Childcare Costs Could Rise Dramatically - Donnelly
Media Release
2nd November 2001
Childcare Costs Could Rise Dramatically - Donnelly
“The Minister of Education’s response to a question in the House has alarming implications for many childcare centres and parents,” New Zealand First Education Spokesperson Hon Brian Donnelly said today.
“When asked if he would guarantee that any policy changes on required staffing for early childhood centers would be accompanied by funding increases the Minister said “no”.
If the recommendations of the Early Childhood Strategic Planning Working Groups report are adopted it will mean huge staffing cost increases. Staffing for the under two year olds for example, would be required to be almost double what it is presently.
If the Minister will not guarantee funding the additional costs, then parents will have to pay.
“This will particularly disadvantage solo mums. They will pay the price for this political pay-back,” said Mr Donnelly.