Govt. Response To MMP Review – Sheer Arrogance
Media Release
6 November 2001
Government Response
To Mmp Review
– Sheer Arrogance
“The Government’s
response to the MMP Review Report demonstrates appalling
arrogance and contempt for the referendum process, says
Winston Peters, Leader of New Zealand First, MP for
“The Associate Minister of Justice, Margaret Wilson, today hid behind a “lack of consensus” and said as a consequence “no changes to the MMP system would be initiated as a result of the MMP Review Committee Report.
“Mr Peters said that response was ‘absolute hum bug’ given the massive public support in 1999 for the Margaret Robertson Referendum calling for Parliament to be reduced to under 100 members. That’s one recommendation from the public the parliamentarians should have listened to but have instead decided to carry on, with Government support, in their high handed way.
“The public have in some ways themselves to blame. Helen Clark said before the election that if the public should vote to reduce MP numbers Labour had no intention of listening to them”, concluded Winston Peters.