Forestry And Climate Change Policy
Forestry And Climate Change Policy: More Economic Analysis Available On Web
Further economic analysis of the possible economic impacts of climate change policy on the forestry sector has been added to the Government climate change website:
The new material consists of a New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) report to the joint government-industry Wood Processing Strategy, an external review of the report by Simon Terry Associates, and an external review by Simon Terry Associates of an earlier NZIER report.
In chronological order, the reports are:
1. Climate Change Policy and Forestry: Review of an NZIER report entitled “Effects of New Zealand’s Climate Change Policies on the Forestry Sector – Stage I: Preliminary Assessment”, by Geoff Bertram of Simon Terry Associates. This paper reviews the named NZIER report, which was publicly released in September 2001 and is available on the NZIER website:
2. Effects of New Zealand’s Climate Change Policies on the Forestry Sector – Stage II: Initial quantification, by NZIER. This report analyses the forestry sector in three broad sub-sectors: non-Kyoto forests, Kyoto forests and wood processing. It assumes a domestic policy of full allocation of sink credits to forest owners and greenhouse gas emission liabilities to emitters.
3. Climate Change Policy and Forestry II: Review of an NZIER report entitled “Effects of New Zealand’s Climate Change Policies on the Forestry Sector – Stage II: Initial quantification”, by Geoff Bertram of Simon Terry Associates. This paper reviews the named NZIER report (no. 2 above).