheat and lose power, and it can
damage the engine in the long run.
The way to avoid knocking is to use petrol with a sufficiently high octane number. The higher the octane number, the more resistant the petrol is to the self-ignition that causes knocking.
13. Why is vapour pressure important?
Vapour pressure
is a measure of how easily a liquid vaporises, or changes
into a gas. Petrol is supplied in liquid form, but at least
part of it must be vapour to ignite in an engine combustion
chamber. This means that on a cold day in a cold engine,
enough petrol must vaporise to enable ignition. On the
other hand, on a hot day in a completely warmed-up engine,
it is also important that the petrol does not vaporise and
expand so much that it does not allow any air to be mixed
with it in the cylinder. Oil companies balance these two
extremes when blending petrol, taking into account the
climate and the season where the petrol will be sold.
Why was lead ever added to petrol and why was its use
disallowed in 1996?
Adding certain lead compounds to
petrol was an effective and cost-efficient way to increase
the petrol’s octane number. Lead is known to be toxic to
humans, and its use in petrol is being phased out on a
worldwide basis. New Zealand banned lead from petrol in
15. How is the octane number of petrol increased
The petrol that you buy at a service station is
actually a mixture of different petroleum components. Each
component has its own properties, including octane number.
By blending carefully, the oil companies can come up with a
formula that has the properties they require for a given
type of fuel, including octane.
16. What is diesel and how
is it different from petrol?
Like petrol, diesel fuel is
blended from various petroleum components produced in a
refinery. However, diesel contains components that are
heavier and have higher boiling points than petrol
components. Vapour pressure is not an important
consideration in the production of diesel, since the fuel
does not need to change to a gas in a diesel engine. Diesel
engines inject liquid fuel into the cylinder, unlike
petrol-powered engines with carburettors. However,
temperature can have an effect on the operation of diesel
fuel in an engine. At low temperatures, diesel fuel may
thicken and restrict the flow of fuel to the cylinder. Oil
companies produce diesel blends that are formulated for
specific climates and times of the year to prevent problems
in cold weather.
17. Does diesel have an octane
No. Diesel engines do not have spark plugs and
depend on the fuel igniting itself by compression, unlike
petrol engines. The measure of a diesel fuel’s ignition
quality is called the cetane number, which indicates the
readiness of a diesel fuel to ignite spontaneously under the
temperature and pressure conditions in the combustion
chamber of an engine. The higher the number, the shorter
the delay between fuel injection and ignition.
18. Why is
there sulphur in petrol and diesel?
Sulphur is present to
a greater or lesser extent in all crude oils. When crude
oil is distilled into petrol and diesel fuel blending
components, some sulphur finds its way into those
components. The amount of sulphur allowed in petrol and
diesel is limited because of the undesirable effects it
causes during combustion, such as its odour, its
corrosiveness, and its tendency to produce acidic
by-products. The proposal to limit sulphur in diesel to 500
parts per million by 2003-2004 will improve air quality by
directly reducing particulate emissions. Limiting sulphur
in both petrol and diesel to 50 parts per million by
2006-2007 will enable modern technology emissions-control
systems in vehicles.
19. What are cold flow properties
in diesel?
Under cold conditions, the paraffins in diesel
can form wax crystals that can block fuel filters and
interrupt fuel supply. Cold flow properties are used to
assess the performance of diesel in cold operating
conditions and to determine the temperature at which fuel
filters may begin to become blocked.
Cloud point is the temperature at which wax crystals start to form and the fuel becomes cloudy. Cold filter plugging point is the lowest temperature at which the fuel is liquid enough to pass through a test filter under standard conditions and is used to predict fuel performance in an engine. Cold flow properties depend on the proportion of waxy components in the diesel (controlled by the selection of crude oils and the refining and blending processes). Cold flow improving additives lower the cold filter plugging point by changing the size and shape of the wax crystals that form at low temperatures