Maori TV Station Perpetuates Racial Division
Maori Television Station Perpetuates Racial Division
Money spent on the new Maori television station would be better spent developing the language through Kohanga Reo and Kura Kaupapa schools, ACT Broadcasting Spokesman MP Penny Webster said today.
"This channel is going to fail the very people it is meant to help. If the Government were truly serious about developing Te Reo, it would direct funds to where they are sorely needed.
"The people who watch this station will be current Maori speakers. This spend-up will do nothing to increase the number of people fluent in Te Reo.
"Future governments will be wary of spending money, because of the backlash against this waste. Why do we continue to maintain the myth that Maori need hand-outs and can't foot it with the rest?
"This sort of action just continues to divide Maori and non-Maori. The sad thing is that divisions are perpetuated by the politically correct elite in this country," Mrs Webster said.