Greens To Abstain On Imprest Supply
Greens To Abstain On Imprest Supply
The Green Party
has advised the Government that it will abstain in Tuesday's
vote on the Imprest Supply Bill.
The bill provides money for the purchase of Air New Zealand and the establishment of the superannuation fund.
"While we support the buy-back of Air New Zealand," explained Green Party Co-leader, Rod Donald, "we are opposed to the Government's plan for the super fund and so the honest course of action is to abstain."
"To put it simply, 'plus one, minus one equals zero.'" The Greens have long opposed Labour's pre-funded super plan, on the basis that the money is better spent fixing the health system, creating employment, making the economy sustainable and in paying off the country's debts, rather than being gambled on the sharemarket.
The Greens' decision to abstain on the Imprest Supply vote, and the reasons for the decision, have been conveyed to the Minister of Finance, Michael Cullen.