Border Security Inquiry Is Necessary
Border Security Inquiry Is Necessary -- Penny Webster
ACT Immigration Spokesman MP Penny Webster today called for an inquiry into whether our border security is sufficient, following claims that stowaways are turning up in New Zealand.
"Allegations about stowaways arriving, however far-fetched they sound, should be investigated. New Zealand's profile as a destination for refugees was lifted by the Tampa saga, so an inquiry is needed now, rather than later.
"Refugees are understandably incredibly desperate, so we should be doing everything we can to make sure people come here properly rather than through the back door. We should keep in mind the fact that New Zealand has many secondary ports.
"We need to evaluate our weak points. Immigration Minister Lianne Dalziel should announce an investigation today.
"We must get to the bottom of these allegations. An inquiry would mean that we can honestly and urgently evaluate our border security, without xenophobia or emotion clouding the issues," Mrs Webster said.