More Auckland rail deadlines fail to deliver
Murray McCully MP for Albany Belinda Vernon National Transport Spokesperson
1 October 2001
More Auckland rail deadlines fail to deliver
Michael Cullen's announcement today that the Government will buy the Auckland rail corridor to 'rescue' the Auckland transport situation is yet another promise that doesn't deliver, Albany MP Murray McCully and National's Transport spokesperson Belinda Vernon said today.
"This announcement comes after missing six deadlines and yet again Aucklanders will have to wait as the agreement won't be settled until at least December," Ms Vernon said. "The Government has made big promises to Auckland and still hasn't delivered. Today's announcement is long on rhetoric and very light on detail.
"Claims by Michael Cullen that the Government has come to the rescue are way off the mark - the deal is nowhere near complete.
"The Government is again exposing its commercial naivety and showing New Zealanders that it can't do business.
Ms Vernon said the Auckland region needed an assurance that any rail deal where the Government pumped in so much money wouldn't delay other roading or infrastructure projects.
"Dr Cullen needs to assure Aucklanders that this won't squeeze out other projects the Auckland region has been promised and is still waiting for," Ms Vernon said.
Missed deadlines: 2 June 2000 2 October 2000 8 December 2000 15 February 2001 31 March 2001 31 August 2001