www.votegreen.org.nz Launched
23 June 2002
The Green Party has today launched its new election website at http://www.votegreen.org.nz.
The site is designed to supplement the popular party website at http://www.votegreen.org.nz with a range of election specific material including candidate biographies, enrolment and policy information, material on the various electorates and information on how people can get involved with the party and the election campaign.
"The Green website to date has consistently been rated as the best political website in the country, consistently attracting the most visitors. With the number of hits likely to soar before the election, www.votegreen.org.nz will provide voters with the information they seek quickly and easily," said Green IT Spokesperson Nandor Tanczos. Nandor said a big feature of the site was that it had been designed with Open Source software.
"Open Source software embodies the Green principles of independence and of finding new ways to get around old problems. I use Open Source on my laptop and am pleased it has been used in the creation of www.votegreen.org.nz.
"It is cheaper, safer, more democratic and is not beholden to corporate software monopolies."
Nandor said the site was dynamic and interactive with visitors being given the opportunity to communicate directly with a wide range of other media through, for example, e-mailed letters to editors.
"This is an election focussed website and the information on it is aimed at people wanting information relating to the looming election.
"Together the two sites show the Greens as the party with by far the best grip of new media technologies. The dinosaur parties accuse the Greens of being anti technology, when in fact we continue to wait for them to catch up," said Nandor.