Apology demanded
12 December 2001 Media Statement
Apology demanded
Deputy Prime Minister Jim Anderton is demanding a parliamentary apology from Act MP Rodney Hide following false allegations made by Mr Hide against an Industry New Zealand staff member.
In Parliament yesterday, Rodney Hide claimed that an Industry New Zealand Manager, Paul Frater, owned two companies that ‘have received tens of thousands of dollars as subcontractors to regional councils’.
But Jim Anderton says Mr Frater sold his shareholding in the companies before he took up his position at Industry New Zealand.
“The allegation that Mr Hide made under parliamentary privilege was false. It was a smear that lacks any credibility whatsoever.
“When Mr Frater joined Industry New Zealand he sold his shares in the consulting companies named by Mr Hide. Industry New Zealand staff are required to complete a disclosure of interest.
“Mr Hide claimed that documents he tabled supported his claim that Mr Frater owned the companies he named. The tabled documents did not.
“I have personally seen the documents showing the transfer of ownership. They confirm that the allegations made by Mr Hide were wrong.
“In my view, Mr Hide deliberately misled Parliament.
“Mr Hide has a nasty habit of smearing people in parliament. His allegations on this occasion are wrong and indefensible. He owes Mr Frater and Parliament an apology,” Jim Anderton said.