Only Two Weeks To Get On The Roll...
12 June 2002
Green MP Nandor Tanczos is urging all New Zealanders over 18 to make sure they are enrolled to vote as soon as possible.
"With the early election people now have just two weeks - until June 25 - to get on the roll," said Nandor.
"You can still vote if you are not on the published roll, using a special vote. People can enrol right up to the day before the election. But don't depend on that - special votes are more complicated and there were heaps of disqualifications last time. Enrol now.
"People must have a say. This election is crucial. Right now the Greens are the only thing standing between Labour and the end of our GE-free status."
Nandor said everybody who wanted New Zealand's environment to stay GE-free has to vote this election.
"The Green's enrolment campaign has aimed to get young people and students on the roll, but the same message applies to all New Zealanders.
"It's not just GE. There are a heap of ways that the Greens have improved what the Government has done this last term of Parliament. In general we support what the Government is doing, but we also stand for good democratic process and we add an ecological perspective. We have got better law as a result," said Nandor.
"But whoever you support, get on the roll. It is easy and, as we proved last election, every vote counts."
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